Everest hopes

What I find on TV or that people with posttraumatic stress disorder painted in a bad light or they're painted in an ignorant light and seeing as evil and murderous instead of as a normal human being. I do not watch TV because of this reason unless it's Chinese dramas because then those are purely simple towards and pure mindless fun. But western TV has it in for people with PTSD and irks me because my mother my adoptive mother and I both have post traumatic stress disorder, I took a more creative approach to my problem with PTSD were she drank after yard time to excess. But she was never a killer or a murderer or a psycho more so a victim of mild PTSD where I had severe PTSD almost to complex PTSD. What I find with TV is that they think we're all serial killers alcoholics and murderers what isn't true. This is why I have to climb a ties to this rotten weather is so one day I can climb mount Everest to raise awareness and acceptance for people with posttraumatic stress disorder because people with PTSD or just normal people with bigger emotions bigger memories and bigger nightmares it doesn't mean that they always kill or that they spaz out in public. I have been having this problem since I was 14 years old this stereotype and I've been wanting to get rid of it ever since. When I am my mom's age of 66 years old I am going to climb mount Everest to make a statement that people with PTSD should be excepted and be aware of but not a serial killers or criminals what is just plain old human beings. This is a human rights thing that I think I should do and I also wanted to climb mount Everest as well when I was a wee little kid other than being an FBI agent but I can't do that but I can climb the mountain. I'll be a tattoo artist and piercer I'm getting tattoos and piercings as well but thats just for a hobby nd for mountains money. I remember a woman in my old town that I used to live in who treated adopting children like going to Everest and she was a very big attention whore and she wants as far as to get the kids after getting the town in doing an uproar financially. Wait until I tell the town what she did to her children then they will be a real uproar, She dragged her son her adoptive son all around her property and then her house by his earlobes you on getting them and making them Very painful Because he was play fighting with his sister while I was colouring and I saw the whole thing and I was like what the hell. I now know what it is called it's called child-abuse. to drag your kid Along the house and property as if you're dragging a suitcase in the fucking airport. This is also added to my PTSD is because I had to see the whole fucking thing. And I did not tell my parents because I didn't know how to say so I was dragged like a suitcase. That person had PTSD as well and he is an alcoholic and a drug addict because of this woman who he called mother. I want to stand up for people with With PTSD who are more like my mother know who rarely have problems with it but do you have problems with it at times and will not hurt a fly or snort Coke. The stereotypes I think I have to stop. And that's why I'm going up the mountain to say that people with PTSD can live normal every day lives we just have bigger brains let's put it that way. I do not except the TV using a dissociative or other horseshit Stereotype people with PTSD this is to put a kibosh on the TVs damage that has on society's view on PTSD because people like me and my mom who really have a flashback or really spazzing out in public or kit or do anything mean and I'm getting the short end of the stick and there's plenty of us around who have these cars are very invisible and you wouldn't know unless you ask. And it just ticks me off people should wear their scars with pride and not be brown as a serial killer or a strangler or a drug addict. That is why I am climbing Everest for PTSD acceptance and awareness, Because we're only human and we are not supposed to be leaving this planet unscathed, nor perfect. That is my hopes when I'm 66 years old to be climbing Mount Everest and I'll have a big banner that says PTSD awareness and acceptance. That is my goal in life.