
His target for this task is Chu Feng, the reborn cannon fodder, he just has to make sure the guy won't overstep his bound and break the world. But other than that, he get to freely live his life here doing whatever he wants. Instead of being here doing a mission, Xu Yang was more like a superior overlooking each error in each world, there was no restrictions for him.

Xu Yang's finger tap lightly on his temple in a leisure manner as an amused smile stretch across his lips, his dark eyes that was usually distanced from this world, at this time, flashed a light of interest as he read a piece of information. 'Oh? his soul essence is pretty compatible with mine, maybe I should take some in compensation for looking after him?'

Its a rare chance to find someone whose soul compatibility match his, after all even if his Lord God position is removed, no one can deny his soul is that of Lord God. For this guy to have a soul like this ....he can't just be a simple cannon fodder of a low tier world like this? Or is it a soul shard of another Lord God? No, that can't be. If he was really a Lord God, Xu Yang would recognize immediately but this is different. It doesn't make sense at all. 'Hm? I didn't expect to encounter such a mystery. Interesting.'

At first he was just playing around and didn't put much effort for this task, but now .... Xu Yang's dark eyes stared at the task information of Chu Feng, particularly the picture of a rather good looking youth. His dark bottomless abyss like eyes stared fiercely as if he wants to see straight to the youth's soul finding out whoever it belongs to. Well, he will find out sooner or later.

'Chu Feng....' Xu Yang savored the names again and again in his mind before moving his eyes down to the world plot. He didn't expect much from a plot of a low tier world so he reluctantly skim through the information. And just as he thought, it was one shitty plot.

The plot focused on the Female lead from beginning to end, showing off her 'hardworking self' of slapping faces of her toxic relatives, earning the trust of her rich patron and even got adopted by them. Again, slapping faces of the her step-siblings and earning an unshakable position in her adoptive parent's heart. That was only the beginning of the plot, as the female lead Chu Ting, upon settling accounts and cutting off her relatives, finally gaining freedom and even received a backing from her adopted family, the Chu Family.

After setting foot into the upper class society for the first time, together with the Chu Family supporting her and her showing off her talent in business, she attracted many attention. Together with her delicate, soft like beauty resembling a fragile flower and kind hearted self, she eventually attracted the powerful Male lead, and then another male lead and another male lead and again another male lead. There were four Male leads. That's right. This is a harem world.

Xu Yang: 'Sil, who wrote this plot?'

Sil: 'This- This servant have no records related to the author.'

Xu Yang: 'whoever wrote this must be sick in the head.'

Sil: '.....'

Although the plot praise the Female lead so much about her talent, she still ended up being raised by the four male leads and living together happily ever after? What? Xu Yang blankly refresh the hologram screen, making sure there's really is nothing wrong with the information. But the task information appears the same.

The Royal System watch carefully at the quiet Xu Yang and he suddenly got the chills. 'Ahem. Your highness, we won't need to get involved with the plot. we only have to supervise our target, Chu Feng.' Sil sounded in his mind, reassuring him not to worry but little does the system know, Xu Yang views Chu Feng as more than a target. After all, the issue of his soul was quite intriguing. He wanted to get closer to him and maybe, just maybe, he wanted to taste the youth's soul essence.

Xu Yang licked his lips, suddenly feeling a little thirsty. 'En. In order to get close to him, the plot is nothing.' He can even ruin the plot if he wanted to. As long as the world energy won't break, it would have nothing to do with him.

Chu Feng and his sister Chu Yue was the beloved son and daughter of the Chu family, very spoiled since young so they were unrestrained and rebellious, still very much naive compared to the little white eyed wolf, the adopted daughter Chu Ting who has experienced many hardships from her problematic relatives. Although, the female lead was described to be kind hearted and fragile, not everyone is innocent as the plot made it out to be.

She was in fact, a very calculating person and super manipulative, no wonder she can even kick out the beloved son and daughter of the Chu family and even obtain four powerful man by her side. Say, how could an innocent women could have done this? The plot was just really biased towards the female lead and male lead, so every actions they made would be counted as good and kind hearted. And no matter what cannon fodder did, they would be forever just cannon fodder. Xu Yang who has experienced many cannon fodder life through many reincarnations knew this better than anyone.

Xu Yang eyes turned dark as he went into deep thought. Even though Chu Feng was reborn, will he really succeed in eliminating Chu Ting? After all this is a female lead, it would be quite tough to work alone. Should he lend a helping hand? Won't the youth willingly give his life essence if he helps? Xu Yang continue to tap his finger on the armchair, lost in thought when suddenly he feel a heavy weight gripping onto his legs, even climbing onto his arms.

"Daddy! Look! Hmmpt don't I look awesome!?" Xu Yang was faced with the little dumpling, cutely twisting his body around trying to show off his superhero cape. Xu Yang eyes unconsciously soften as he chuckled amusingly, his voice low and magnetic, somewhat revealing an ambiguous air, even causing the worker lady to blush at the sound. "En. Our Xiao Jie looks really cool." He gently reach out his right hand to flatten the little soft hair.

Xiao Jie proudly puff up his chest and announce loudly, "That's right! I will protect daddy!" The little guy was such a simple and cute child, you couldn't help liking him. Such unconditional love and dependence, it feels quite nice. Xu Yang embrace the child as he stood up from the sofa and looked towards the worker lady, then to the pile of toys He Jie has chose earlier. "Send all of it to my place."

"Yes, President He." The worker quickly went to settle the matter while Xu Yang walked out of the toy store. The enthusiastic child in his arms got even more excited as he pointed to an ice cream place in the corner filled with children lining up.

But as he walked closer, there was a loud commotion happening as there was a big crowd whispering and pointing towards three figure. Xu Yang looked closely and the corner of his mouth pulled upward, revealing a blinding smile but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all as it remains dark, revealing a dangerous light yet gave off an intoxicating feeling making one can't help but wanna get closer.

Looks like the plot scene has already started. He Jie who was in his arms doesn't care one bit about the crowd as he genuinely wants to buy ice cream so he wriggled out of his dad's arms and ran at a speed of light as he approach the ice cream shop. At this moment, the women at the center of the crown suddenly crash into Xiao Jie, it seems she got pushed quite hard as the little guy was knocked out instantly, falling face first on the floor.

The crowd fell silence as suddenly a loud cry from Xiao Jie broke out, startling them. The female lead Chu Ting was planning on accusing Chu Feng from pushing her then she would cry pitifully towards Young Master Fei, giving that bastard stepbrother of hers a hard time. Who would have thought she would actually knock into a child. But well it was just a random brat anyway, she will just pay the parent some money to shut up about it. Or maybe, Chu Ting snickered wickedly as she thought of blaming it all on Chu Feng.

Thus she lifted her head up, her sinister expression earlier turned to that of an aggrieved look, the tears in her eyes that she was trying to hold back makes her all the more pitiful. "Brother Feng you- how could you...." amidst everyone's stares, she started to cry, seemingly heartbroken. If one doesn't know the inside story, she would perfectly display the look of one being bullied.

Chu Feng, who has been standing still all this time was completely speechless. He was just minding his own business and this shameless women really followed him all the way here, even created a big scene. Before he could retort back, he was interrupted by another voice.

"Xiao Jie!" a low and hoarse voice shouted out worriedly attracting the crowd's attention towards him. Xu Yang's smile long disappeared, his face darkened looking at the little dumpling who has always been smiling at him, following him around cutely, suddenly cry so pitifully. His heart feels uncomfortable at the sight.

The crowd only saw a handsome man with long legs strode forwards as he skillfully scoop the crying child into his arms, worryingly patting his back in comfort. Xu Yang chilling gaze landed towards the crowd, especially the women who crashed onto his son. His hands really itch to hurt someone.