Chapter 1

"So, you're the transferee huh?" The two admins looked at each other with a smirk written on their lips.

"Well then," the other one sighed, "Here's the key to your dorm. You can now go inside. Enjoy your stay here," she handed me a bunch of keys and again, smirked at me.

I shurgged, "Thanks," I whispered before turning my back against them.

"Mhm, I can sense something different from this new girl," I heard one of them whispered while I was walking away.

As soon as I entered the school premises, the unpleasant smell, that I don't know where it came from, welcomed me. I'm not dumb to know that it's a smell of a dead body. I sighed heavily before rolling my eyeballs and continued walking.

You can see from the branches of the trees in here some ropes that were already used, hanged on the branches. Looks like someone commited a suicide, or someone was hanged in here. I also noticed some blood stains on the walls. Now I can sense that this school, is not just an ordinary school. People kill here, and it's normal for them.

I stopped for a while to open my pocket to get my lollipop I put inside here a while ago. After that, I put my hands inside my pocket while walking and looking around this horrible school. While I was busy walking towards my dormitory, I noticed some small rocks on the side and kicked it slightly while I'm walking. A cold wind brush through my skin, causing for my light blue hair to sway sideways.

"Hey transferee."

I stopped walking to look around. When I couldn't see anyone, I felt irritated. I have a low temper, "Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled, in annoyance.

I heard some sounds and shadows coming from behind the trees. I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest while looking at the tree, "Fuck! We're not playing hide and seek, so could you just step outside, and fucking face me!"

Slwoly a gray haired guy with a different set of colors of his eyes, brown and gold, step outside from the trees. He's wearing his white dress polo that is already crumpled, and three buttones are open from the top. The sleeves of his polo is rolled up intil his elbow, and he partnered his top woth his black slacks. He is also wearing a coat that is hanged through his shoulder.

"Relax," he chuckled, "I'm Ocean Sanford," he introduced his name and hand me his hand.

I looked at his hand that is waiting for it to be shaken by me, and raised an eyebrow, "I didn't ask your name, dumbass."

"Woah, chill bro," he laughed and lowered his hand, "I'm just asking your name."

I smirked, "Ocean huh?" I mocked him, "You don't look like an ocean, though," I added and just left him there standing.

"Hey, wait!"

I felt his pressence at my back, following me, so I automatically run as fast as I can. I can feel the wind brushing my skin while I was running like a flash. I immediately saw the main building of this school, which looks like a haunted and abandoned building. Aside from the main building, I also saw two buildings beside it, which I guess is the dormitory, since there are a lot of students coming out from that building.

"Hey," I sighed in annoyance when I heard Ocean's panting voice beside me, "Y-you are so fast," when I look at him, he was having a hard time catching his breath. He looks like he is showering with his sweat.

I shrugged, "Not my fault. I didn't ask you to follow me," I sarcastically said and walked towards our dormitory..

"You're really something," I heard him whispered while I was walking away.

I looked back at him while I was walking backwards already, "Thank you," with that I ran towards the girls dormitory.

"Who is she?"

"She's the new girl, I guess?"

"She looks like an angel."

"I just wished for her safety and goodluck."

I stopped walking to take a glaced at their side, but they looked away immediately. I tsked and shaked my head a lot of times. When I saw a trashbin at the end of this hallway, I threw there the stick of my lollipop.


Someone held my right arm, like she already know me. There I saw this brown haired girl, smiling at me. I grip on her hand that was on my arm. She gasped in pain when I held her hand tightly, so I tighten the grip more before taking my hands off it.

"Ouch," she whispered, but I heard her loud and clear.

I looked at her and placed my intertwined hands at my back. I lowered my head so I could look at her face cleary. She was taken a back on how close my face on her, so she stepped backwards.

I smiled at her, "What do you want?" My voice sounds so sweet like an angel, but I saw fear in her eyes, like she saw me as a devil.

"U-uhm," she can't construct a sentence, like she was afraid that I will burn her here alive, "I-i saw your," she gulped, "y-your keys and, w-we have t-the same r-room," she was so careful in choosing her words.

I stood up properly, "And?" I'm urging her to continue.

She gulped again and she can't contain looking me in the eyes,, "I-i was thinking if y-you want to h-have some company," her voice is so soft but I could still hear her.

I shurgged and sighed, "Lead the way, then."

I saw how her eyes grew bigger like she was not expecting me to say that. I was still smiling at her. When she looked at me in the eyes, she looked away immediately like I was something to be afraid of just by looking at my eyes. We're not talking while we're walking towards the room.

"H-here is our room," she said in a soft voice and moved aside so I could enter the room.

This room looks so.....old. There are only two bunk beds. One have a bedsheets on it, while the other one has none, but there are some folded bedsheets on top of the bed. Slowly, I walked towards my bed and I sat on it, while my roomate is already walking back and fourth in front of me.

I hissed, "Can you please stop doing that?!"

"Oh!" she stopped and looked at me apologetically, "S-sorry," she slowly sat on her bed.

I sighed while looking at her, "Psst, hey! How should I address you?" I asked her that in a tone like I was asking for a fight.


I rolled my eyeballs and furrowed my forehead, "Can you still see someone here, aside from you and me?" Sarkastiko kong sabi.

She slowly looked at me and pursed her lips slightly, "Dunia...Harver," she whispered.

I nodded my head a lot of times, "Dunia, huh?"

"Y-you?" She managed to ask me.

I sighed heavily. I put my right arm at the back of my head, and closed my eyes. Dunia didn't bother talking again, but I can still hear some small sounds.



I think she was shocked because I suddenly answered her question, which she thinks I will not. I opened my eyes to look at her, "What?"

She shaked her head sideways, "Nothing. I was just shock."

I sat on my bed to wear again my boots, that I placed under my bed a minute ago. I stood up and tied my hair into a messy bun, while Dunia is looking at me with her confused face.


"If you are just joing to stop me from going out, better shut the fuck up."

I didn't wait for her to say something, and just went outside. I chose to used the fire exit we have in our dormitory to go down. I was going down so fast, that I even tried to jump across the staircase. When I reached the ground floor, the cold air welcomed me again.

I put my hands inside the pocket of mg black cargo pants with a golden chains on it, while I was roaming around. I was even playing with my tounge, by rolling it sideways with the help of my teeth, while walking. I stopped when I bumped into a masculine chest.

"You're new here, am I right?"

I looked at the man who is in front of me, with no emotion in my eyes.

"So what if, I am?"

He smirked at me. A simple smirk that sent shivers in my spine, but I chose to hide it. I am still bravely looking at his eyes, with a cold stare. Suddenly, he held both of my arms and grip on it so tight.

"Argh! Fuck it! Get off of me, you monster!" I hissed at him, but he didin't listen. Instead, he tightend his grip on mine.

I was gritting my teeth so I could reatrain myself into screaming while he's is holding me. After some time, he get off of me, and I breathe a large amount of air while scanning my arms that turned violet. This fucking monster in front of me, made a mark on my arms.

"Welcome to Dalton High."

He left right after he said that. I watched him walk away, as I was slowly drifting down towards the ground. My knees sude ly felt so weak! I was left here, alone, while holding my arms. I closed my eyes so tight and open it again.

Fuck! Somebody, help me---

"Hey, high blooded girl."

I looked up so I could see the owner of the voice. I sighed and rolled my eyeballs secretly, when I saw Ocean standing in front of me.

"Need help?" He was smiling at me innocently.

When I didin't say any word, he was the one who held my hands so he could me up, "Sorry for touching you, but I just want to help," he whisper when he managed to get me up from the ground.

I raised an eyebrow, "Don't make me feel like I'm a charity that you want to help," I sarcatically said, but he didn't bother saying anything about it. Instead, his gaze were on my arms that has a violet mark on it.

"He already marked you," he said seriously while his eyes were setteled on my arms.

"Who is 'he'?"

When he looked at me, there were no emotions written on his eyes, "Levi."

I scoffed, "Who the fuck is Le--" I didn't finished what I was about to say when he put his hand on my mouth, forcing me to shut the fuck up.

He was looking at the every corner of this school ground, "Don't you even dare say anything against him. You don't know him," Ocean said seriously and with conviction, while he is looking at me in the eyes

I harshly pulled his hands off of me and looked ate him irritated, "Who the hell is he? He is just an ordinary student just like us, right? What's so speacial about him, anyway?"

"Without him, we will all gonna die."

Because of what Ocean said, I felt like I was glued on the ground. It sent shivers to my whole body, but I didn't bother telling it to this guy in front of me.

"So, what's with this mark he gave me?" I asked while I was looking at my arms.

Ocean shrugged, "That means, you're already one of us."


Ocean just smiled at me, "You need to figure it out by yourself."

I looked at him in the eyes, trying to read him, "Who are you, Ocean Sanford?"

Slowly, Ocean smirked at me. A devil one, "Ohhh, now you're curious huh?"

I rolled my eyeballs, "Just answer that stupid question, Ocean!"

"Well, lets just say I'm one of Levi's accompliance?"

"You're 'one', so it means to say, you are not the only one?" I asked again.

Ocean smirked at me again and shrugged, "It's for you to find out."

That night, a lot of questions were forming into my head. Who the fuck is Levi? Who the hell is Ocean? And, what is the reason why my parents put me into this school? For sure they are not dumb to know what is going on with Dalton High.

"Hey, what's bothering you?"

I didn't notice Dunia's presence beside me, "Why are you asking me?" I asked back.

Dunia smiled at me, "Well, I can read your face. Silly," she slightly laugh.

"Don't bother me" I said before turning my back against her.

"If you need someone to talk to, or a friend, I'm always here," she said in a soft and soothing voice.

"Tsk. I don't need anyone."

The next day, I woke up because of the light coming from the sun, touched my face. I ruffled my hair harshly, before going inside the bathroom to prepare myself for my class. I chose to wear another black cargo pants, loose white sleeveless shirt for my top and I tied the front part of this shirt into a bun, before I wore my gray beenie. When I passed by the mirror, I scanned again my arms.

Well, I have nothing to do with it anymore. It's already there, so all I can do is to just wait for it to go back to normal.

While I was wearing my black boots, Dunia woke up. When she saw me that I was already ready to go, she immediately went inside the bathroom to prepare herself. I didn't bother saying goodbye to her, and just left the room.

While I was going down, I chose to eat some candies I have inside my bag. I used the fire exit again, and just like yesterday, I did some stunts, if that's what you call it, while going down the staircase.

"You're really something."

I looked at he part where I heard the voice, and I saw Levi standing at the end of this fire exit. Because of the distance we have, I manage to scan him from head to toe. His black messy hair that was not that visible since he is wearing a black and white hoodie, and his hands are inside his pocket. You can only see some bangs on his forehead. In just one look, you will think that he is just an ordinary student, who doesn't know anything. An innocent one, perhaps. But, don't be decieve with his looks. It's like a famous quotation , 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.'

"Levi," I suddenly blurt out.

I heard his chukle that sent shiver into my body, "So you already know me."

I shrugged and went down slowly, "So what?"

When our eyes met, I felt something that I felt coldness from my body. I tried to read what's going on in his mind, but he's like a puzzle that is too hard to solve in just one look.

"Reverie Fallen."

If it's possible, my hair on my arms and legs went up because of what he said. He actually know my name! How did he know my name, when in fact I didn't say anything about myself to him?

"You know me?" I tried so hard not to stutter, so that he could not sense that I was already nervous in front of him.

He lowered his head a little while chuckling, and raised his head again to look at me in the eyes, "Of course I know you."