
Dalton High

If you will just hear it from somewhere, you will think that this school is just an ordinary school just like the others.

A school, wherein students enroll to gain knowledge that they will use in the future. A school, wherein students is striving to study. A school, wherein students make exciting and fun memories together with their frinds. As school, wherien students will consider their second home, outside there own homes.

Who would have thought, that Dalton High, an ordinary school (for others) is not just an ordinary school for its students?

Where on earth can you find a school that the admin will treat their students, like a slave? And when I say the word 'slave' I really mean it.

Because, as soon as I stepped inside this fucking school, I know that this is not just an ordinary school.

I can see with my two naked eyes how the admins treat their students. I'm a witness on how the number of students are decreasing because they are being killed. I can hear their voices asking for help and struggling to live.

Up until now, everytime I will walk down that open field, I can still smell the unpleasant smell coming from the corpse hidden in this school. There is a rule here that if night time came, you should be already inside your dormitory, because if not, you will not be able to see the sun anymore.

A lot of people tried to change Dalton High. A lot of people already tried to rebel against the admin. However, that is also the reason why, you will see a lot of ropes hanging from the tree, or nails with a blood stains on it, inside the campus. Sometimes, you will see a mountain of corpse inside our school grounds.

Seeing a dead body here inside this campus is very normal. Witnessing a death right in fornt of you, is normal here. The rare part here is when you will not see any dead body.

The reason why they preserve the dead body, together with the things they used to kill, it's because they used it as a threat. A threat that you should not go against their rules, or you will be one of them.

But, they are wrong. I will prove the, wrong.

My name's Reverie Fallen. I went to Dalton High not because I want to be one of their dogs.

Will you help me? Because if not, you are free to go.

Because it's also in your hands, to save Dalton High!