
Song/s: None

Trigger warning/s: the word 'drugs' is in this chapter (I don't know if anyone will get triggered by this but I'm putting it here anyways)

Word count: [768]


The time had finally arrived. Two very uneventful weeks had passed since the phone call. y/n had quit her boring job of mining ores, and it felt great. She had her backpack readily packed, with some clothes, some small essentials, and a lot of food for the long journey that lay ahead.

y/n was more ready than ever, yet she still felt a sense of nervousness. She pushed the apprehension down regardless. She was sure it would be fine, and texted Tubbo.


Hey, are you nearly here?

Yeah, I think I'm close. See you in 10


After a few minutes waiting, which seemed to drag on forever, with a mix of nervous and excited thoughts whirring around her head, y/n heard a small tapping on the door. She stood up, and stepped outside..


A boy around the same height as y/n stood outside the door, his smile brightened as he gave a little wave. y/n was hesitant at first, but a smile then spread across her face and she waved back.

"Tubbo?" she asked

"Hello y/n!" his voice was very cheerful, enough to brighten up anyone's day.

They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, and then Tubbo pulled y/n into a quick hug.


"It's really lovely to finally meet you!" y/n said, as she hoisted her backpack onto her back and petted Tubbo's horse.

"You too!" he cheered, "We better get going. We have a long way to go. I've got some food and things that we might need, have you got everything?"

"Yep. I've got some food too so we should be good for that," y/n responded. Tubbo then got into his horse with ease, and helped pull y/n on behind him.

"Thank you, what's his name?" y/n asked.

"Percy," Tubbo smiled.

"That's a great name!"

"I have a knack for naming," Tubbo informed her. Percy neighed in response, and they were off.


"So what are my new living arrangements going to be?" y/n asked after a short while of riding.

"Don't worry, we've got it all planned," Tubbo reassured her, "You're going to be living in L'Manburg, if that's where you want to live of course, and we've sorted it all out. L'Manburg is an independent country, but it still counts as being a part if the area Dream SMP, ran by Dream. I have had to sort it out with him, but he said it was fine if you came," he explained.

"Right... and I do want to live in L'Manburg!"


"How'd you name it?" y/n asked, as it seemed a pretty strange name.

"Oh I didn't. It was some of the friends I mentioned that named it. Also, that nation kind of started with selling drugs," Tubbo laughed.

"Right..." y/n responded, a little surprised at the situation.


They continued to ride for days and days, talking just in the same way, but it didn't really matter to them. They felt like they were getting to know each other so well. They talked for hours and hours, telling stories, some that were real, others that were made up.

They also learnt a lot about each other, as they told each other lots of facts about themselves and their interests.

After around half of their travel, they stopped for a break in a nearby cave, and set up a small campfire and a place to sleep.


"Tubbo?" y/n started as they lay down side by side.


"Even though I've only known you for a few days, it feels like I've known you for my entire life," she admitted.

"Me too," he sighed, "We relate so much."

"Yeah! We have similar backstories and interests... But it seems like your life has been way more interesting than," she sighed.

"That's kind of true... but I didn't like the war. I don't like fighting people. I prefer to live a more peaceful life, just building stuff, and hanging out with the bees, y'know?" Tubbo confessed.

"I agree, I prefer that too. I also like bees!"

"I can't wait for you to meet my friends!"

"Do you think they'll like me?" y/n asked, her fears of being a burden resurfacing.

"Of course they will! Don't be stupid," Tubbo reassured.

"We should get some sleep now," y/n decided.

"Night y/n."

"Goodnight, Tubbo."


They set off again in the morning, and carried on riding non-stop, until they reached the walls which were so familiar to Tubbo.
