Chapter 19: Missing You

It lasted 3 days for Zhang Wei has been fixing the "chaos" that the other gang had started on their group. There have been a lot of casualties, this time on the opposite side.

I need to see Li Xiu Ying, I miss her face and lips, smirking while he thinks about their kisses. I wonder where she is. 

Tangle City 

Li Xiu Ying went home to her hometown because her father had an accident. She needs to oversee the treatment that he's been undergoing. 


While resting Li Xiu Ying received a call from her mother. 

"Li Xiu Ying, you need to go home," her mom said in a shaky voice "Your Papa was in an accident earlier". 

"What happened Mom?" she replied worriedly "How's Papa?" she added

"He's in the operating room right now, I'm so scared Li Xiu Ying" her mom crying on the other line breaks her heart. 

"Don't worry Mama, I will be there in a few hours" Li Xiu Ying calming her mom down " Please ask Auntie to accompany you to the hospital until I arrive. 

After the call, Li Xiu Ying went to the head nurse to file an emergency leave. Originally, she only filed for 3 days' leave; however, the head nurse took pity on her and allowed her one week's leave instead. 

After her shift, Li Xiu Ying went home to their apartment, informing Wang Jing that she will be out for a week and needed to go home to her parents. 

The travel time going to her hometown takes 8 hours, it's a good thing that there were still plenty of seats available on the bus. 

When she arrived she went straight to the hospital to get an update on his father's condition. 

"Mama, how's Papa?" Li Xiu Ying asked her mother while embracing her. She can see that her mother is very tired and has not slept a wink. 

"The doctor has not come up yet since your Papa was taken in the operating room, I'm so scared," she said while crying

"Hush, Mama everything will be alright," she said while rubbing her back. 

Suddenly a Doctor came out of the operating room. 

"Who's the family of Li Tang?" the doctor asked 

"We are here doctor," Li Xiu Ying said while approaching the doctor. 

"The operation is successful" he started "He lost a lot of blood but we were to administer blood transfusion on him. We are monitoring him at the recovery area and will transfer to his room in 2 hours."

"Thank you, for the update, Doc" Li Xiu Ying said as her mother continued to cry. 

"Let me know if you have questions," the doc said firmly "I'll check on him once he is transferred back to his room."

"Mama, let's go to Papa's room so you can rest," Li Xiu Ying said while assisting her mother to her Papa's room.

Once they were in the room, she assisted her mother to lie down on the day bed and asked her to rest. While her mother is resting, Li Xiu Ying took this time to buy them food and fruits so her Mama can eat once she wakes up.