Chapter 22: Missing You 4

Zhang Wei was finally done eating, so Li Xiu Ying took this opportunity to ask him 

"So, can you answer now, why are you here?" Zhang Wei replied while wiping his lips "I missed you" he added looking lovingly at her.

"What? Why would you miss me?" Li Xiu Ying incredulously asked "I mean, we are not close for you to miss me," she said innocently 

"I told you, you're mine," Zhang Wei said while walking toward her "Don't you miss me?" he asked when he was in front of her. He squatted beside him so they were at the same eye level. 

"No!, I do not miss you" she replied blushing "And you're not my boyfriend" she added moving back to claim a space between them. 

"Do I need to remind you of what happened between us?" he asked moving closer back to her while looking at her lips. He wanted to kiss her when she arrived earlier. 

"Stop!" she pushed me back "If we are not going to have a proper conversation then I might as well leave" She was about to stand up but I pushed her back to sit. 

"Fine, I will not scare you any further, but tell me what happened to your Father," I asked as I went back to my seat. 

"He had an accident," she replied sparingly at him "Is that all your questions? You could have just texted me instead of going here" she added

"Accident? and that's all the detail that you can give me," he asks his patience getting thinner "You also want me to send you a message, when in fact you do not answer my call?" F*ck cursing at his mind.

"Sorry, but I don't want to burden you with the details especially as you do not need to know," she said apologetically

"Why don't I have the right to know" his voice is on the edge and anytime he will explode.

"You don't have the right because you are not even my friend" scowling back at him when she noticed his tone of voice "I only met you, what a couple of times?

Her reply made Zhang Wei livid with anger, he could not believe what he just heard. 

"Of course, we are not friends!" he shouted, narrowing his eyes at her "I'm your lover!!!" he added 

"Said who" she answered back "I'm leaving" As she was standing up Zhang Wei pulled her back and she landed on his lap.

"Said who???, Is that right?" he whispered in her ear "Said me!" slowly closing the gap between them. He was about to kiss her when she stopped him by pushing herself out of his lap. 

Li Xiu Ying could not believe that she was about to be kissed again. "You can't touch me!" she said angrily to him "Especially if I did not allow you" She's seething in anger that she teared up. 

Zhang Wei was surprised by her tears, he didn't know what to do. He's about to go near him but he keeps moving away from him. He had enough after his 3 attempts. 

"Stop moving away from me!" he said "I will not touch you" he added raising both his hands

"Fine!" Li Xiu Ying sigh then stopped moving but she made sure there was still enough space between them "What do you want? Why are you here?" she asked one after another.

"I want to see you" he replied matter of factly "Do you not miss me" he added while crossing his arms and moving a step closer to her. 

"No, I don't" Li Xiu Ying answered back "Now, can I please go back to the hospital because my parents need me," she added moving a step away from him. 

"Okay, I'll let you go tonight," he noticed the dark shadow on her eyes indicating that she had not slept well in the past few days "But, will continue this talk tomorrow" he added cocking his head towards her as if challenging him to answer differently from what he had in mind. 

"Okay," Li Xiu Ying resigned to the idea that she'll be able to escape him tomorrow. 

"Liu Hao Ran" he called. The patient she met at the hospital pops in fro from the door 

"Yes, Master" Liu Hao Ran said looking at him and sparing a glance at Li Xiu Ying 

"Have someone take her back to the hospital" he said while he went back to his table "I have you picked up tomorrow at noon, no ifs no buts, understand?" he asked Li Xiu Ying 

"Okay," she replied quickly walking fast towards the door.

Did she just run away from me? Zhang Wei thought while he continued to eat.