Perilous War (Part 8)

Valeria Susano has joined the battle against Peril and his army of Wild Demons and Magic Beasts. As Valeria races through the battlefield, several demons stand in her way.

Valeria Susano: Dislocated Spine! (Valeria shouts, casting an injury spell on the Demons to dislocate their spines, allowing her to easily cut them down with her sword)

After taking care of the demons, Valeria continues racing through the battlefield, almost like she was searching for something, or someone. During her search a flying Bird Beast swoops down on Valeria, and she doesn't notice it's silent approach until it's too late.

As the talons of the winged beast are about to sink into Valeria's flesh, a female Mage leaps into the air and round house kicks the beast out of the air.

Amanda Chronos (Gold Ranked Mage): Don't worry Miss Valeria, I've got this! (Amanda says confidently, as she faces off against the huge Bird Beast)

The Beast let's out a loud roaring sound, revealing a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. The Bird Beast then flaps it's enormous wings, trying to take to the sky.

Amanda Chronos: Oh no you don't! (Amanda says as she teleports away and reappears on top of the beast's back, grabbing it's wings and teleporting away with them)

Note: Amanda can only safely teleport herself, If she tries to teleport with anything else, she will end up severing it, just like how she did with the wings of the beast.

The Beast roars in pain from having it's wings severed from it's body. Amanda then reappears besides Valeria, dropping the wings of the creature and preparing to finish it off.

Amanda Chronos: Space Shot! (Amanda yells as she uses her own Space Shot technique, which she fires from her finger like a gun)

Amanda's Space Shot is a tiny beam of energy which moves in a straight linear motion. It penetrates the skull of the Beast and explodes as a small blast of blue light, which shone through the creature's eyes. Once the light disappears, it takes the brain and most of the skull of the beast with it.

Valeria Susano: Incredible. How did you do that? (Valeria asks in awe, after watching the body of the beast drop dead)

Amanda Chronos: Precise Teleportation. My Space Shots can teleport chunks out of anything they hit. All I did was teleport it's brain away from it's skull. (Amanda explains happily)

Valeria Susano: Scary. You really are a lot like your brother. (Valeria tells her with a smile)

Amanda Chronos: Thank you. But I don't want to be just like him, I want to be better. (Amanda says confidently)

Valeria Susano: (Smiles) Well then, I wish you the best of luck. (Valeria says happily)

Amanda Chronos: Thank you once again, It was nice meeting you in person, but I need to go back to battle. (Amanda says a she hurries off to fight more creatures)

Valeria Susano: (Thinks to herself) She's going to be so happy when she finds out that Leon is alive, but now's not the time. We have to put an end to this battle. And only one person is capable of that now.... I have to find Blast! (Valeria thinks as she continues to search for Blast)

As Valeria frantically searches for Blast in the chaotic battlefield, the enormous body of a Shark man lands in front of her with tremendous force. Then it slowly reverts back to Finn Rainer.

Finn Rainer: (Groans) I'm sick and tired of being beat up. (Finn says to himself, not noticing Valeria's presence as he laid on the ground)

Valeria Susano: Total Healing! (Valeria says as she uses a healing spell to completely heal Finn's body)

Finn Rainer: Valeria?! You're here, I thought you were protecting Lance and the others? (Finn asks as he sits up)

Valeria Susano: I was, but Leon woke up and he's now fighting the Great Demon of Speed, who is actually here for Leon, not Lance. (Valeria explains)

Finn Rainer: Leon is awake?! Wait the Great Demons are actually after him?! This doesn't make any sense, the Hyena Curses told us that the Great Demons were coming after Lance, why are they now targeting Leon? (Finn asks in confusion)

Valeria Susano: Leave the questions for later, I don't know the details myself... So that's a Great Demon King? He's certainly powerful. (Valeria says as she watches Peril fight Felix Cross and a Tree Armoured Matthew Clay simultaneously, with minimum effort)

Finn Rainer: The guys need help, they can't take down that Great Demon alone. (Finn says as he tries to rejoin the battle against Peril)

Valeria Susano: A word of advice, transform into something fast and ferocious. That will fair better against his raw power. (Valeria advises)

Finn Rainer: Couldn't you just make his heart explode or something? (Finn asks, hoping the answer is yes)

Valeria Susano: No. To do something like that would require me to make physical contact with him, which is just too dangerous to attempt. Plus Great Demons have insane self healing abilities. Based on what I've seen, they can survive massive internal bleeding, broken ribs, and a shattered skull, all at the same time. And being an Armoured Great Demon, he can probably withstand physical and magical attacks. So even if I manage to get close enough to touch him and cast my spell, It may not even work. (Valeria explains)

Finn Rainer: Jeez, How can we possibly win against such a terrifying opponent? (Finn asks Valeria while facing his comrades, watching as they continue to fight Peril relentlessly, despite not being able to hurt him at all)

Valeria Susano: We can win. All we need is to work together, only then will we succeed. (Valeria tells him)

Finn Rainer: Then I guess I'll do my part... Wolfsbane! (Finn yells as he transforms into a humanoid Wolf Beast, his form now resembling that of a Werewolf)

Valeria Susano: Before you go, do you know where Blast is by any chance? (Valeria asks Wolfsbane)

Wolfsbane: Overt there, Matthew hid his body within that Tree man, he's been protecting Blast ever since he was knocked out by the Great Demon. (Wolfsbane explains, pointing out the Plant Guard that was housing the unconscious body of Blast)

Valeria Susano: Thank you so much for looking after him.

Wolfsbane: You're welcome. Hurry up and heal Blast, so that he can rejoin the battle and get his butt kicked like the rest of us. (Wolfsbane jokes)

Valeria Susano: He'll join you all shortly. (Valeria replies with a smirk)

Wolfsbane then rushes towards Peril and attacks him with fast and ferocious claw slashes, which does better in his fight with Peril. As Peril is having a hard time landing a hit on the nimble Wolfman, Matthew and Felix capitalize on the opportunity and attack Peril at the same time, keeping the Great Demon of Power at bay. For now.

Valeria rushes towards the Tree man that was housing Blast, and speaks to it.

Valeria Susano: Where is the one you're protecting? (Valeria asks the Plant Guard)

The Tree man can't speak and just opens up it's barky chest, revealing Blast inside it. Valeria carefully removes the body of Blast from the Tree man's chest, then she harshly slaps him on the face to wake him up.

Blast: Ouch! Why did you hit me?! (Blast asks as he suddenly regains consciousness)

Valeria Susano: Total Healing. (Valeria says before kissing Blast passionately, healing all his injuries in the process)... Do you feel better? (Valeria asks after the kiss)

Blast: Yeah. (Blast replies calmly)

Valeria Susano: Good, now you can rejoin the fight. (Valeria tells him)

Blast: What difference will it make? I've already lost. (Blast says in despair)

Valeria Susano: Pathetic! This is not the man I fell in love with... Listen well, Leon is already awake and he seems to be more powerful than ever. Soon he'll be here to fight that Great Demon. What do you want him to see you as when he arrives? Do you want him to see you as a Useless, Pathetic and Spineless loser?

Blast: Ouch!

Valeria Susano: Or do you want him to see you as a Fighter, a Rival, a Real Man. Whose worthy of being No. 1! .... So, what will it be?! (Valeria asks adamantly)

Blast rises to his feet, his body smouldering with energy.

Blast: I, Am, A Real Man!!!! (Blast yells as he engulfs his body with nuclear flames)

Valeria Susano: Prove it to me, prove it to everyone! Show them just how powerful are you! (Valeria shouts, inspiring Blast to give it his all)

Blast rockets towards Peril, his feet erupting flames like a rocket as he flew towards the Great Demon at raging speeds. Peril is in the middle of fighting Wolfsbane and the others when Blast surprises him with an explosive punch to the face.

Peril: I'm sick and tired of all of you! (Peril yells as he punches back with his own destructive energy)

The two continue to duke it out, trading thunderous blow after blow at one another, which releases energy that burns anything and anyone that was too close.

Felix Cross: Blast is insane! If he continues fighting like this, he'll kill everyone in the battlefield! (Felix warns)

Mathew Clay: We should all retreat to a safe distance, the heat Blast is generating is too dangerous. I'll order my Plant Guards to push the Mages from the Guild back. (Matthew tells them)

Wolfsbane: I'll stay here, the heat is intense, but Wolfsbane can handle it. (Wolfsbane says as he withstands the heat emitted from the fierce battle between Blast and Peril)

Felix Cross: It's too dangerous, you could be burnt to a crisp. (Felix warns)

Wolfsbane: Don't worry about me, If the heat gets too much for me to handle, I'll just transform into a Beast that can take the heat. I need to remain here and help Blast take this guy down. (Wolfsbane tells his comrades determinately)

Felix Coss: Okay... Good luck! (Felix wishes as him and Matthew flee the scene)

The fist fight between Peril and Blast generates more heat that pushes everyone back. The Mages use the heat as an opportunity to kill the rest is the Demons and Magic Beasts, by forcing them closer to the fiery fight, which roasts all of them alive, even if they were only a short distance away.

Blast continues to punch Peril relentlessly, but Peril can handle the heat from the flames, and doesn't even take any damage from the punches that Blast manages to land.

Blast: (Thinks to himself) This guy's armour is too tough, my only option now us to find a way to break it to pieces. (Blast thinks before grabbing Peril by the stomach and blasting off into the sky with him)

Peril: Let go of me! (Peril says as he punches Blast, releasing himself from his grasp)

Blast and Peril both plummet from the sky, but Blast cleverly uses his ability to fly to laugh aerial attacks on Peril. And since Peril couldn't fly, he was unable to defend against them.

Peril: Your tactics annoy me. (Peril says in anger, while still falling from the sky)

Blast: Oh Yeah! What are you going to do about it?! (Blast mocks as he rockets towards Peril, and tries to land another aerial attack)

Peril teleports away before he can be hit and reappears behind Blast, punching him clean out of the sky and sending his body crashing to the ground with devastating force. Peril then teleports next to Blast, who was still on the ground, struggling to get up.

Peril: I'm tired of fighting. I'm just going to kill you now. (Peril threatens as he prepares to use his Inner Demon Territory)

Wolfsbane: Ramsey! (Wolfsbane yells before he transforms into a humanoid Ram Beast, and charges at Peril with his Curved horns at the ready)

Peril: Demon Territory, Evil.... (Peril tries to use his Territory, but a charging Ramsey headbutts him in the face with his horns, painfully knocking him to the ground)

As Peril stands up from the hit, vines shoot out of the ground and wrap around him tightly.

Felix Cross: Hold him still Matthew! Micro Burst! (Felix yells as he casts a spell which releases a powerful blast of wind and water, which knocks Peril into the air)

Blast quickly gets on his feet and rockets towards Peril.

Blast: Nuclear Punch! (Blast yells as he hits Peril with a massive explosive punch to the face, knocking him higher into the air)

Blast flies above Peril and unleashes another attack.

Blast: Nuclear Elbow! (Blast yells as he hits Peril with an explosive elbow drop from the sky, sending the two of them crashing from the sky in a gigantic blaze of fire)

After Blast and Peril land from the sky in a great fireball. The blaze hinders anyone from seeing neither Blast nor Peril. After waiting for a few harrowing seconds, the body of Blast is knocked out of the blaze. Then Peril emerges, the only damage to him is a small crack on the chest of his exoskeleton armor, but within seconds the crack fixes itself. Meaning that Peril was completely unharmed by all their attacks.

Peril: Demon Territory, Evil Gate! (Peril bellows as an enormous portal opens up beneath everyone's feet)

Every Mage is within the radius of the gigantic portal and as they look down, they see millions of Wild Demons, Magic Beasts and Curses, all within the portal. Then the monsters reach out of the portal, and begin to slowly drag everyone inside the Evil Gate, which is actually a doorway to Peril's Territory.

Peril The Great Demon Of Power: You all fought well, I'll admit that! But it's time for you all to die! (Peril announces ominously)

Next: End Of The Perilous War