The cafeteria

A long and boring week has already passed. Today the Christmas holidays are finally starting, so I will have some time to dedicate to myself and the YouTube channel.

It is 2.15 pm, the last lesson has just ended, and I walk briskly to the bus stop in front of the school where Chris and Mark are waiting for me to go home.

As soon as I arrive I greet both of them, and unexpectedly, Chris hugs me. I also reciprocate the hug. I inhale his perfume for a long time with pleasure, and after a few minutes, I detach myself from his embrace. Mark looks at me with an angry expression, almost disappointed, but I decide not to do anything, to look him in the eye and he shuts up.

After a few minutes, the bus arrives, we get on and go to the usual places. On the way, we talk about the biology test set for my day after returning from the Christmas holidays, and how Professor Williams has scheduled the contemporary art philosophy questions for the same day. Arrived at the stop, I get off, Chris gets off with me, and we both wave to Mark, who instead stays on the bus.

We walk and remain silent, listening to the sound of the falling snow. It is an almost heavenly silence, which stops your legs. It seems as if only you existed at that moment, with no one around, just you and that silence.

We head to the best-known coffee shop in the city and it takes a while to enter, due to the queue. I often came here with my father and brother, I always ordered the usual strawberry and chocolate milkshake, and my father always made us add the double cream.

Now returning to that coffee shop without him, thinking back to the afternoons, spent chatting with my dad, makes me feel sick, but Chris always manages to change my mood. It's amazing how you or him manage to improve your with in so little?

I have known him for a very short time but it is as if I have known him for a lifetime.

He asks me, making me return to reality

I can't tell him that Mark didn't come with us because he is happy that I'm meeting a guy who isn't him or my brother but at the same time he is jealous that I'm spending more time with Chris than with him. I just tell him that he has to finish studying, but he immediately realizes that I am lying.

I look at him and sigh

He doesn't let me finish looking into my eyes and smiling

I blush and smile too. This guy is too good for my heart.

We go into the bar and he orders a cappuccino, while I order my strawberry and chocolate milkshake.

He tells me after the waiter walks away from our table.

I smile and the order arrives, I hand him the strawberry milkshake and he hesitates a little, then drinks. He closes his eyes for fear that the taste sucks, but as soon as he drinks, he is surprised.

I tell him laughing and drinking my milkshake

I look at him and tell him

I nod and look him in the eye, then go back happy and carefree to my milkshake.

After about an hour, we leave the cafeteria and head home. During the journey, we talk about everything, about how we will spend the Christmas holidays, and he tells me that he will stay at home.

During the Christmas period, it has always been my family's tradition to go to my grandparents in Italy, but I believe that this will not be the case this year.

We arrive in front of my house and he hugs me. I don't think we're at the right time for the 'first kiss' yet, even though it's clear we both want. We just hug each other and he, after breaking away, smiles at me and goes to his house. I go up the steps and enter the house, close the door behind me and smile like a fool. My heart is pounding, I'm so happy to have met such a person, who makes me feel this way. I run up the stairs and rush into my room, in the meantime i called Mark and invite him to dinner for sushi, and after half an hour I find him in front of my door with a huge tray of sushi.

During dinner, I tell him every little detail about going out with Chris, and he is so happy for me that he seems more excited than me. We see a film called called 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' but halfway through the film, Mark falls asleep.

When the film is over, i wake up Mike who after saying goodbye leaves and I go up to my room exhausted but very happy with the day that has passed, and I fall asleep immediately.

It is Saturday, the first day of the Christmas holidays. I get up excited by the thought, and I stand in front of my brother's door. I knock twice, but he doesn't answer. I knock two more times, but nothing. I'm about to knock again when he swings the door open and looks at me pissed off. His hair are unkempt, and his blue eyes are sleepy. I enter his room and stumble upon something, or rather, someone. My brother begins to laugh, and the culprit who made me fall is choking with laughter at moments. I get up and look at the boy on the ground. I've never seen him: He has light green eyes, blonde hair, and his hollowed dimples, they continue to be the fixed point of my eyes. I turn quickly to my brother and ask brusquely

I turn around and close the door a little too hard.

I can't believe it: my brother bringing unknown people into our house ... but mostly because of making him sleep right on the floor. Bah, it will be another idiot who plays basketball with my brother and that I have never seen in my life.

I go down the stairs quickly and find my mom with her big cup of hot coffee, sitting on the sofa with her kindle in her hand. She seems focused so I give her a quick 'good morning', and she returns with a big smile, which leaves me confused in a positive way. Long last! Finally! she's smile!

I look around.

I go into the kitchen but I don't see him.

Where is dad?