Chapter 21: Missing You 3

Li Xiu Ying hurriedly went to her mother, who was walking towards her. 

"Mama!" she called "Where are you going?" she asked when she was in front of her. 

"I was looking for you," her mother said while looking at her back "Are you with those men" 

Li Xiu Ying looked back and saw Zhang Wei and his group had not left the building yet. "No, I don't know them" she denied "Let's go back inside, Papa might need us," she said gesturing her mother to go back to her father's room. 

Zhang Wei could not believe that she just dismissed her. One moment he was holding her wrist the next he knew she was running away from him. He was about to follow her to her father's room when he heard a ping on his phone. 

Please don't follow me to my Papa's room, he needs rest and does not need to be exposed to many people. Li Xiu Ying

Fine, I replied to her. Meet me at Four Season's Hotpot Restaurant by 9 pm. 

Ok, she replied. 

"Let's go to Four Season's Hotpot Restaurant," he said to Liu Hao Ran while he walked in front of them. 

Four Seasons Restaurant

It's already 9:30 PM and she's still not here. Zhang Wei thought irritably. 

Suddenly the door to the private room opened and Li Xiu Ying appeared. She looks cute wearing a simple shirt, jeans, and a shoulder bag. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail. 

"Sorry, I was late," she said while she sat in the chair in front of me

"Since you looked so cute, you're forgiven," I couldn't help but blurt it out loud 

Li Xiu Ying glared at his statement "So what do you want to talk about?" she asked looking in a hurry

"Let's eat first," Zhang Wei said while pushing the button near him "What do you want to eat?" he asked 

"Sorry, I'm not going to eat," she said while shaking her head to him "I just ate with my Mama and I need to leave immediately as my Mama needs help in taking care of my Papa" she added.

"Are you for real?" he asked irritably "You asked me to wait for you then you're telling me that you don't want to eat?" his voice a little louder now. 

"I did not ask you to wait for me?" she answered back "It was you who wanted to meet" she added scowling back at him. 

"If you don't want to say the reason why you are here then I better leave as my parents need me," Li Xiu Ying said while standing up and going to the door

"STOP!" Zhang Wei said in a loud voice which made Li Xiu Ying jump. 

"I said, stop and sit down, if you don't want to see me mad" he added narrowing his eyes to her. 

"Fine," she said irritably while sitting back in front of him "So, what now?" she added while crossing her arms and raising her left eyebrow at him.

Wow the audacity of this girl, Zhang Wei thought, should I teach her a lesson, this might stop her from giving me this look. 

"Serve the food," Zhang Wei said while scowling at her

While Zhang Wei was eating, Li Xiu Ying continued to sigh loudly as if she was very bored and wanted to leave immediately. She kept on looking at her phone and typing messages for whoever, he didn't know but it irritated him.

"I swear, one more sigh from you and I will take you here right now" Zhang Wei threatening her 

"Fine," she said very scared, she's about to sigh again but caught herself.