Chapter 2

"Hi, you must be the newbie."

Ilooked at the girl who sat beside me, with no emotions in my eyes. She has light brown highlights on her hair, which compliment on her since she has a white and delicate skin. Later on, she looked at me, and she dropped her textbook on the floor which made a loud sound, but no one looked at our side. Her lips parted a little.

"Yes?" I asked and arched an eyebrow.

She renewed her gaze and scoffed, "I see," she said that to herself and nodded a lot of times, "I'm Asy Luviton," she introduced herself and lend me her hand.

I arched again one of my eyebrow while looking at her hand, "How can you say that I'm the newbie?" I asked, obviously ignoring her introduction.

She chuckled, "New face?" She said that as if I was asking her a very basic question, "Plus, your mark says it all. It's new because of the red marks," she added while getting her things that is scattered on the floor.

I didn't bother talking to her again, and just did things for me to be busy. I was silently reading my textbooks since our professor can't attend our class today, so we had to read a lot of chapters. Before we enter the room, we already saw the number of chapters, written on the board. It's funny how Dalton High is known for its 'quality education' but they don't teach students here. If you want to pass and graduate, you really need to have a lot of efforts, because most of the time it's just you. No professors.

"Let's go?"

From reading my textbook, I turned my attention to Asy. She was smiling at me causing for her dimples to show, and her eyes turned into a chinky eyes. I raised again my eyebrow, waiting for her to tell me where she will take me.

"Let's cut our class," she whispered and started getting her things, "Don't worry. Those demons, doesn't have give a fuck if you will not attend class," and she already stood up.

I sighed heavily and got my things so I could go with her. I also don't know what gotten to me which lend me to go with her. In fact, I should have stayed, because I can handle myself. But at the same time, I will also benefit with i because I will not read a bunch of books and chapters, which I will not need in the future. Reverie and studying can't be used in one sentence. Plus, she looks someone who I can entrust myself.


I shut my eyes, when I recognized that voice. Asy even stopped walking and waited for me. When I looked back, and I saw how Dunia is running towards our direction holding her textbooks. She stopped right in front of me, smiling widely.

"You're also gonna cut your class?" She asked the obvious.

"Is in it obvious, Dunia?"

Someone held my shoulder to pull me away from Dunia. When I looked at who it was, I saw Asy staring at Dunia. Looks like Dunia was not expecting that sudden move made by the girl who is behind me. I saw how Asy raised one of her eyebrows to Dunia, and how Dunia scanned Asy from head to toe.

"So, you have someone to accompany you," Dunia said while her eyes didn't left Asy's "I'm sorry, I didn't noticed that a while ago before approaching you," she looked at me apologetically and lowered her head a little.

"Do you want to come and join us, ladies?"

The three of us look at the same direction, where we heard that baritone voice. I saw Ocean standing a few meters away from us, while his hands are inside his pocket. He's with Levi, and another unfamiliar face.


"Asy, who are you with?" The unfamiliar face asked Asy.

They know each other? I asked in my mind.

Asy tapped my shoulder, "This one is Reverie."

The person who Asy was talking to, scanned me from head to toe, but his gaze remained on my arms and smikred a little, "The newbie," his voice is as cold as ice.

I lazily sighed, "And?" I crossed my arms around my chest and slowly walked towards him, "I'm tired of hearing you say, I'm the newbie. Why? Do we have some problem with it?" I stopped walking few inches away from him.

He then smirked at me a little, and chuckled, "Brave woman, I like it."

I gave him a disguting look because of what he said The two of remained silent and we didn't let pur eyes left each other, like we are having this staring contest challenge. No one even dared to talk, no until Levi scoffed.

"Are you coming with us, or not?"

I feel like something was stucked on my throat that I can not speak or utter a word. Good thing Ocean held my arm, so I didn't lose my poise.

"Join us, ladies."

The boys started walking, and because Ocean is holding my arm, pati ako ay nahatak na. Asy followed us immediately, and even Dunia who is walking while her head is lowered a little. She looks like an obedient puppy. Tsk.

We stopped walking in front of one wodden table, with a two long wodden bench on it. In our back, you can see a lot of tall trees that has a lot of ropes and blood stains on it. I chose to seat at the edge of this table, while my feet are resting at the bench. I put my hands on the table so I could arched my back a little, while looking at them. Ocean is just standing in front of me while he was brushing his hair with his fingers. Abell (I think that's his name) is seating on the table also, but at the other end of the table. Asy is standing near Abell. Dunia is seating on the bench quietly like a prim and proper woman, and in front of her is where Levi is seating.

"Now I'm curious about something."

got all of their attention with my one sentence only, especially Ocean who is standing near me "Tell us. Maybe we can help you burst the bubble on your head," he mocked me so I showed him my middle finger.

"Fuck you," I whispered but the latter just laughed at me. I had the guts to punch his face, but I didn't bother doing it anymore. I'm just wasting my time and effort to this guy, "Can you tell me what happened to Dalton High? Like, I'm pretty sure this school is not like this before right? What's the history behind it, anyways."

If a while ago, they are willing to listen to me. If a while ago, they are paying attention to me. Now, it's totally different. They are doing the opposite. They are acting like they didn't hear anything from me. I felt irritated because no one is going to answer my questions, so I held Ocean's collar and pulled him near me. He was taken a back of what I did because his wide eyes says it all.

"H-hey! W-what do you want?" He asked, confused, while he is trying his best to renew my hand lm his collar

I smiled sweetly at him, but I know it turned out like a devil like smile, "You are not going to answer any of my questions, huh?" I asked using my sweet tone and looked at them.

Asy is just looking at me with an amused face, but later on smiled while shaking her head a little bit. Abell is smirking while he was looking at the tree. Levi...well I can't see any emotions on his face or eyes right now. The usual. But the one who really got my attention, is Dunia's scared emotion on her face.

What should I expect from this girl, anyways?

"You need to find the answer to your questions by yourself, Reverie," Levi was the one who said that while his head is on the table.

I renewed my hold to Ocean, and he immediately took a step back away from me. I leaned towards Levi's direction, and they all looked at me with anticipation. Levi felt my presence, so he looked at my direction and looked at me in the eyes. He is not yet saying anything and he is just staring at me, but the effect he has on me is different. I feel like everytime Levi look at me, my brave soul will leave.

"If you are not going to shut up, and will ask me a lot of questions. You're with a wrong person," his voice is so soft, like he is purposely did that so I could only be the one who can hear him.

I sit up straight, and looked at them one by one, "Who are you?" without even noticing, I was alreading looking at their hands.

There is a tattoeed letters on the back of their hand. MF

"Mafia..." I whispered to myself, but I was pretty sure they heard it also.

All of the boys have a mafia word tattooed on their hands, except for the girls. I'm not that dumb to know the meaning of MF tattooed on their hands, means mafia. I already saw that symbol.......somewhere.

"You seem to know something," I looked at Asy who said that.

I shrugged, still looking at their hands, "It's just that, your tattoo is kinda familar with me," I pointed at their hands, "Like, I already saw it somewhere."

Dunia suddenly stood up so all of us look at her, "I'll be going now," she excused herself and just left immediately.

"I'll just go to the cafeteira. Do you want something?" Asy asked while looking at us. Waiting for us to say if we need something.

I went down, "I'll go with you," I told her and left her already. I can sense her presence behind me after some time.

I don't want to be left alone there with the boys. It's not that I don't trust them, or I'm being judgemental that they will do somehing to me, especially because I was the only girl who was left there. I'm still not yet comfortable with them around. Plus the fact that Levi is there, and I'm gling to admit that I'm scared of that silent, mysterious and deadly guy.


I stopped walking so I could look ate Asy, "What?"

She took a step forward so she can have the same level as mine, "Let's run going to the cafeteria,"

With that, she is already gone in front of me. Her distance from me is already big, but I manage to keep up with her. In less than ten seconds, I guess, I was the one who is leading the race.

"To your right!" I heard her say the direction going to the cafeteria.

Since I was the one on her front, she had to shout the direction going to the cafeteria. When I turned on my right, I knew that we are on the open field of this school. I stopped when I saw some used nails scattered on the ground. There are some blood on the grass, on the nails, and even on the wall.

"What happened here?" I asked while looking around this open field.

The used nails scattered on the grass can be very dangerous for people, especially if you are not paying attention to the road you are walking on. If you are not being careful with your steps, you can have your feet nailed.

I squat and got some nails on the ground. I looked at it, and saw that it is covered with some blood on it, but it is already dry. Some of them have rust already. From my peripheral vision, I saw Asy squat beside me and looked at the nails.

"You're really fast, huh," she suddenly said, so I turned to her.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged, "I was trained for it," I simp,y answered and get another pair of nails.


"Yup. Believe it or not, I was forced to training when I was little. I didn't even know the reason why," I seriously said, "But i think I already know the reason why."

Slowly but surely, we manage to passed by this open field. Asy said that passing through this open field is the only way to get closer to the cafeteria.. I was walking while my hands are intertwined at my back. Asy was the one in front me already, since I don't know the direction.

"I like your hair color, by the way," Asy said while we were walking.

We already reach this another abandoned building, which is the only building near the cafeteria. We are just passing through this building, since the ray of the sun can burn our skin if we still continue walking in an open space.


She didn't say anything after that. I decided to open another pack of candy that I placed on my pocket a while ago, while we are walking. I suddenly looked at my side, when I heard some footsteps from there. I can even feel some presence near me. I stopped walking while I was looking at that direction. I was about to walk towards that direction, when someone pulled me.


I looked at Dunia who was holding my arm. I held her hand, the one that she used in holding me. I think she already got the message, and she immedately renewed her hold to me, and lowered her head a little.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to," she sound like she was about to cry anytime soon.

"Oh, hey."

Its like Asy didn't noticed my presence at her back before, not until today. She walked towards our direction, and stopped beside me.

"I didn't notice that you are not following me already," she can't help but to chuckle.

She looked at Dunia again, who is looking at the floor, "What are you doing here?"

Dunia slow,y looked at Asy, "Nothng. I was about to go to the cafeteria, also."

Asy just nodded her head, and after that, she looked at me again and smiled, "Let's go? You can join us Dunia," with that Asy started walking away, leaving us beind.

"You!re also going to the caf?" Dunia asked while we are walking.

I didn't say anything, nor didn't answer her question because I don't feel like talking today. Good thing she didn't even dare to ask me again, until we reach the cafeteria. Their cafeteria here looks like an ordianry cafeteria. Of all buildings this school have, cafeteria is the most decent on.

Well, that's what I think.

Because the moment I stepped inside the cafeteria, one student was laying on the floor in front of me. He looks like he had a broken bones, and he doesn't even have an arms p. It was cut off. The reason why a lot of blood is on the floor right now. It's like someone spilled a strawberry juice because of the scene in front of me.

A lot of students have their mouth opened while looking at one of our schoolmate. Everyone is silent, and no one even dared to talk. Everyone seemed to have this 'state of shock' on their body. My body felt cold while looking at the dead body in front of me. This is the first time, someone died right in front of me! I was panicking inside, but I remained calm on the outside.

"Are you okay?"


I looked at the two of them and smiled, as if I was not feeling any panic in my body, "I'm fine. It's just a dead body, no big deal. However, can we dispost it? I don't want to lose my appetite because of this dead body we have inside the cafeteria," I said and I think the workers here in the cafeteria heard it, so they immediately went to get the students's body out of this place.