
Xu Yang sat comfortably on the throne as his long slender fingers scroll through the task information, his face got black lines from reading the clique storyline. Sil was by his side feeding him grapes as he too scan the information with a blank face.

"This- Your Highness, maybe we should change the task." The butler coughed breaking the tense silence, his eyes observing Xu Yang's reaction feeling rather complicated.

"No need." He would definitely change task if he got a counterattack system, villainess, or supporting male lead system, but with The Royal System, he actually doesn't need to do anything much except for making sure the world doesn't break from accidental occurrences of Rebirth, Reborn, Transmigrator or Golden fingers which were known as the Rebel Soul.

Rebel Soul was one who supposed to go through the reincarnation cycle but then the accidental occurrence happened, causing them to receive a second chance in life or golden fingers. They're more like a virus, but instead of getting rid of them, he just has to make sure they won't overuse their power and break the world.

Xu Yang lean on his hand lazily, his soft red lip chewing on the grapes as he again feel rather sleepy. "Sil, my soul is getter weaker. We need to do this task." He whispered out in a soft voice, his head already feeling drowsy but The Royal System was quick in action as they both transferred into the task world in a split second.


"Daddy! ....Daddy ..Sob Sob" a crisp milky voice cried out pitifully was the first thing Xu Yang hear upon arriving in the first world, his head hurts terribly as the previous body's memories flooding in, overwhelming him. The little warm body laying on his chest suffocating him wasn't helping much either.

The soft cries continue on for a few more minutes before it gradually turned into a choked sob as Xu Yang access the memories. The previous body is He Ju Lian, the typical workaholic wealthy chairman of one of the top company in Country A, a stern and serious boss to all employees, a very good looking one too he could honestly become a model if he wanted to. The only shortcoming would be the fact that he's a single father, except he's the scum kind. And he's a paranoid man, too paranoid for his own good.

On the outside, he was known as the super hardworking single father who spoiled his only son rotten, But in reality, the amount of time he communicate with his son, He Jie, was almost nonexistent as he remain negligence of his son and use his work as an excuse to push all of the work onto the hired nanny.

Xu Yang sighed as he message his temples, his other hand comfortably pat the little soft body on his chest in comfort, his adaptation ability became quite useful in this situation. The little guy suddenly froze as he looked up, Xu Yang was met with his clear watery eyes and chubby cheeks, resembling a dumpling.

"D-daddy?" The little dumpling choked out as he savor the little warm touch on his back, secretly feeling happy and excited. Usually, his dad would rather ignore him or tell him to go away as soon as they met. But surprisingly, this time was a little bit different.

"En." Xu Yang let out an agreement sound as he wiped the child's tears away, feeling rather complicated for suddenly being put into a position of being a dad so soon. Going through the original owner's memory, he finally found out why He Ju Lian hated his son so much. The guy was paranoid to the extreme as he was afraid his bastard of a son resulted from an accidental one night stand, would grow up to become the heir, and steal his company one day. The guy got some serious trust issue and paranoia, all he knew how to do was working all day.

Xu Yang remain indifferent but if one look closely, there's a bit of helplessness in his eyes as he coax the child in his arm carefully, a little bit awkward but he tried his best. Meanwhile, the little Xiao Jie was so happy he rubbed his cute flushed cheek still stained with tears against the broad chest, his short chubby arm wrapped tightly around Xu Yang as if he was scared his dad would run away from him again.

Xu Yang stay quiet but in reality, he was asking The Royal System for help in his mind.

Xu Yang: 'Sil, how do you coax a child?'

Sil: ???

Sil: 'This- Your Highness, let this servant go search through the data first.'

For the first time, he felt like the system was quite useless as he watch the little dumpling refused to let him go, his big watery eyes stared pleadingly at him. But then again there was no coaxing a child function when he created the system, he would only have to deal with it for now.

"Are you hungry?" Surely a child would cry because he was hungry right? Looking at the bright sky outside, it seems to be in the morning, just in time to eat breakfast. Xu Yang carried the soft body in his arm and stood up, observing the simple room in white and black. It was simple and tidy, really befitting the original owner's taste.

Xu Yang was still in his silky black pajamas, then he looked down towards the little guy in his arm who was dressed in a cute Doraemon onesie, even he admitted it was a little cute. Well, since he's a dad now, it's a matter of course he will have to be a proper dad and take care of the little guy. In fact, the feeling of a cute little human following him around wasn't bad.

At this time Sil suddenly sounded in his mind, 'Your Highness, according to the data I gathered, it seems different children all can be deal with different ways of coaxing. But the best method would be spending more time with them as well as rewarding them with the things they like.'

Xu Yang: 'Oh.'

One clueless human and one clueless system communicate a little bit more before Xu Yang came to the conclusion that he probably should take a day off and take the little guy out to play.

Xu Yang was currently helping the giddy child wash and change clothes, a simple white t-shirt with a yellow duck printed in the middle coupling with black shorts, yellow socks, and a matching yellow beanie making him all the more adorable. He Jie was 8 or 9 points similar to his dad with his facial features, those delicate face, and big watery black eyes, 'aiyah truly one handsome little kid' Sil sounded out in his mind again and Xu Yang nodded in agreement, 'En. Very cute.'

Little dumpling slash Xiao Jie after finish dressing up, was sitting patiently at the side, watching his dad with sparkling eyes. Xu Yang was dressed in an expensive tailored black suit, complimenting his healthy bronze skin and chiseled jawline but his deep dark eyes are definitely the most eye-catching.

Xu Yang went to pick He Jie up in his arms again as they both made their way downstairs, one handsome dad and one handsome little kid were totally ignorant of The Royal System who was secretly taking pictures of them from all different angles.

On their way towards the dining room, they shock all the maids and even the hired nanny greatly. To actually see the usual stern and strict chairman He carried the smiley little Xiao Jie, even feeding the Young Master his breakfast, was really a sight they need to rub their eyes multiple times to make sure it was even real.

Xu Yang helped wipe the little guy's mouth after he finished eating, his action serious and pampering, making for a perfect dad. Soon a man in a simple black suit made his way towards Xu Yang, he was He Ju Lian's personal assistant, Ling Yue, who would come to report his schedule for the day every morning and would go to the company together. Even Ling Yue, who got a calm temperament and never forget to keep his professional mannerism at this moment was also shocked but soon covered it with a gentle smile.

But before he could even open his mouth to greet his boss, Xu Yang glanced at him once and commanded him right away in a cold voice, "Cancel today's plan and inform Xiao Jie's kindergarten of his absence for today." He stood up as He Jie remain sticky so he could only helplessly sigh as he scoop the little kid in his arms once again, embracing the warm body still having the fragrance of milk.

"If there is a problem at the company, just give me a call." Xu Yang sounded out as Ling Yue finally came back to his senses with his boss's chilling gaze and cold voice landing towards him.

"Yes of course, President He. Have a good day." Ling Yue bowed, his back drenched in cold sweat. Is it just him or President He feel a little scarier today. But nonetheless, he quickly scatter to get away after saying goodbye, those dangerous dark eyes staring at him aiyah he couldn't get used to his boss at all.


Soon, one dad and one little dumpling stood in the middle of the shopping mall holding hand, their appearance attracted the passerby's attention, they're like a pair of swan in the flock of chickens.

The girls excitedly whispered, "too handsome! Is he a celebrity?" Xu Yang wore sunglasses so the upper half of his face was hidden but one couldn't ignore the beautiful sword eyebrows, high nose bridge, and those thin red lips. The face-cons ladies continue to whisper excitedly, "aiyah the little kid must be his nephew, too cute!"

At this point, the quiet Xiao Jie was fuming, whose nephew ah that's my dad! Do these aunties only know how to speak nonsense hmmph!

Before Xiao Jie could even throw a tantrum, suddenly a middle-aged fat man with a big belly strode out towards them with an apologetic smile as the few bodyguards behind him disperse the crowd. This shopping mall was under He Ju Lian's company, of course, the poor guy was anxious to have his boss visit out of nowhere, he quickly ran here as soon as he heard the news.

"President He, hello. Do you need any help? I apologize for running late." actually it wasn't the poor guy's fault at all, it was already lucky enough he got the notice the moment Xu Yang stepped into the shopping mall. It could be said he was quite proficient. Although Xu Yang face remain indifferent, he did feel bad. He will remember to double the guy's salary later.

"No need. I'm only here for Xiao Jie. You can continue with your work." Xu Yang picked the little guy who was still sulking up into his arms before walking into one of the toy stores he would notice the moment he walked in. The worker there recognize him and immediately welcome him enthusiastically.

Xiao Jie's eyes sparkled as he admired the huge toy store with colorful decorations and a variety of toys displaying to attract children's attention. Not even a second later after receiving his dad's permission, he already got distracted as he walked away with the worker lady who introduced him to all sort of toys the little guy had his eyes on. Xu Yang sat on the small sofa at the corner, leaning lazily as he taps his finger on the armchair, closing his eyes to recall the task plot once again.

The reason he came here wasn't only because of Xiao Jie but also because one of the plot scene will happen in this mall today. He can be a good dad and work on his task at the same time, hitting two birds with one stone.