Chapter 3 tournament first part


Level: 2

Power: 70

Strength: 28

Dexterity: 25

Defense: 26

Endurance: 30

Intelligence: 40

Magic: 36

Mana: 75

Magic type(s):

Fire, conjuring, ice, support, summoning

Fire spell: fire bolt, flame burst, explosion and hells fire

Conjuring weapon: short sword, long sword, long bow, fire and ice sword, fire and ice long bow

Ice spells: freeze, ice blast glacial blast, and ice domain

Support: boost or heal, magic shield

Summoning: summon contract beast( lvl cap 15)

Koga walked into the participant waiting area, after about twenty minutes of waiting the competition bracket was finally decided on. Koga was in the fifth round against an ice specialist in class 4-a. After a couple of minutes the first match had started, after the match had started Koga found a empty table and let his mind flow onto the summoning plane his conscience faded.

When he opened his eyes he was in a strange place full of monsters they were scattered all over the place, some were fighting and other sleeping. After a while Koga saw a large snake like creature it was about fifteen feet long and two feet thick, the beast looked majestic as it slid through the grass of the clearing that Koga was in. The snake stopped about ten feet in front of him, the snake had a sense of intellect within his eyes. The snake stared at him in his eyes, Koga noticed it was trying to inspect him, after the snake was done it slithered right in front of him, then after a couple of minutes the snake bowed his head down. Koga felt a tug on the edge of his conscience, as he allowed it to pull on his conscience he felt a connection suddenly as the snake absorbed into a part of his wrist, then he felt his flesh burn as a snake wrapped around his wrist and absorbed into him.

As Koga opened his eyes he heard a loud roar of voices as some one fell to their knees and passed out down in the arena. Several seconds later a small group of medics ran out onto the field where they loaded the man on a stretcher and took him to the side of the field and rushed in the building presumably taking him to the nurses office.

After the field was cleared of all the rubble the announcer said " Finally we are moving on to the second match of the fifth round. The contestants are Koga Marsora and Bailey Fisher, contestants please come to the arena". Koga made it to the arena quickly, his opponent was slower than he was.

The announcer said " Everyone quiet down the round is about to start". Koga crouched down into a battle stance, " start" the announcer said. Koga summoned his ice and fire bow, pointed it at his opponent and started to fire. Every where an arrow struck in the ground it's blue flame spread out making a magic circle out of blue fire. Bailey noticed what was happening as the magic circle finished the arena erupted in a purple fire wall, that slowly expanded upward. As the flames expanded Koga used his boosting magic to increase his stats, after he finished he conjured his magical sword. He canceled the hell flame wall then ran toward it.

The walls slowly dissipated and as it dropped Koga noticed the giant field of ice spikes that laid out in front him. His opponent finally noticed the flames had dropped, but she noticed it to slow, Koga ran forward up the spike she was on. She collapsed after a few minutes of fighting, Koga overwhelmed her with his physical capability. He won and went up to the waiting area and finally to some time to relax, after a power nap Koga began to train.

Koga had been training until he heard his name called again, after all the time he trained he was able to advance his summoned snake to the next power level.

Koga quickly ran back down into the arena and said very quitely to himself " I'm glad there's only a couple more rounds". As he reached the bottom floor he walked through a pair of steel doors and was almost blinded by the light, he had just left a dark room and walked straight into the blinding sun.

He regained his composure after a couple of seconds and moved into the ring it's self. He knew nothing about his opponent but that he was pretty strong. " Is everyone ready" the announcer said. After a moment both the participants nodded. " Then lets get this fight started".

Koga was on the defensive against his opponents onslaught of wind and fire attacks, but Koga was learning his opponents techniques and getting ready to surprise his opponent. Out of nowhere after dodge all the attacks his opponent was throwing at him, the snake tattoo on his arm started to grow a bright purple color. Koga's giant serpentine summon flew toward the enemy.

The snake finished him off quickly exploiting all of his opening and hitting him every time he let his guard down. Koga was stunned was the announcer suddenly said " Alright that is the last match of the preliminary matches, everyone that successfully defeated their opponents are to return to this arena in ten days at 9:30 am".