Chapter 26: Coping 2

Jangli Village

Zhang Wei woke up early and asked his kitchen staff to prepare a sumptuous breakfast. He wants only the best food for his girl. Just thinking about seeing her, excites him since she misses her so much. 

He was waiting in the dining area when he heard Liu Ho Ran's arrival. Expecting to see her, he flashes his most beautiful smile, just to frown again because Liu Ho Ran is all alone. 

"Where is she" he asked narrowing his eyes to his aid

"She didn't want to come, Master" Liu Ho Ran answered. His head bowed down. 

"Are we getting rusty now, Ho Ran?" mockingly asked him as he stood up and walked before him "Did, I say bring her in? That's my instruction, right?"

"Yes, Master" he replied 

"Did, I say that you need her permission," he asked angrily "You knew very well that...that girl never wants to see me" he added stopping in front of him and holding his right shoulder. Suddenly he punched his stomach. 

"Did, I say that she has a say on whether she will or will not go with you?" he asked once after he punched him again "Are we getting soft Ho Ran because of her?"

Liu Ho Ran is already down on the floor whimpering due to succeeding blows Zhang Wei gave him on the stomach.

"Hong Mai" Zhang Wei shouted. 

Suddenly a 6"5 footer guy with big muscles came running towards Zhang Wei and stopped in front of him

"I want you to bring Li Xiu Ying here," he said while looking at Ho Ran " I want her to be here in 15 minutes, whether she likes it or not. Just don't hurt her. Understand" he bellowed 

"Yes, Master" Hong Mai said then went out of the room. 

"Leave," he said to Liu Ho Ran "Reflect on who is your Master," he said while leaving the room. 

Li Xiu Yung's Apartment

Li Xiu Ying went back to bed after Liu Ho Ran left. She was awakened by a hard pounding on her door again. 

"Gosh, when will these people stop?" she said to her irritably while going to the door ready to give Liu Ho Ran an earful. 

She was shocked to find a tall, muscled, and mean-looking man on the other side of the door.

He looked at her up and down and once he confirmed that this was Master's Mistress, he pulled her arms and carried her up and down on his shoulder. He carefully avoided touching inappropriate parts of her Mistress. 

Li Xiu Ying grasped when she realized what just happened. She punches the back of the person carrying her while shouting different expletives to release her. Suddenly, she was dropped at the back of the car which she was not familiar with. 

"Who are you?" she shouted "Where are you taking me?" she said while kicking the seat in front of her. 

"Mistress, it's all good," said the guy in a low voice "We will be there in a few minutes" he added while he closed the privacy window between them.

Li Xiu Ying could not believe what was happening to her. She just wants to rest. The left and right hearings for the case she filed at the hospital have been draining her energy and the fact that she was fighting with a very influential person in their hospital. 

Today, she planned to just sleep the entire day. Food is not an option as she could not sleep these past few days. Her best friend, Wang Jin has updated her and told her that the director has been suspended. She somehow felt that justice had been served, but she wanted more. She wants the director to be removed from the hospital.