Chapter 27: Coping 3

Li Xiu Ying's thoughts were suddenly cut off when the car stopped and the right side of her door was opened. 

"Mistress, we are here," said the tall and bulky guy politely, bowing his head.

Another tall guy appeared before her, asking her to follow him. 

She knows the place, she's been here once when she fainted the last time. She stewed in anger while following the man ready to blow off in front of the man who was behind all of this. 

Suddenly the man in front of him stopped at a door, knocked, and said "Master, we are here" he said politely, then he slowly opened the door and asked Li Xiu Ying to come in.

The man, Zhang Wei stood up when she entered the room. He could not help but smile looking at his girl. She's wearing pajama shorts in black, and she looks so cute; her hair is in a ponytail and when I looked in her eyes, she looked murderous. I chuckled very softly which earned me a glare from her. 

"What do you want?" she asked continuously glaring at me "I thought we would never see each other again based on our last conversation" she added

"I don't remember saying that we will never see each other again," I retorted walking towards her it irritated me seeing her backing off "You're the one who said that but did I agree" I challenged her 

She could not believe what he said. Instead of racking her memory to see if he agreed or not, she let it go and just asked, "So, what do you want?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

"You" Zhang Wei smirked adding "I've been very vocal about it" he chuckled. 

Li Xiu Ying could not believe that he was taking her question as a joke. "Not that dummy," she said irritably "Why am I here? What do you want from me?". 

"I want to have breakfast with you," he said dismissing her irritation with him "Also, I want to get the specifics of what happened in the hospital" he added seriously enunciating the "what happened". 

"How did you know?" she asked taken aback at his question "Is someone following me up?" she asked incredulously 

"Of course, not" he denied "You're not that precious...yet" he added

"If no one is following me then how did you know?" she asked "Only select people knew about what happened" she whispered. 

"Let's just say nothing escapes me when it comes to you," he said seriously while looking intently at her "So tell me, what happened?"

"Nothing," she said while shaking her head "If that's all then, can I go home now?"

"The f*ck!" he shouted "Why can't you just tell me what I want to know. Why do you keep on keeping things away from me," he said frustrated at how she was acting. 

"I just want to protect you," he said "I've never felt the need to protect anyone, But I'll gladly do it for you"

She's dumbfounded by what he said and feels guilty. "Sorry," she said softly she then sat down on one of the chairs in the room "The director, called me one afternoon to discuss my scholarship for my medical school," she said while recalling what happened.

"He said...he said... that he will help me with my scholarship" she breathed deeply before she continued "However, he started sitting closer to me and touched my arms, asking me to sit on his lap." she's on the verge of tears as she recalled what happened "I pulled my arm that he was holding and kick him on his b*lls and ran towards the door."