
Dragging her heavy body across the floor, Chu Ting got tears streaming down her face as she sobs quietly, trying her best to stay quiet as much as possible or else that demon will get even moodier and hack her into pieces! However, her hair was yanked upward by said demon resulting in her struggling madly, yelling in pain, "Bastard, let go!"

"wuwuwu let me go...Sobs..." Chu Feng looked down at the women, a cold smile spread across his lips before slowly letting go of Chu Ting's hair, letting her fall onto the ground with a heavy thud. "Fine. I will let you go for now Sister Ting." His voice was soft as he pulled out a tissue, cleaning off his slender pale fingers with obvious disdain as if what he just came into contact with was absolutely filthy.

A knock came at the right time as a low and magnetic voice sounded out, "Feng'er, time to go home." It was Xu Yang, standing there imposingly while radiating off cold air, a walking air conditioner ah! He was in a rather bad mood having to listen to Peng Yi Ran babble non-stop. That guy really know how to talk! But it was damn annoying. Though, he was very efficient with works and definitely is a good business partner worth keeping around.

While putting his hands on the doorknob, Chu Feng looked back at the still crying Chu Ting on the ground with a gentle smile, though in Chu Ting's eyes, it was more like a demon planning on cooking her up to eat!

"I shall play with Sister Ting later~" with that said, Chu Feng finally opened the door, facing his gloomy lover. Ai he was totally helpless when it comes to this man! A pair of strong arms wrap around Chu Feng's flexible waist, pulling him into the familiar warm embrace.

"Done playing, hm?" Finally feeling the soft body within his arms again, Xu Yang felt like his bad mood magically dissipated.

"En. Brother He missed me already?" Chu Feng chuckled as he poke the man's chest playfully. Xu Yang didn't respond, only pulling his lips up into a knowing smile then proceed to drag his naughty lover out.


"Daddy!" He Jie ran and hugged his dad's legs upon seeing him arrive home. The little guy was dressed in a cute brown bear onesie, his watery big eyes look questionably at the familiar handsome uncle behind his dad.

"....Uncle Feng?" Chu Feng couldn't help smiling at the cute little guy. 'Ah too cute! Just look at those chubby cheeks!' Pinching the milky cheeks that have been tempting him non-stop, he feel like he was poking a soft cloud.

Xu Yang looked at his son and then at Chu Feng, two adorable little creature in the same picture. The two equally cute guys suddenly felt a huge warm palm patting their head so they looked up at the same time, two pairs of blinking watery black eyes staring straight into Xu Yang.

Xu Yang: 'En. Sil, you better capture this moment.'

Sil: 'Ah of course, your highness.'

Saving the pictures under the 'first world' album, Sil clicked his tongue in satisfaction. The system even secretly planning on framing the picture and perhaps put it beside his host's bed.

The head maid came to greet them but paused her steps at the blinding scene. She somehow felt like she interrupted something and could only meekly call out, "Young Master, shall I prepare dinner?" Little Xiao Jie's eyes lit up at the word 'dinner' as he ran up to the head maid, hugging her leg with an almost drooling expression. Definitely a foodie and a huge fan of the head maid's cooking ah!

Unlike Chu Feng and Xu Yang who already ate their meal, the little guy just came home from kindergarten. His stomach growl loudly making the head maid, Auntie Cai, laugh at the adorable little young master then she hurried away to prepared dinner with Xiao Jie tagging along after her.

Chu Feng clasped his mouth with a stifled laugh, his eyes turned beautifully into a crescent shape, "Ah Brother He, your son is too cute!" Xu Yang also nodded his head with a serious expression on his face, "En."

"Pfft!" Looking at his lover who stood quietly looking so serious yet having such tender eyes, Chu Feng just couldn't help wanting to laugh.

Turning his body facing Xu Yang. The youth lifted up his naughty claws then proceed to pinch Xu Yang's cheeks, "Such a handsome face! You should really smile more often." Unfortunately, before he could even take more advantage of this stoic President He, his hand was already grabbed by the man.

Xu Yang's dark eyes lingering around the youth's flushed face, without breaking eyes contact, he grabbed the smooth slender hands brushing it against his lips, "Feng'er...don't just casually play with a man face." His tone was low as his red cherry lips kissed the youth's fingertips.

Chu Feng was dazed at the sight with the - 'who am I, where am I' - blank look on his face. He finally snapped out of it and coughed out awkwardly after some time processing his quick beating heart. Tsk, He could only blame his boyfriend's annoyingly handsome face.

With a defeated sigh, Xu Yang locked the youth in his embrace as his soul essence spread strongly around the two, the alluring minty scents hit Chu Feng's nose, intoxicating him once again. The youth eyes turned misty and he somewhat feels drowsy all of sudden as his eyelids felt heavy, "Hm...Brother He, I want to sleep.." Resting his head on his boyfriend's broad shoulders, he smiled in satisfaction and close his eyes.

Holding the soft body in his embrace, Xu Yang slowly retracted his soul essence with a frown. The soul compatibility is stronger than he thought, just a small release already caused the youth in such a state. He wonder what would happen if they fuse their soul essence together?

Fusing one's soul essence together is like supplementing each other life force and strengthen them. Though it was a rare method being used, considering not many souls have the compatibility as strong as them.

However, the reason he was worried wasn't this, but the fact that he could sense the youth's soul essence having a rather unusual negative energy, almost like a rejected soul. A powerful soul essence but was tainted with negative energy, what does this mean?

There were two possible answers. One, it could be a punishment similar to his own, having to suffer many cannon fodder life, except this is much worse as the negative energy was enveloping him and could devour his soul any moment now. Two, there was an unknown force that wanted to harm the youth.

No matter which answer, Xu Yang won't let anyone casually touch his property as he please. Chu Feng stirred in his sleep, even cutely nuzzling his face against the warm chest causing a small smile to made its way to Xu Yang's lips. Brushing the messy bang aside, Xu Yang leaned down slightly and press a soft kiss on the smooth forehead. 'En. I shall protect Feng'er.'

Looking at how the negative energy lessen quite a bit as long as it made contact with Xu Yang's soul essence, it seems like the youth will be safe as long as they stay together. Lifting the flexible body up in his arms, Xu Yang made his way upstairs to his room, the golden light of his own soul energy and a barely noticeable red light of Chu Feng's soul energy continue dancing around the two of them, creating a beautiful fantasy-like picture.


Opening his eyelids, revealing a pair of bright eyes and stretching out his limps with a tired yawn, Chu Feng perfectly display the scene of a lazy cat who was finally satisfied after a short nap. The beautiful eyelashes fluttered slightly as he adjust his eyes with the bright light, looking around in confusion. Ah, this is not his room?

Though he felt something wrapping tightly around his waist, preventing him from getting up as well as a warm breath tickling his neck. 'Hm? What's this?' Turning around, he was faced with an enticing sight which probably caused anyone a nosebleed if he wasn't an expert in controlling himself.

Xu Yang was still asleep as soft breathing sounds can be heard, his arms wrapped possessively around the youth's waist, almost leaving no space between the two. However, the naked upper muscled body was too much! He never saw President He workout before so what's with this unrealistic god-like sculpted body ah! Those eight pack abs are going to make him drool.

The slightly tanned skin radiates a golden color against the sunlight looking absolutely bewitching. Along with his symmetrical face, Chu Feng definitely scored himself a high-quality man. He has to really give himself a thumbs up for that.

Once again, he lifted up his naughty claws, caressing and trailing down from the exquisite eyebrows to the long eyelashes then making his way down to the nasal bridge, and finally, he stopped his thumb on the pair of red thin lips.

Chu Feng smiled letting out a pair of cute dimples, his eyes turned gentle looking at the man. Although he was reborn, he was pretty much tired of it all and was only looking forward to revenge. He would never expect himself to find a lover in his second life, taking a turn for the better.

He was really thankful to this cute little lover of his. Chu Feng quietly giggled to himself, his finger poked the soft lip in a teasing manner. Xu Yang, at this time finally woke up, his dark eyes were met with a familiar face as well as a pair of naughty hands once again playing with his face.

"What's so funny?" Xu Yang's deep morning voice startled the young man, his ears turned red slightly. "Hm? nothing!" Trying to get up, he was stopped by the strong hand over his waist. Xu Yang frowned as he clasped the youth's jaws, turning the flushed face towards him then proceed to shamelessly question further, "Tell me."

Chu Feng finally gave up on struggling and honestly answered, "That's....I am just glad I get to meet Brother He okay?" The youth's voice was quiet yet it sounds particularly sweet in Xu Yang's ears. Chu Feng felt a bit embarrassed having to say the words out loud so he chose to hide his face against the warm chest, his breathing hitting Xu Yang's bare skin leaving a trail of goosebumps.

Xu Yang chuckled as he patted the youth's back in comfort, "I am glad I get to meet Feng'er too." That's right. The target of his task suddenly turned into a lover whom he very much adored, he couldn't bear to separate from the youth to the point of wanting to tie both of their soul together. His darkest desire unconsciously came out without him knowing.

He will also continue to follow the youth in the future. No matter which world or which dimension, he will forever find the young man and tie him tightly to himself, not leaving each other for eternity.

With closed eyes, embracing the soft body, Xu Yang with a dark tone finally voiced out his desire, "Feng'er is mine. You can't leave me."

Chu Feng didn't know the hidden meaning behind the words, but he knew one thing. He was also willing to stay with this man for as long as he live. "I won't leave Brother He."

Xu Yang engraved those words inside his mind as he smiled in satisfaction. 'En. Feng'er, don't regret your decision.'