Here i am to update again

I have been so stressed about my math test that's tomorrow which I just heard that I'm not goin so i was crying this whole time while i was writing this but i hope it still turned out great..... enjoy?


Continuing where we left last time


Taehyung watched from afar how the two oblivious couples were flirting but if he was completely honest he was happy. He was happy how he saw his two friends laughing and enjoying their life I mean if you have a perfect life why would you come to a place like this so it has to be that before Yoongi and Jin hyung came here their life's might of not been the best. So it makes me really really happy.

Speaking of which where's Jungkookie? I swear I heard Namjoon say that he was right over here... but it's empty?

Maybe he didn't want to see me?

I really thought he liked me too Taehyung pouted.

No that's bullshit ofc he would want to see you! He's your Kookie you're his guard Taehyung! Stop speaking nonsense. Taehyung was having an internal battle in his head. His mind was going crazy until he heard a high pitch scream.


Did I hear correct? Was that a scream but why was it coming from the males changing room.

I shouldn't go there Jungkookie told me that it's a dangerous place for someone like me.

But what does he mean with that?

Curiosity got the head of Taehyung as he was too eager to know what was going on in the makes changing room? Plus the two other couples who were flirting in the back seemed to not have heard anything.

I am the chosen one Taehyung thought while smiling proudly.

He walked to the door but it was locked.

How odd aren't the doors always open during this time? But luckily Taehyung has the keys for every door in this building.

Hah you see me now ghost you can't stop me from opening this door Taehyung thought.

He opened the door quietly while it made a little squeaky sound. It's really dark in here?

So i might of not told anyone I'm scared of the dark i mean who's a cop and scared of the dark that's embarrassing. Why is so quiet suddenly I'm scared! Taehyung said while clutching onto his phone which had the flashlight on.



Hello is anybody here?


Huh it seems like there's no one here. But I definitely heard a scream and it definitely came from here. Well maybe it was just my imagination you know what they say i have a wild imagination Taehyung giggled. Taehyung walked back to the door and opened the door nob.... but it was closed.

Wait! No! I don't want to stay here. It seems like someone locked it but it's locked on the outside? Does that mean I'm stuck and alone here all by myself.

SOMEONE!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!! Taehyung banged the door but no one responded to him.

PLEASE!! HELP ME!! He shouted louder!

But nothing... absolutely nothing. How can they not hear me!! I was quite literally right next to them. Stupid hyungs are so blinded by love so they can't even hear me. Taehyung started to sob while lightly banging the door.

Please.... he said. Suddenly he heard a swift move behind him and before he could reach a hand appeared on top of his mouth.

Mhhhmm~ Taehyung hummed while he was whining in the arms if someone.

Shyyyy bear it's me Jungkook.

Jungkookie!!! Taehyung screamed while hugging the male tight. I-i thought i was

s-stuck in here alone in the dark with no one Taehyung sobbed. Shyyy bear it's fine now I'm here see Jungkook said with a soothing voice.

Taehyung was shaking in his arms he must of been really scared Jungkook thought.

Bear are you scared of the dark? Taehyung looked up from Jungkook's chest while his eyes were red and puffy. Mmmmmm Taehyung hummed while hiding his face in Jungkook's chest again. I know it's embarrassing Taehyung muttered. How a cop is scared of the dark and all. B-but I still think there could be ghosts or demons out there.

Jungkook looked at the older male who was still hugging him like his life depended on it. Awww you little cute bear it's fine everyone has different things their scared of Jungkook said.

Really? Taehyung asked.

Yes Taehyung really I don't think it's embarrassing at all I know a lot of people who are scared of the dark for an example Hoseokie hyung is also scared at the dark he just doesn't show it cause he says it's not manly enough for Yoongi hyung Jungkook quietly laughed.

Then what are you scared of Jungkookie?

Me? Hmmm that's a great question I'm not really sure I mean as a criminal I can't really be scared of anything but there is one thing I'm afraid of loosing. Hmm what is it? Taehyung asked.


Huh? Me?

Yes Taehyung it's you I guess i got attached to you from the day i saw you walking to my prison sell and tripping on the rim of the door.

AHHH!! I told you not to remind me about it it's embarrassing! The floor was slippery okey Taehyung pouted.

Yeah yeah bear i know i know. But yes my one and only weakness is you and I'm sure I'm not the only one Namjoon hyung is whipped for jin hyung and the same goes with Sope. You don't realize how important you are to me Taehyung you are the light in my dark days. The one thing that can make me smile when i feel like shit. The only person i'll wake up every morning to greet with a smile.



And I understand if you don't like me back I'm a criminal after all b- Jungkook's word was cutted when he felt soft lips on his.

Shut up Kookie your spitting nonsense.

I love you too Taehyung said smiling.

WAIT! REALLY? You like me back?

Yes i fucking do! I fucking love you

Jeon Jungkook please be my boyfriend?

Jungkook was in a utter shock. Not in a million years would he have thought he would end up here with Taehyung.

Yes Bear i'll be your boyfriend Jungkook answer smiling.

Since we are together now Jungkook started. Might i call you Jeon Taehyung since you will be my lawful husband one day Jungkook said smirking. Taehyung completely forgot that their still inside the dark males dressing room.

Stoooppp it Kookie we just got together and you're thinking about marriage?

I mean you will be my husband and if I might say so Jeon Taehyung doesn't sound so bad. Now my dear Husband shall i make you feel good until your legs are shaking Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear.

I don't know Jungkookie.....Can you?


Too bad the Taekook couple didn't know that the two flirty couples were all behind this.


I'm sorry I wasn't really in the mood to write smut i hope you guys can forgive me.

Thank you for 5K readers guys! I love you all!

Until next time