Chapter 10 demonic powers

Koga had long finished learning the teachings of his teacher, since Koga now had a couple hour time slot, he had been managing his small Town and also had been practicing his martial arts. Little did he know that in the future he could destroy planets with a single karate chop.

From the royal section of the library Koga had learned mostly martial art oriented techniques. This was because of the relatively low chance of being able to control your mana flow to the extent to cast spells, Warriors mostly used their ki to attack, they were able to create a evolution of mana that would allow everyone to control their flow of mana.

The techniques that Koga had learned were called the demon fist techniques, the previous Kong's had obtained this knowledge from the demon king that they had defeated.(when the demon king had appeared all progress of their advanced civilization had been erased). These techniques allowed for a new type of energy to be created that acted just like mana and ki, this was called demonic energy.

Koga thought that this name was kinda edgy, his thoughts were interrupted by the system. "As one fights monsters, one slowly becomes a monster and as one stares into the abyss the abyss stares into you"( kind of quote from some philosopher I forgot who ). " you who have trained and fought against those monsters that crawled out of the abyss, is slowly becoming part of the abyss, congratulations of unlocking demonic powers a demonic transformation has been developed, brave for pain".

The system said this with a cold tone in its voice, as soon as it had finished Koga felt the worst pain he had ever felt in his life, Koga felt all of his organs erupt and then quickly regenerate, he felt his flesh rip from his bones as both his skeletal structure and muscles be completely replaced with stronger bones and muscles. As Koga felt that the pain had receded, he tried to get up just to find out that the process had not finished. Suddenly Koga felt the muscles in his back rip open and new bones started growing out of the holes that had been formed, quickly a layer of muscle and a leathery black colored skin. A long black tail grew out of his tail bone, his ears turned into a spiked version of what they once were, his canines grew long and sharp turning into fangs, and his eyes grew ridged.

Koga was confused as to what just happened, it was then when the system talked." Ever since you unlocked your borrow ability, you have been collecting dna strands from the creatures you have ate. These strands that have been absorbed into your dna have caused a mutation in your transformation. Your race has been altered. Race: demonic amalgamation.

The abilities of a demonic amalgamation, combine all of the strengths of the creatures the host has consumed allowing for the host to go beyond the limits of any living creature( a demonic amalgamation aka d.a. is like a chimera except for the fact that chimeras only stay at on rank constantly getting stronger, but the d.a. is able to become a demon lord which allows for them to demonize the creature which add a buff every time you consume a demonic creature.)

" Host has unlocked new ability d.a. dna manipulation, this allows the host to manipulate the dna strands present in their body. Think manipulate to open". Koga decided to try out this dna manipulation thing. Koga had no idea what kind of food that was cooked on this continent since their weren't many ranches so he had no clue where the meat came from. After looking Over the list of dna strands he had Koga realized that the meat they ate came from the demonic monsters they killed. This made since but it was still nasty. He realized after looking at the list a second time he could only obtain the power of creatures with mana.

Dna manipulation


Amalgamation assimilation:

The chance is low but you can gain abilities from a creature if consumed enough times. Stats are gained every time amount varies.



Abilities: flame spit, flame immunity and draconic power.

Flame spit( level one ): You can gather the fire particles in the air with your thought which allows you to spit fire, may cause a dry mouth or a smoky flavor in your mouth. Takes less time to due when leveled up. This is a draconic ability. This ability boost draconic breath. Cost: 10 demonic energy.

Flame immunity( level two ): You are more immune to fire as you level this up. Controlling the fire element is a good way to increase the level of this ability. This is an draconic ability. Passive ability.

Draconic power( level two ): Salamanders are one of the closest living descendent of dragons, allowing them to use some draconic spells. The more you use this and level it up the more abilities and more powerful your draconic abilities will become. Passive ability. Serpent blood line boost this ability.

Dalgoth( a creature much like a bear.):

Abilities: master of the forest, ki claws and demonic glare.

Master of the forest( level one ): You have a connection with nature, this allows you to control the nature near you. Can create vines as weapons, can create toxins, can manipulate the dna of plants. Cost: 10 demonic energy.

Ki claws( level one ): A martial art techniques which uses ki to create claws that can be used in many ways. Cost: 5 demonic energy.

Demonic glare( level one ): By looking into someone's eyes you fill them with fear, and paralyze them for 3 seconds. Cost: 5 demonic energy.

Serpent ( level one ):

Abilities: draconic power, draconic breath and draconic overdrive.

Draconic power: you already have this ability so it boosts it instead.

Draconic breath( level one ): This ability is the advanced form of flame spit allowing flame spit to boost this ability. You gather the draconic power inside of you to your lungs the you breathe it out causing a flame that can't be put out. Last for 10 minutes. Cost: 10 draconic power.

Draconic overdrive( level one ): All stats are boost by ten points for three minutes. Costs: 15 draconic power.


Power: 600

Strength: 75

Dexterity: 58

Defense: 60

Endurance: 70

Intelligence: 90

Mana: 115

Ki: 75

Demonic energy: 70

Draconic power: 50

New abilities: martial techniques:

Demonic arts: demonic fist, destructive chop, demonic control, demonic pact, demonic leap and create demon.

Demonic fist( level one ): Imbuing ones fist with demonic energy the user can attack with increasing damage at least twofold.costs: 3 demonic energy a second.

Destructive chop( level one ): Using the same technique as the demonic fist the user can unleash a karate chop that increases in damage as the user adds more demonic energy. Unavoidable attack. Cost minimum: 10 demonic energy.

Demonic control( level one ): Boosts speed by 10 points and decreases the cost of all demonic abilities by 2. Cost: 10 demonic energy.

Demonic pact( level one ): Allows the user to contract demons to either summon them or use a part of their body. Cost: 2.5 demonic energy a second.

Demonic leap( level one ): Allows the user to leap forward 2 - 10 ft ignoring all damage. Cost: 5 demonic energy.

Create demon( level one ): The user can create a demon that is under his control from a living creature. Cost: 25 demonic energy.