The Elite Mages Pay Lance A Visit

Hyena has been missing for a few days now, unable to find him, Lance decides to spend his time helping his mother with her food business. Elizabeth sells food and drinks in her small restaurant in the Common Domain, but business has been slow lately.

Elizabeth Grey: (Sighs) Another slow day. (Elizabeth says while holding some dirty dishes)

Lance Grey: Don't worry mom, I'm sure customers will be here any minute. (Lance tells her encouragingly)

Elizabeth Grey: I don't know about that, our only customer today has been Old Bill. (Elizabeth says at the looks at the old man at his table)

Old Bill: Bring me some more beans Elizabeth! (The old man tells her while holding an empty plate)

Elizabeth Grey: On it's way, Bill. (Elizabeth tells him)... (Sighs) Great spirits help me. (Elizabeth whispers)

Leon Chronos then enters dramatically.

Leon Chronos: Never fear!, Leon Chronos is here! (The No 1 Elite Mage yells extravagantly)

Lance Grey: Leon, what are you doing here? (Lance asks for he was a bit confused)

Leon Chronos: A few of my friends wanted a nice place to eat, so I recommended they come here. (Leon tells them with a smile)

Elizabeth Grey: Oh my, By friends do you perhaps mean...

Before Elizabeth can finish her sentence, all the Elite Mages enter her restaurant.

Mr Perfect: It's been a while since I've eaten at restaurant in the Common Domain, I'll have some mashed potatoes if you please. (Perfect tells Elizabeth as he finds a place to sit)

Elizabeth Grey: Right Away! (Elizabeth replies, full of joy)

Old Bill: I don't believe it, you're all Elite Mages. (Bill says as he stares in awe)

Leon Chronos: Believe it old timer. (Leon replies, giving the old man a thumbs up)

As the Elite Mages dine and drink at Elizabeth's small restaurant, people begin to gather outside to catch a glimpse of them.

Elizabeth Grey: Wow so many people, I wish I had enough space to occupy them all. (Elizabeth says while she rushes to deliver more food to the Elite Mages)

Lance Grey: Why not get a bigger place?, And hire some help in the kitchen? (Lance suggests while helping his mother serve food and clear plates)

Elizabeth Grey: After today, I just might. (Elizabeth tells Lance with a happy look on her face)

The Elite Mages have all been given their food and Elizabeth goes around asking them if they still needed anything.

Elizabeth Grey: Do you two need anything? (Elizabeth asks Valeria and Blast at their table)

Blast: Yes!, Please bring me the best wine for my Queen here! (Blast says, referring to Valeria)

Valeria Susano: Awww, you're so sweet. (Valeria tells Blast happily)

Elizabeth Grey: Sorry but we don't have wine, only beer. (Elizabeth tells Blast nervously)

Blast: Then please bring me the best beer you've got!, For my fair maiden! (Blast tells Elizabeth, in his usual loud manner)

Elizabeth Grey: Sure, I'll bring it right over. (Elizabeth tells him with a smile as she leaves to bring their drinks)

Gwenevier, Perfect and Leon, all sit at the same table.

Mr Perfect: The food was great, I enjoyed it. (Perfect says after he finishes his food)

Gwenevier Topaz: I'm enjoying these drinks (Gwenevier says, gulping her beer), Come on, drink with us Perfect. (Gwenevier tells Perfect as she hands him a cup of beer)

Mr Perfect: Being drunk would sully my perfect ways, I'll pass. (Perfect replies, adjusting his glasses)

Gwenevier Topaz: More for me then. (Gwenevier states as she continues to drink)

Leon Chronos: (Drinks his beer) So good, It's been a long time since we've hung out like this. (Leon tells his friends happily)

Mr Perfect: Yeah, This was nice. (Perfect replies with a smile)

Gwenevier Topaz: Awww, I love you guys, Bring it in. (The merry Gwenevier says, before embracing them both)

Leon Chronos: Ow, You're crushing us! (Leon yells in pain, for Gwenevier was embracing them with all her strength)

Mr Perfect: Mercy! Mercy! (Mr Perfect yells, wanting Gwenevier to let them go).

After the meals were eaten and the drinks were gone, The Elite Mages all begin to take their leave.

Matthew Clay walks up to Elizabeth.

Matthew Clay: Thanks for the food, It was delicious.(He tells her nicely)

Elizabeth Grey: You're welcome. (Elizabeth replies with a kind smile)

Matthew Clay: Could I perhaps take this with me. (Matthew asks, referring to the plant in a flower pot)

Elizabeth Grey: Sure, You can take it with you.

Matthew Clay: Thank you. (Matthew replies, before leaving the restaurant with the plant).

Felix Cross has also finished his meal and is getting ready to leave.

Felix Cross: That was great, well, time to head out. (Felix says as he tries to leave)

Theodore Maximus: Where do you think you're going? We still have training today. (Theodore says, stopping Felix in his tracks)

Felix Cross: Oh come on, can't we train later, I thought this was our day off. (Felix complains)

Theodore Maximus: When you master your Disaster magic, you can have days off, let's go. (Theodore says as he leaves)

Felix Cross: (Deep sigh) Okay, I'm coming. (Felix replies, following Theodore gloomily)

Blast and Valeria are also leaving.

Blast: Come on my love! Let's explore the beautiful sights together! (Blast yells happily as he takes Valeria's hand)

Valeria Susano: I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. (Valeria says as she leaves with Blast)

Angelica Justice: I do not get those two, oh well, time to get back to my invention. (Angelica says before leaving the restaurant)

Finn Rainer walks up to Leon.

Finn Rainer: (In a calm demeanor) Thank you for inviting me Leon, I had fun. (Finn tells Leon, but the look on his face says otherwise, he did have fun, but doesn't really smile a lot)

Leon Chronos: Anytime Finn. (Leon replies with a smile)

Finn Rainer then takes his leave and it remains, Leon, Gwenevier and Perfect in the restaurant. So Lance goes to meet them.

Lance Grey: Do you all still need anything? (Lance asks the trio)

Mr Perfect: Yes, but not food, we require you to go on a mission with us. (Mr Perfect explains)

Lance Grey: Mission? What mission? (Lance asks in confusion)

Leon Chronos: We're going to the Soul Kingdom to retrieve their Voidstone, and we need you to come with us.

Lance Grey: I'm not sure, If I'll be very useful. (Lance admits)

Gwenevier Topaz: Nonsense, you'll do great. What do you say Lance, want to go on a mission with the Elites? (Gwenevier asks with a smile on her face)

Lance thinks about it, he may not have all his powers at the moment, but he may still be useful, besides, he can't pass up such an opportunity.

Lance Grey: Okay, I'll do it. (Lance tells them with a determined look on his face)

Leon Chronos: Glad to have you on board Lance. (Leon says as he extends his hand, and they both shake in agreement)

Next: Leon Says Goodbye.