Perilous War (Part 7)

Leon is in a battle with Crash (The Great Demon Of Speed). Who will claim victory?

Crash: You're coming with me Mage! (Crash shouts as he hovered high above the Heart Kingdom)

Leon Chronos: Over your dead body! (Leon replies as he fires Space Shots at Crash)

Crash deflects the shots from Leon with swords, then rockets towards him at top speed. Crash tries to cut Leon with his swords, but Leon dodges and hits Crash with his Time Punch, pushing him back.

Crash: I will not fail again! Demon Territory! Crash Course! (Crash yells as he uses Demon Territory technique to move at light speed, kicking Leon in the face)

Crash continues using his Crash Course technique, which allows him to move at light speed, covering long distances almost instantly.

Leon Chronos: This relationship is moving too fast me, let's slow things down! (Leon quips as he slows down time to a crawl, allowing him to hit Crash with another Time Punch)

Crash: I will not give up! (Crash says determinately, with his nose bleeding from the hit)

Leon Chronos: Well, I will not allow myself to be taken! I'm going to take this new chance at life I've been given, and live it to the fullest! (Leon declares)

Crash: Your life is not yours to live. It belongs to Kronos! And he's going to have it back! (Crash yells as he flew towards Leon)

Leon Chronos: Try and say that again after I knock your teeth out! (Leon yells as he flew towards Crash)

As Leon and Crash are about to collide, Crash uses his Inner Demon Territory.

Crash: Demon Territory! Sky Bound! (Crash yells)

As Crash uses Inner Demon Territory, Leon suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar place. Crash's Territory is all sky, there is no land or sea, just blue sky and clouds as far as the eyes can see.

Leon Chronos: So this is what a Territory is supposed to look like? (Leon wonders as he floats around the beautiful yet deadly place)

Leon continues to look around, but then something very fast rams into him, knocking him backwards. As Leon regains his balance, the force once again knocks him away.

Leon retaliates by firing several Space Shots from his finger, but with no target in sight, the shots hit nothing.

Leon Chronos: This is obviously that Demon's doing. How am I supposed to beat him in his own domain? (Leon ponders)

As Leon continues to think of a way to stop Crash. Crash continues to hit Leon, over and over again, he's moving so fast that Leon can't even see him, and anytime Leon tries to slow or stop time, It does nothing to hinder Crash from knocking him back and forth.

Leon Chronos: This place is too large for me to manipulate with my Time Magic. At this rate, I'm going to lose. (Leon contemplates as he blocks the continuous hits from the invisible Crash)

Meanwhile Crash is flying at unthinkable speeds, moving so fast that energy surrounds him.

Crash: (Thinks to himself) You've already lost Mage, I've been going easy on you so that you don't die, but since you're tougher than you look, I'll step it up a notch! (Crash says to himself)

Crash increases his already insane speed, using hit and run tactics to overwhelm Leon repeatedly. Leon can only manage to block the strikes with his arms, but they don't offer enough protection against the relentless jabs and kicks from Crash.

Leon Chronos: (Thinks to himself) I can't even imagine how many hits I've taken. If it goes on like this, I'll lose consciousness. (Leon thinks in frustration)

Crash's attacks creates a spectacular light show in the sky, clearing several cloud formations.

Crash: This is taking too long, I can't keep this up forever. I should just cut off his arms and legs, that will end his resistance. (Crash says as he pulls out his swords and goes for Leon's legs)

As Crash is about to cut off Leon's legs, time suddenly stops around him.

Crash: No way... It's not possible. (Crash thinks in terror)

While Leon was receiving a light speed beating from Crash, he was trying constantly to access his Territory, and has finally figured it out.

Leon Chronos: (Sighs) There you are... Now that I can see you clear as day, let me take you to my special place. (Leon says with a smile on his injured face as he snaps his fingers, sending them both to his Territory)

Crash suddenly finds himself in another Territory, and he's now unable to move or speak. Leon's Territory was now like the infinite void of space, with several stars all around them, and at the center of it all, floats a giant green ball of energy.

Leon Chronos: Do you like it? This is where I was after I fell unconscious. To me I've been here for what felt like years. In that time I learnt how to shape this place to look how I wanted it to. This is a combination of my Space Territory and Kronos's Time Territory... It's beautiful and I like it very much. You know a part of me wishes that we weren't enemies, but that's how it is. You Great Demons have so much hatred for us humans, yet you know next to nothing about us. You don't know about our lives, our families, and our struggles, all you care about is hurting us because of the mistakes made by our ancestors. What a pitiful existence, know that I take no joy in this...Erased! (Leon states as he touches the immobile Crash, and erases him from existence)

Next: Perilous War (Part 8)