Chapter 28: Coping 4

"I ran until I bumped into one of the head nurses and she asked me what happened. I told her everything, little did I know that she's very close to the director." she said in between sobs "They said I seduced the Director and the Head Nurse witnessed everything. God knows, I never do that." she sobbed while shaking her head. 

When she started crying it made Zhang Wei agree with the people that made her cry. He vowed that they would pay for this.

He went beside her and hugged her, and though she refused at first, she gave in and started wailing, crying her heart out. He tightened his hug on her, hoping this would ease the hurt she was feeling. 

After a few minutes, she started to calm down and only a quiet sob can be heard. They sat down, his arms still around her shoulders. 

"Are you feeling okay now?" he asked concern very evident in his voice

She just nodded in response to his question. 

"That's good, let's eat," he said briefly, asking his people to serve them food. 

While they were eating, it was very noticeable that anytime soon, Li Xiu Ying would fall asleep. She looks adorable, Zhang Wei thought, and just like predicted, after a few minutes, she closed her eyes while her body slumped towards him. 

Zhang Wei carried Li Xiu Ying and brought her to his room. Once, she was lying down, he smoothened her hair and slowly whispered "Welcome home, my Love" and then he left. 

He gathered his team and provided instructions about the Director of the hospital where Li Xiu Ying was working. 

"I want him alive," he said firmly "I'll make him suffer first; I also want the head nurse" he added

"Yes, Master," said the three people he was talking to. 

During the middle of the night

Zhang Wei was awakened when Li Xiu Ying started tossing in bed while sobbing. He shook her to wake her up. 

"Love, wake up," he said while shaking her lightly and touching her face "Love, you're safe, open your eyes."

Li Xiu Ying opened her eyes and was surprised to see how close Zhang Wei was to her. 

"What?" she asked disoriented from her sleep and his closeness. 

"You're having a nightmare," he said gently "Here drink some water" he added while giving him a glass of water.

Still disoriented, she drank the water and returned the glass to him after a few sips. She lay down and closed her eyes once more. 

Zhang Wei was surprised to see her sleeping again, she must be tired, he thought. 

The following morning

Li Xiu Ying stretched her hand as she woke up. She never had a good sleep since the incident with the Director. This is a first, after a few months. 

She knew she was in Zhang Wei's room, she had been there already. She started going to the washroom to freshen up. After a while, she went out of the room, looking for Zhang Wei. This is a massive house, she said to herself while walking in a massive corridor. 

Suddenly, one of the doors in the hallway opened and appeared one of the maids. 

"Good morning, Mistress," the maid said politely while bowing to her "Would you like your breakfast to be served now?"

"No, I need to know where Zhang Wei is." she said politely "I want to go home" she added

"Master is not here, Mistress" she replied "However, I can call Mr. Liu Ho Ran for your request." 

She whipped her phone and dialed the number of Mr. Liu Ho Ran. "Hello, Sir, the mistress is awake now and looking for Master. She also wants to go home" 

She nodded and ended the call afterward. 

"Mr. Liu Ho Ran said for us to wait at the breakfast room," she said smiling "Kindly follow me this way, Mistress" she added while waiving her hand in the direction of the breakfast room.