Starting over

Song/s: L'Manburg anthem is mentioned.

Trigger warning/s: Minor descriptions of blood

Word count: [1576]



y/n ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn't look back towards L'Manburg, only forwards. She tried to navigate her surroundings, throught the rain, wind and night skies. She called out for Tommy and Wilbur, but couldn't hear a thing.

She tripped on a branch of a tree, and could feel fresh blood pour out of her leg as the wound opened. She carried on running, stumbling, until she heard familiar voices not to far from her.

"WILBUR! TOMMY!" y/n cried, trying to drown out the sounds of the extreme weather.

"Y/N!" Tommy yelled back.

"WE GOTTA GO!" Wilbur screamed at both of them, as y/n caught up. Her invisibility potion had worn off by now. Tommy noticed the wound on her leg, and held onto her helping her run. As did Wilbur, although he stumbled, so they had to help him too.

"We should stop behind this tree," Tommy decided, and both Wilbur and y/n nodded in agreement. L'Manburg was not in sight, and so they were safe for now. They waited a short while for the rain to pass over, but they knew they couldn't stay there forever.

"So what do we do now?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know," Wilbur admitted.

y/n just sat for a while. She could not believe that everything could just change with the click of a finger. Merely a month ago, y/n hadn't ever experienced adventure. She trusted a cousin, who reached out with a promising idea. And it was fun, at first, but it had backfired, and now, she was caught up in this mess.

"So why did you follow?" Wilbur asked her, sitting in between y/n and Tommy.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't want to stay there any longer. I wanted to follow you," she explained.

They continued to sit for a few moments, breathing in the air, and wondering where to go from there. However, their thoughts were soon halted, when a firefly flew up to y/n.

It buzzed around her head, almost directing her somewhere.

"Guys, I think this firefly is trying to tell us something," she informed the boys. She stood up to follow it. It was flying back in the direction they came from L'Manburg, but slightly to the right.

"We should follow it," Tommy suggested, and Wilbur and y/n nodded in agreement.

It lead the way, and they chased after it, zooming past trees and rocks.

y/n thought it might be stupid, but the firefly brought her a sense of hope (roll the credits /j).

The firefly stopped a the opening of a small cave, it was tiny, and she wondered why it had brought them there, but they inspected it closer, and it seemed to lead to a ravine.

"Good firefly," y/n petted it. It squeaked in thanks, and flew off, in the direction of L'Manburg.

"I knew I trusted it," y/n stated.

"Are you some kind of animal whisperer?" Tommy questioned.

"No, I don't think so, but it might be something that runs in the family, Tubbo speaks to bees..."

The mention of Tubbo brought back many unwanted memories from the day.


"Is this where we lose it all?" Tommy asked.

"We already have," Wilbur sighed defeated.

And it might have been true. y/n knew it was going to be hard, but they had each other.


They entered the ravine, and set up a few chests, a bed, and a fire.

They sat around the fire for a few hours, and the realisation hit. This wasn't going to end any time soon. It would be a long winter. Tommy and y/n both fell asleep after a while, but Wilbur was still as awake as ever. He couldn't help but feel like it was supposed to be him. He didn't understand how it had gone so wrong. Him and Schlatt were supposed to be good friends. And why would Tubbo betray them? He betrayed his cousin and bestfriend.

Wilbur wanted to wake Tommy and y/n up. He wanted to reassure them that he was there for them, that it was going to be okay.

But he couldn't bring himself to. Plus, they deserved to sleep. He decided to just settle down for the night, alone with his thoughts.


It was early the next morning. Like he had thought he wouldn't, Wilbur hadn't slept at all. He saw the time- 05:34 am. He sighed. Neither Tommy nor y/n had woken up yet, but it was very early, after all. He stepped outside into the fresh air, and looked around. L'Manburg was in sight, but just barely, and that is when he heard Schlatt.


"PEOPLE OF L'MANBURG!" his voice announced.

Wilbur ran back inside, and shook Tommy and y/n awake.

"Huh?" the both of them uttered

"Schlatt is about to make a speech, we can hear from outside, come quick."

The both of them rubbed their eyes and yawned, stepping outside.

"And Tommyinnit and Wilbur soot- once we find them and expel them from our great nation."

Well that was the wrong time to tune into a speech.

"The sun rises, over another beautiful day in our nation's history- the next page of the textbook our children will be reading until the end of time. I recon our nation needs to expand! I recon, we take down the walls..."

Tommy gasped, looking at y/n, eyes wide.

"NO!" they heard Niki cry.


Wilbur glanced at y/n and Tommy, neither of them were able to read his emotions or thoughts. He beckoned them over, to get a closer sight of L'Manburg.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT SCHLATT!" Niki yelled. y/n smiled slightly. At least Niki was standing up for them.

"Let's get to work, even you, Miss Nihachu," Schlatt spoke with an authority in his voice.


"WHAT THE F- Tommy burst out, but y/n rested her hand on his arm to stop him (again, not shipping).

"We have to watch," Wilbur urged, leading them closer.

"If that's what you really want."


They were just in sight of the walls, whilst being out of sight to anyone inside them.

"Oh my god," Wilbur whispered emotionally, as many people bearing pickaxes stood before their eyes.

"Look away Wilbur, look away," Tommy urged.

"No.. I- I need to watch this."

Their eyes averted to Fundy and Niki.

They trusted them.

Niki was just stood in disbelief, but Fundy had his pickaxe in his hand, and was obeying Schlatt's orders.

"My son. MY SON IS TEARING DOWN THE WALLS I BUILT TO KEEP HIM SAFE!" Wilbur cried, his voice breaking.

Niki spotted them, she looked sorry, but it wasn't her fault, she couldn't do anything.

"I promised him the world... I promised him this world," Wilbur's voice sounded like he was about to break down any moment.

"I'm so sorry Wilbur," Tommy and y/n both comforted him, placing their arms on his shoulders, leading him away.

y/n saw that Tommy had his phone out, presumably he was texting someone. She nearly told him that it was not the right time, but decided to leave the boy be for now.

Wilbur jolted around again.

"L'MANBURG, MY UNFINISHED SYMPHONY!" he screamed without warning, "My great unfinished symphony."

The three of them stood for a while, the silence was comforting, until Wilbur asked them, "Will you sing the national anthem with me one last time?"

"Okay," the two agreed.

Wilbur sang softly. Tommy and y/n stepped by his side, as Wilbur continued. As they got towards the end of the song, Tommy and y/n joined in.

"My L'Manburg," they finished.


I am going to do something," Tommy told them at once, running into L'Manburg.

"Tommy where are you going?" Wilbur asked.

He didn't reply to Wilbur. They tried ringing him, but it said he was engaged.

Who the hell was so important?

"What the hell is he doing?" y/n asked.

"Honestly, I don't know with that kid, but we should leave it, we should go," Wilbur suggested, and they were off, walking back to their base.

Soon after, Tommy ran back to the base.

"WILBUR! Y/N!" he screamed.

"TOMMY WHERE WERE YOU?" Wilbur yelled back.

"Don't worry, I got us some things," Tommy said, placing down an ender chest amongst other things.

"Good, but don't do that again, we didn't know what had happened to you!" y/n exclaimed.

"I want to get this filthy uniform off," Wilbur began venting.

"We'll get new clothes in time," y/n comforted. Tommy just sat. He looked impatient, like he was waiting for something. He kept checking his phone, it was strange.

Wilbur continued to vent about their situation, but y/n could tell that Tommy's mind was elsewhere.

When there was a knock at their door, Tommy jumped up, and answered it immediately.

"Did someone say rebellion?" a monotone voice asked.


A/N: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Regarding the next chapter, it's going to be kind of a side chapter. The reader won't really be in it, only mentioned. It will be Tubbo angst, and Fundy angst which will be the start of a Fundy side story (spy arc) which will be in the second part of that chapter and also chapter eleven.

Hope that cleared up some confusion. x