Last night I was talking to one of the workers at group home that I stay in Until both my mom and myself cannot sell straightened out and into her apartment. Anyway she said that My writing has made it to the newspaper for Christmas contests that I did and completely forgot about. The story was called Christmas Dippers a childhood memory. It was about my father and I walking around the neighbourhood looking at fancy Christmas lights and some people tend to do to their houses. It was a fun memory and then I'll probably won't go to the field at the end of my street after the walk and go stargazing a night actually see the big dipper hang low in the sky and we would look at the different constellations. Then the next morning was Christmas I think and I saw that they got me a planet mobile was a different planet and I learned about The Jupiter. Well anyway the story of my memory made it to my the lanark highlands paper according to one of the workers she sent me a picture I can't send you the picture because this is a writing app but anyway it was the picture of my memory article about the Christmas lights and stargazing. It was a very good night last night except for the dream I had was kind of offputting and weird but I guess that's some thing when you find out that you did something out of the ordinary that's your Squirrley brain's way of saying job well done without having to get a nightmare or a good dream it was a semi-good dream. But I just decided to tell Nana I wanna contest and I look on the paper for a Christmas memory that I did that sound good or a ride or I can be at times. I want is for us to show my mother the actual picture of the article/story of the memory I had and she was very proud of me and I was very proud of myself I wish I could reward myself with a vynil record or beanie boo. As you can tell by this particular Wattpad that I have that I use poetry and micro fiction fiction I really do fiction but this was a contest anyway. But this is the only time around this month Wattpad that my writing has been noted as good on my old Wattpad account was also one talent scout it and was told to direct my talents to webnovel which I also have now I have many books are now on Webnovel and people pounce on them as if they're candy. Because of that one talent scout before I found out about the lockdown and the contest i won during lockdown. As you can tell I use my Writing Weatherby poetry or journalling or dream journalling to help with my PTSD I might Delvin the micro factions if they're good enough for me.