Finn Rainer's Past

When Finn was still a child, he and his sister usually enjoyed listening to their mother's bed time stories. And these was one of those nights.

Queen Rachael Rain (Fin and Sue's mother): There once was a boy named Tatulu...

Princess Sue Rain: Oh I love this story! (The little girl says happily)

Prince Fin Rain: Sssh! Don't ruin it... Please continue. (The little boy tells his mother)

Queen Rachael Rain: Okay... There once was a boy named Tatulu, he lived in a world that was filled with danger. All because of powerful and evil beings known as the Great Demons... Tatulu's people sought refuge in this forest, and were hidden from the Great Demon's wrath... But, another threat came in the form of the Magic Beasts.

Princess Sue Rain: This part's scary. (The little girl whispers in fear)

Rachel continues her bedtime story.