Master Of Dark Magical Energy

Lance has successfully connected with his Territory, and now he has attained the form of Dark Lance by himself. This Dark Lance doesn't have fangs or claws, but he has strong aura surrounding his entire body like a personal barrier.

Dark Lance: My mind, has never been more clear... And my body, feels incredible. (Lance said with a big smile)

Lady Lust: (Slow Claps) Congratulations, you're at the level of an average Demon. (Lust said with a smile)

Dark Lance: How do I push the limits of this power, and go even further?! (Lance asks eagerly)

Lady Lust: First I want to see how you do in a fight.

Dark Lance: With the Enrager?

Lady Lust: No... With Sorrow. (Lust tells with a smile)

Dark Lance: Alright. Let's do it! (Lance tells her confidently)

Lady Lust: Splendid... Now let's get out of this heat, even I can't take it anymore. (Lust says as she heads towards her palace)

As Lust is about to enter, she notices that Lance is not following her and Sorrow.