Chapter 4 waiting and slaying

After taking a day to recover Koga thought he should make good use of this time. After looking around on the internet Koga found what he was looking for. As he walked up to the building he had to reassure himself that it was a good idea.

As he walked through the door all of his doubt left him, the hunter hall was friendly and welcoming he was glad that he decided to go through with getting his hunter's license. In the hunters hall there was about a dozen tables for hunters to hang out, converse, eat, or drink at, In the back there was two areas one with a bar and kitchen combo and the other area was a little area with several employees each doing something different, one of them was exchanging magic stones dropped by monsters into money, another one helping with suggestions on where to go to get good gear and the last one was helping out beginners or signing up new people.

Koga walked up to the last lady so he could get signed up, she just finished with the customer before him and he stepped up to her. " Hello and welcome to the hunters hall what can I help you with". She said with a kind smile on her face. " Hi I would like to sign up for to be a hunter".

He said." Ok right this way please" she said as she lead him to a room in the back.

The room was a moderate sized office like area with many books on shelves, in the center of the room there was a giant magic crystal presumably used for measuring ones magic levels, that was hooked up to several computers." Ok I'm going to need you to put your hand on the crystal and pour some of your mana into it". She said kindly.

As Koga poured his mana into the crystal it felt like his hand was going to go numb because of the chilly crystal. " Oh wow " she said with a shocked expression on her face. " What's wrong " Koga said with a hint of confusion in his voice. " Nothing it's just that your really strong, most people start off with about 50 power. But you already have 90 power, which boosts you from starting at copper rank to starting at silver rank meaning you can hunt on your own."

After that not much exiting happened but Koga left with a hunter ID card and a silver bar on his necklace implicating he was a silver rank hunter. Koga used the map on his phone to find where the hunting fields for silver ranks were and went to the areas with higher leveled monsters.

After a couple hours of fighting and arguing with serpentine( the name he gave the summoned snake) to stop eating the monsters corpses before he could get the magic stones. The snake had gotten powerful and developed several different methods of fighting depending on the terrain he was in.

Serpentine had leveled up so much from all the days of training that she had went through a metamorphosis becoming a drake(her next evolution she will become a dragon), the pendent gifted from kogas dad had also evolved and gifted him the knowledge of magic it's self allowing him to create his own spells by crafting mana into different forms and forcing it into existence with his will. Every type of magic has a distinct essence and the combination of different essences makes spells. To initiate the spell you have to coax the magic particles that are present in the air at all times, to complete the spell you have to pull all the coaxed particles into what shape the spell is, the less complex a spell is the faster the would form, the higher level the mage was the stronger the spell was even if it was a beginner spell.

Koga found out that there was several different levels of mages, the first tier of mage is beginner mage, the second is apprentice mage, the third is mage, the forth is wizard and the last is sorcerer. Each has a longer life span a beginner lives as long as a normal human (80-90 years old usually), a apprentice can live from 100-145, a mage can live from 150-200, a wizard can live 200-300 and a sorcerer can live up to 1000 years unless they evolve and become immortal.

Koga was currently a apprentice about to break through to become a mage but first he needs to be able to cast three spells at once or combine three spells together.