Leon Goes To The Gym

Leon stands before a large building, and then stared at a sheet of paper in his hand.

Leon Chronos: This is the place... The Topaz gym. (Leon says as he reads the large sign on the building)

After Leon enters the building, he sees people swarming around a particular boxing ring. Their rowdiness obviously shows that they're enjoying a fight.

Leon Chronos: What's going on here? (Leon asks himself)

In the ring Gwenevier is in a match with a very muscular opponent, with a large mustache. The man threw a punch at Gwenevier, but she is quick to dodge it and then knocks the man out with a few powerful jabs to his face.

After the man falls to the ground unconscious, Gwenevier sighs and adjusts her boxing gloves.

Bob Topaz: Who else wants to challenge the mighty Gwenevier?! Now's your chance! (The large bald man announced)

Gwenevier Topaz: Dad can we hurry this up? I have somewhere to be. (Gwenevier tells the man who apparently is her father)