Perilous War (Part 3)

John Crest and the rest of Lance's friends have joined in the battle against Peril, along with other powerful Mages from the Adventurers Guild.

John Crest (Gold Ranked Mage): I can't believe Lance is missing this! (John said excitedly)

Rex Striker (Gold Ranked Mage): I heard that he's a Silver Ranked Mage now. He's probably on another mission. (Rex tells John)

Sebastian Tempest (Gold Ranked Mage): What a shame, I would have loved to fight side by side with him.

Note: Lance's friends know nothing about his predicament.

Lora Magma (Gold Ranked Mage): You will get the chance Sebastian, after we survive this battle that is.

Nina Willow (Gold Ranked Mage): So that's a Great Demon?. He looks terrifying.... Can we really beat him? (Nina asks worriedly)

Lora Magma: We don't have to beat him. We just have to provide tactical support to the Elite Mages, they're the ones who will take him down. (Lora replies)

Solomon Steelson (Platinum Ranked Mage): Focus on the battle at hand. Leave the chatter for another day. (The tough looking Mage tells them)

John Crest: Sorry, Sir. It won't happen again. (John apologizes)

Solomon Steelson: Remember that you're all still new to being Gold Ranked Mages. Don't let your new position cloud your judgement. (Solomon tells them sternly, making them focus)

Peril The Great Demon Of Power: I could summon more monsters, but I want to see whose army is stronger. (Peril thought to himself, smiling in anticipation).. Attack! (Peril orders his monsters, and the savage army of Wild Demons and Magic Beasts all attack Matthew Clay and his Plant Guards)

Matthew Clay No.5 Elite Mage: Attack!!! (Matthew orders, and his Plant guards attack, alongside the Mages from the Guild)

Note: Matthew's Plant Guards are plant creatures that he creates and commands, they are sometimes humanoid in shape, and only he can understand them.

Sebastian Tempest: Lighting Step! (Sebastian yells as his feet crackle with lightning, giving him inhuman speed, which he uses to slice apart the Demons in his path)

Several Magic Beasts then attack Sebastian from behind, but he quickly turns around to face them.

Sebastian Tempest: Thunderbolt! (Sebastian yells as he points his sword at the beasts, sending lightning that erupts from his blade, electrocuting all the beasts).... I'm glad my spells work so beautifully. (Sebastian said happily)

Lora Magma: You're not the only one with beautiful spells! Check this out, Brilliant Flame Inferno! (Lora yells as she fire a large and powerful blaze of fire that burns several Magic Beasts to a crisp)

Rex Striker: Impressive power, Lora. But it's no match for this. Brothers Of Protection! (Rex yells as he summons three Defence shields)

Defence Shield 1: Defense! (The shield on his back yells)

Defense Shield 2: Defense! (The shield on his right arm yells)

Defense Shield 3: Defense! (The last shield on his left arm yells)

Rex Striker: Okay boys! Time for our ultimate technique! (Rex tells them)

Defense Shields: We Are The Defenders!!!! (The shields all yell simultaneously, merging with Rex to create a spectacular new defense armor on his body)

Rex Striker: Ultimate Soul Technique, The Defender! Ready For Action! (Rex yells as he charges at a group of demons, using the shields on his arms to bash their skulls in)

Note: Rex retains the three shields in his Defender form.

Suddenly a massive demonic being emerges, blasting a powerful wave of fire from it's mouth, trying to roast Rex. But Rex is able to block the attack by merging his shields together, forming a huge defense shield that easily withstands the blast. He then tosses the massive shied at the demon, easily sending it's head flying off it's body, the headless body of the demon falling to the ground soon afterwards. But it wasn't over yet, because more demons have begun to show up.

Rex Striker: You want more?! I'll give you more! Ghost Train! (Rex yells as he summons his Ghost Train, the mighty soul creature quickly soaring through the sky, before descending to devour the demons).... Ghost Train! Fire your Soul's Breath! (Rex commanded, and the Ghost Train uses the soul energy of those it has devoured, to fire a powerful blast from it's monstrous mouth)

John Crest: Show Off! (John Crest yells as he uses his Crest sword to easily cut apart the demons in his way)

John is able to weaken the the flesh and bone structure of his opponents, making the task of cutting them down way too easy. But then a large demonic being challenges John, it's large fist raised for an attack.

John Crest: Finally! My time to shine! (John said happily)... Weaken! (John yells as he uses quickly uses his Crest magic on the demon, weakening it in almost an instant)

The Demon throws it's punch at John, but now that it has already been weakened, the punch does no harm to John, who easily blocks it with one arm.

John Crest: Boring! (John tells the creature).... Strengthen! (John yells as he pulls out a small axe and strengthens it with his Crest Magic)

John tosses the enhanced weapon at the demon, easily punching through it's chest and fatally damaging it's heart.

John Crest: Easy peesy (John notes with a smile)

Nina Willow: Everyone is doing their best. I cannot be outdone! (Nina thought as several beasts and demons are rushing towards her)... Resonance! (Nina yells as her eyes glow white with energy, stopping her attackers in their tracks, their eyes also glowing white)

Nina's telepathy takes her would be attackers into her personal mindscape, a mental plane where she is wielding a blade of energy.

Nina Willow: Let's end this quick. (Nina said as she speedily cuts apart the beasts and demons in her mindscape, sending their bodies into shock in the real world)

Nina's Resonance is a mental attack that induces severe pain on it's victims, sending their bodies into shock in the real world.

Nina Willow: I'll put an end to your misery. (Nina says as she skillfully cuts the demons and beasts with her daggers, which were laced with a deadly poison).... Sorry it had to end this way. (Nina said to the monsters as they all succumb to the poison and fall dead on the ground)

The battle intensifies once Peril easily summons more monsters from his Territory, forcing the Mages to fight even harder.

Nina Willow: Psoinic Blast! (Nina yells as as she pushes back a swarm of beasts with a mind blast)

Lora Magma: Rocket Fist! (Lora yells as she busts the heads of demons with her fire propelled fists).... There's no end to them! (Lora said in frustration)

The demons soon begin to overwhelm Lora, forcing her to get serious and create a blade of fire.

Lora Magma: Brilliant Flame Sword! Lava Slash! (Lora yells as she uses her flame sword to easily cut down the demons that were overwhelming her)

Now Sebastian is the one being overwhelmed by monsters, but he has no plans of dying today.

Sebastian Tempest: Not today, Scum!Thunderstorm! (Sebastian yells as he surrounds himself with lightning, electrocuting the demons that were too close to him, allowing him to cut down the rest with his sword)

The battle has been going on for a while now, and the Mages seem to be winning against Peril's horde of demons and beasts.

Peril: Hmmm... I'm not liking what I'm seeing. (Peril thought to himself, watching Matthew Clay summon huge vines from the ground, which wrap around many monsters, crushing them to death effortlessly)... Who knew my wild demons are magic beasts have become so useless... I guess If you want something done right nowadays, you have to rely on a Curse. (Peril said before summouning Curses from his Territory, and five of them appear)

Warlord (Leader Of The War Curses, A Master swordsman and strategist): How may we serve you Master? (Warlord asks as he knells before his master)

Peril: Turn the tide of this battle to my favour. (Peril tells him)

Warhead (A War Curse with a flaming skull for a head): You should have summoned us sooner, Master. We are the only army you need. (Warhead said confidently)

War Cry (Female War Curse): Don't question our Master's tactics, Warhead. Just be grateful that he summoned us. (War Cry tells Warhead)

Warmonger (A large monster like Curse): Roars deafeningly as he charges quickly into battle, leaving his companions in the dust)

War Mage (Magic User of the War Curses): He's got the right attitude. Let's join the fight! (War Mage yells as he and the rest of his comrades charge into battle)

Peril: My War Curses are incredibly powerful, I expect them to at least cause a lot of casualties in this battle. (Peril thought to himself, a wicked smile on his face)

But before the War Curses can attack a single person however, they're stopped by their natural superiors.

War Cry: Look what we have here... Six filthy animals. (War Cry said with glee)

Huntress (Leader Of The Dark Hyena Curses): Who are you calling filthy you, Wretch?! We'll rip you apart! (Huntress threatens as she stands with the Dark Hyena Curses, ready to battle the War Curses)

Next: Perilous War (Part 4)