In a world forever changed by the Great Demons' brutal reign, humanity's hard-won peace is threatened by a new and unexpected force: Lance Grey. This young boy's unsettling abilities, born from an unknown power, raise questions about his true nature. Is he a cursed soul, a demon in disguise, or something more?
As Lance grapples with the darkness within, he must confront the shadows of his own destiny. With the help of loyal friends, he'll brave treacherous landscapes, battle formidable enemies, and unravel the mysteries of his power.
Will Lance master his abilities, or will they consume him? Can he forge a new path, or will the legacy of the Great Demons define his future? Join Lance Grey on his heart-pumping journey to discover the truth about himself and the world he lives in. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance in How To Be A Great Demon.
Great book...I love Lance tbh, so my five stars go to him🤭🤭
The story line is amazing tbh,I love all the characters and I can definitely see this becoming like a movie or some kind of sick anime,very well written.
Hi its's me, Victory Stoneworthy, and I'm here to shamelessly promote my own work. Read it, love it, do whatever you want with it, but rest assured, it is a good story. Have fun.
it is now my new favorite book really details and amazing story
This story starts pretty mid, but becomes way better overtime. Love the characters and their stories. Keep up the good work author.
Nice book,the action scenes are my favorite honestly,my favorite characters are Leon and Lady lust,..oh,and blast too,alot of fun characters that really makes this book a jewel.. underrated If you ask me even