Chapter 17: Rescue

Wang Jing was surprised to see Li Xiu Ying at the door of their apartment looking dazed. 

"Babe, where have you been?" she asked while pulling her inside their house.

"What?" she said while she sat on their sofa

"Where have you been," Wang Jin asked sitting beside her "I was worried and I have been calling you since last night. I'm about to report you at the police station as a missing person," she said continuously. 

"I fainted," Li Xiu Ying said softly looking at her "Then, I woke up and I'm lying in bed with that stupid guy," she said gritting her teeth. 

"Which guy?" she asked

"The tattooed one, the one who claimed to be my boyfriend" she replied " I don't know if you remember him at the BBQ restaurant." 

"Ohhhh, you have a boyfriend???" she exclaimed "Since when? Why am I not informed about this," she bombarded me with questions.

"Duh? Even I'm not aware that I have a boyfriend" she rolled her eyes, "he said, I fainted, can you believe that?" she asked looking at her 

"Well, that's not surprising, given the fact that you have been working for almost 24 hours on that day, " she answered "But, what I'm more curious about is your boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend" emphasizing "boyfriend". "He claimed that he is and we have met before and I saved his life" 

"Saved his life," asked Wang Jing "How? Was he your previous patient?"

"I dunno," she said while trying to remember what happened these past few days, suddenly " I remember! I came across him in the bushes a few days ago. He was wounded then he was picked up by a bunch of guys".

"Which bushes? and what were you doing in there" Wang Jing is so confused. 

"The bushes in the park near our apartment" she explained "I heard him and gave him first aid for his wound. I have not heard anything from him after that until 2 days ago". she recalled 

"What's the name of the guy?", Wang Jin asked "He looks familiar like a model or a businessman?"

"Zhang Wei, that is the name he gave me," she said casually

"Hmm, where did I hear that name?" She said while thinking very hard about where she heard that name. 

"Anyway, enough of that" Li Xiu Ying suddenly said "Would you know when is my next shift?". 

"Yeah, I know it's today at 6 pm," she said "So you better rest or sleep, and I'll wake you up at 5 pm for your shift.

"Okay, thanks babe" Li Xiu Ying "I'll go to my room now". 

Wang Jing was left in their living room still thinking about the person she saved. 

"Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei," she thought "Where did I hear that name."

Suddenly, it dawned on her when she heard that name. It was in the news and the news was not good. I'll research about him and give my friend an update about this guy.