How To Be A Great Demon Season Two (Death)

At the Great Demon's castle, Dawnbreaker sits on his throne, carefully thinking about what to do about Lady Lust.

Bloodbath The Great Demon Vampire: What are we going to do, Dawnbreaker? Lady Lust fled with the boy! (Bloodbath asks worriedly)

Dawnbreaker The Great Demon Of The Sun: Let me think! That's all I need to do right now. (Dawnbreaker replies angrily)

Peril The Great Demon Of Power: If I could make a suggestion, my Lord... Why don't we enhance ourselves? (Peril suggests)

Dawnbreaker: What do you mean? (Dawnbreaker asks curiously)

Peril: I mean that we should enhance our bodies with magic, and make it so that we are immune to manipulation from Lust.

Rot The Great Demon Of Decay: That could work, but none of us are capable of such a feat.

Bloodbath: Except of course for Dawnbreaker, whose already immune to Lust's powers.