Chapter 11 town and first dungeon

Ps: Koga can hide his demonic appearance and it is only revealed after Koga releases to much demonic energy.

Chapter begins here:

Koga had been busy the last couple weeks with managing the ever growing colony and training(with breaks to see friends and family), Koga had advanced very quickly through the demon ranks,(Lowest to highest: demon, soldier, elite soldier, master, lord, captain, general, demon lord.) he was now a master rank demon and he started as just a demon rank. Being a master rank granted several perks, such as turning all the creatures that lived in a territory he owned into loyal demons that served him . Koga had begun their transformations when they slept so that merchants wouldn't get turned or fight end to see several dozen demons that had gathered in the sky above the town.

Since Koga had become a master rank demon his appearance had changed. Koga had charcoal colored horns that sprouted from his head, the horns grow out of his temple area. Kogas eyes turned a deep glowing red color, all of his teeth were sharp enough to sheep through flesh like a animal, Kogas wings increased in size they were now about three feet long each instead of being 2 feet like the other demons, all of kogas muscles had become stronger and all his other stats got boosted every time he evolved also, Koga grew long sharp black claws out of his hands, Koga had large spikes growing out of his elbows and knees, also Koga had developed a aura of power and superiority that radiated of of him.

Koga subjects had gathered in the sky and were now awaiting orders from the very scary looking demon that levitated perfectly not needing to flap his wing once. The town people were shocked at his power but they mostly shocked that he had been able to turn them all into demons. All of the towns people gained knowledge of the demons, so they knew what this man had just preformed was insane.

" First legendary feat has been unlocked, the user Koga marsora has unlocked the achievement section". Koga also received 25,000 exp. Total exp: 80,000. Koga was glad he had gotten up his exp and didn't need to spend all a once.

Koga had finally reached the point he thought he wouldn't, Koga had plateaued meaning that he was getting any stronger from anything he did anymore. Koga's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the systems mechanical voice." Host has plateaued, system is surveying the area please wait". Koga was confused by this, he didn't know the system would know." Area found. Natural dungeon has appeared, if the host wishes to conquer this galaxy then it is advised host conquers this dungeon.

After over an hour of flying around searching, Koga finally found the location the system described. The area was a clearing right next to the mountains, there was a beautiful stream running through this area, animals roamed freely around, the animals refused to get about twenty feet from the entrance of the dungeon. This dungeon appeared to be an abandoned mine, the safety beams were still in place thankfully, other than some random stuff thrown about the area was completely empty. As Koga walked through the mine he suddenly stopped all of a sudden, with a shocked expression.

" Host has entered the natural dungeon, would the host like to continue". A continue button was in the bottom middle of the screen, without a single doubt Koga clicked the button." The host has entered the dungeon and can't leave until he gets the escape stone or kills the boss, magic is not allowed in this area. Koga opened his status screen to invest the rest of his points that he'd been saving for a little while.

Koga marsora

Level: 5

Class: magical warrior

Race: demonic amalgamation

Tier: master


Exp: 35/1000

Power: 800

Strength: 85

Dexterity: 65

Defense: 64

Endurance: 75

Intelligence: 94

Mana: 125( blocked currently )

Ki: 75

Demonic energy: 70

Draconic power: 50

Points to invest: 15

Koga thought about where he should invest his points, after contemplating for a while he decided to invest 12 into dexterity because dexterity wasn't just being flexible, it also included speed. Then he also invest 3 into strength.


Power: 800

Strength: 88

Dexterity: 75

Defense: 64

Endurance: 75

Intelligence: 94

Mana: 125( blocked currently )

Ki: 75

Demonic energy: 70

Draconic power: 50

Points to invest: 15

As Koga walked through the cave he started to hear creatures howling while rapidly approaching. All Koga could do was get ready to fight. "Boom" Koga heard as a giant wolf like creature slammed into him. Koga was sent flying back, he stopped about 15ft away from where he was. The wolf was about three feet tall, it had black and crimson fur, it fangs were long and sharp, it had iron looking claws sprouting from all of his legs. Koga bet if the wolf stood on its back legs, then it would be about ten feet tall.

Koga could do nothing but defend and try to counter attack until he figured the creature out. Koga realized that the creature was extremely fast, but it's only attacking move was a attack called: iron palm slash. This ability made the attackers hand defendable and strong, but it also barely boosted their attack. After he finished analyzing the opponent Koga used a single destructive chop to its neck, killing it instantly. + 75 damage. "This creatures flesh is consumable if cooked, eat to unlock information".

Koga had no idea how long he would be there, so he could a large divot in the caves wall. The hole was about thirty feet of the ground, Koga use a rope to climb up very difficultly because he was carrying the wolf creature. The hole was about twenty deep till it hit a wall and it was over ten feet tall. Koga dropped the body as he got to the top the first thing Koga did was start a small fire using the sticks and broken chunks of wood he found on his was there. He unrolled a bed roll and pulled out a small pillow, that he set up in the back of the cave. After the fire was big enough Koga started putting the prices of good meat that he had been removing as the was stoking the fire. When Koga was done putting all the meet on the fire he had put the wolf's pelt into his inventory.

Koga decided use the creatures bones to make a weapon, it would be better than nothing. Koga decided not to use the sword on the wolf's in hope of not damaging the pelt and for leveling up his martial art abilities, seeing as they had more potential than his magic.

Koga ate a couple pieces then let the rest dry out to eat later. After Koga ate the pieces the system spoke to him in his mind again." This creature is a iron pawed wolf. It can use an ability called iron palm slash which allows the user to strengthen the fist or paw into as strong as iron, then they can preform a slashing attack.