
Patting his full belly in content, Chu Feng leaned his back against the familiar strong chest as Xu Yang feed him the shaved ice cream. Feeling the melting sweet taste in his mouth, he squinted his eyes in happiness. With one hand securing the youth's waist and another hand skillfully feeding the ice cream, Xu Yang's dark eyes would glance at those red pouty lips wrapping around the wooden spoon. Both are equally content.

Meanwhile, In another private room

Chairman Peng, Peng Yi Ran, the sole heir of one of the oldest wealthy family in Country A. The man was not only intelligent but also very extraordinary in looks and talents. Golden Fish Pavilion was just another restaurant under the Peng Family and wasn't worth much of his attention. However, he received a call telling him President He was actually here and he immediately left his business at the company to meet him. Although they have business deals later in the evening, Peng Yi Ran won't waste such a good opportunity to befriend him. Business is business but being friends is a totally different matter.

He and He Ju Lian is the same age yet the two's position in the business circle was just like heaven and earth. He Ju Lian has connections with everyone and he was praised by many veterans businessmen in the circle. If one spot President He at a banquet or a business event, they would see him being surrounded by a bunch of famous old foxes as he was the only young one in the group, attracting a lot of attention! And turn back to look at Peng Yi Ran, all he surrounded of was a bunch of dumb heirs and Young Masters whose talent was just a little above average! His pride won't let him associate with such people thus he only sought someone who could be on the same level as him.

Indeed Peng Yi Ran was talented. A very calculating one too. He was known for his ruthless methods of executing things, especially of how he deal with the many illegitimate children in the Peng Household and fought back his inheritance at a very young age, now successfully becoming the head of the Peng Family.

In the original storyline, Peng Yi Ran was one of the female lead's harem member. A person who would hide in the shadow protecting Chu Ting, dealing with anyone who offended her with ruthless means yet only show her his disguised gentle side. He was indeed heaven's favorite. The only shortcoming would be because he was a playboy! He was only subdued later by the female lead.

Sitting on the sofa, gracefully sipping on a glass of wine, Young Master Peng stared disdainfully at the shivering figure kneeling before him. "tch. Annoying women, didn't I tell you to stay away from me?" Listening to the girl's pathetic sobs really annoyed him. The girl lifted up her head revealing a small and delicate face, however, the bruises and messy clothes made it an embarrassing appearance. It was unexpectedly Chu Ting!

Peng Yi Ran was interested in Chu Yue, the miss of the Chu Family and Chu Ting was just a temporary substitute thus he used his connections to help her get out of jail. But he got bored of her pretty quickly. In the original plot, Peng Yi Ran fell for the innocent and gentle Chu Ting but the Chu Ting he came across in this world was already in her worst circumstances, she didn't even bother wearing her innocent mask revealing just how calculating and scheming she is, causing the Young Master to lost interest. Now that he has to curry favor with He Ju Lian, it was only better to stay away from this woman.

"P-Please! Brother Peng, won't you just give me another chance?" Chu Ting was really at her wits' end as she didn't expect her plan to fail and her life to go through such changes. She refuse to accept this! It was all because of him! Chu Feng!

Watching the maddening look of the women in front of him, Peng Yi Ran lost all patience as he ordered the bodyguards behind him, "Kick her out! I don't want to see her in front of me again! Do you hear me!?" With that said, two huge bodyguard went up to the still kneeling Chu Ting and dragged her out harshly as the women scream crazily as if losing her mind.

"Brother Peng! Brother Peng!" The guards dragged her out of the private room when suddenly the door of the opposite room opened, revealing Chu Feng and Xu Yang as they just finished their meal and was about to head out.

Chu Feng was shocked at the familiar women, however, it quickly turned into one with a mocking smile, "Heh~ Sister Ting. What a coincidence seeing you here." Chu Ting upon hearing the voice of the person she hated so much, turned her head to glared at him fiercely, her eyes bloodshot.

Chu Feng was planning on spending some peaceful time with his boyfriend and will deal with this shameless women later. Who would have thought she would deliver herself to his doorstep!

"Chu Feng! Good! You're here. I will kill you!" Trying her best to struggle out of the bodyguards' strong grasp although it was no use, coupling with her red bloodshot eyes, she looked completely mad and out of her mind. Right now the woman lost all chance to redeem herself, she was already broken to the bottom and wasn't afraid to display her dark sides. Chu Ting screamed loudly, even causing a few waiters to look at the scene with terrified looks on their faces.

Xu Yang felt like the piercing scream was annoying and ordered the bodyguard with a harsh tone, "Knock her out." This was Peng Yi Ran's bodyguard yet Xu Yang released such a cold atmosphere, they felt a chill run down their spine and could only comply by hitting the back of Chu Ting's neck, temporarily leaving her in an unconscious like state.

Chu Feng pouted, feeling a little unhappy as he wanted to tease the women and perhaps enjoy her terror look a bit more. Leaning his soft cheek against his boyfriend's shoulder, with a pleading tone asked, "Brother He, I wanna play with her. Can I?" Looking at that pair of bright eyes stared at him pleadingly, Xu Yang feel a bit troubled.

A laugh suddenly sounded out and appeared before them were Peng Yi Ran as he looked at them in amusement, "ah President He, what a coincidence." As if he didn't stalk He Ju Lian at all and this is all just purely coincidental, the men happily greeted Xu Yang. "And Young Master Chu, nice to meet you as well." Chu Feng was surprised and only nodded at him politely in response.

Although this man was part of the female lead's harem members in his past life, Peng Yi Ran was only subdued by Chu Ting later after the whole Chu Family fell into ruins thing happened. So it could be said that both Chu Feng and Peng Yi Ran didn't cross path with each other in the original plot thus the outstanding chairman, fortunately, doesn't have to experience Chu Feng's little revenge.

Peng Yi Ran glanced at the unconscious Chu Ting then looked back towards Xu Yang, "Why not let Young Master Chu play a little? Consider this as a gift from me. In return, let us have a chat, President He." Peng Yi Ran was just throwing away an annoying woman out and didn't expect to be able to use her as a pawn to connect with He Ju Lian, this was indeed good luck!

Xu Yang's expression was downright cold as his heartfelt a little discomfort at the thought of his Feng'er being in the same room with someone else. Even if he knew it was just Chu Feng beating the female lead up or perhaps torturing her for his own amusement, Xu Yang despise being away from the youth and despise it even more if he's being too close with another person.

Chu Feng by now can somehow read Xu Yang's stone-like face and can tell perfectly his emotions. However, at this moment he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry ba! The vinegar was too strong!

Chu Feng with an indulgence expression that said - 'ah what to do with you' - then proceed to stand on his tiptoe, his red cherry lips made contact with Xu Yang's chin, comforting his lover. 'There there, you vinegar. Are you happy now?' Looking up, he saw a satisfied smile on Xu Yang's face who was somewhat in a better mood and can finally sigh in relief. Ah his boyfriend truly isn't so simple.

Peng Yi Ran was ignored by the couple and smacked his lips silently in envy. 'Such love! When will it be my turn!?' Even with his looks and money, love was like a novel thing to him. Chairman Peng could only turn his face away bitterly from the public display of affection, he felt like he would turn blind if he continue to look.

Xu Yang at this time finally gave in as his feeling to spoil the youth was stronger than ever and the kiss earlier helped lessen the somewhat uncomfortable feeling. With a tender look in his eyes, he muttered out softly, "En. Come look for me when you're done playing." Sensing a warm hand patting his hair once again, Chu Feng nodded happily as a cute grin spread across his face, "Okay!"

Although he agreed, that doesn't mean he would just leave his lover alone with the female lead thus he looked at the guards with a threatening look, "Look after him well." The guards sweat profusely and yelled out loud, "Yes, sir!" in response as they dragged the female lead away to another room, Chu Feng waved at his boyfriend goodbye before following them. Xu Yang only retracted his gaze after seeing the young men leave.

"Rest assured. My men will take care of Young Master Chu well." With a gentle smile on his face, Peng Yi Ran gestured towards his private room. Xu Yang only nodded at him as he sat on the soft red sofa, once again the waiter served them drinks and food which were probably left untouched as both men immediately immersed themselves in talks about business topics. Peng Yi Ran initiate the conversation smoothly and although Xu Yang was a man with few words, his pointers and advice were beneficial for Peng Yi Ran.

Meanwhile, Chu Feng was having fun torturing Chu Ting. He made sure to repay tenfold the price with his revenge. Even the bodyguards' face were stiff as they couldn't watch on anymore. They were almost fooled by the young men's innocent face! President He's aura wasn't simple and they wondered how such an innocent young men attract the attention of such a dangerous person! However now, they could only kneel down and wish the couple happiness. They really suit each other ba!