
The next day

Madoka's POV

I watched Kenji as he was barely able to stand up.

"You good?" I asked

"No not really." replied Kenji

"What happened?" I asked

"Aiko fucked me." sighed Kenji

My blood started boiling but I noticed something off.

"But why are you walking like that?" I asked

"Cause she pegged me." whispered Kenji

"She what?" I asked in anger

Kenji seemed a bit disturbed.

"Forget it. I'm definitely talking to her later." I said

"Okay." replied Kenji

He stood up and just walked normally but I could notice the pain in his face.

"Okay everyone let's get to the conference!" called out Coach Yamoto

We all entered the bus and I watched as Emiko sat next to Kenji. Homura and I sat next to each other right behind Emiko and Kenji.

Emiko and Kenji were talking but I couldn't hear them because the others in the bus were making too much noise.

After about ten minutes we got to the stadium where the boys will play for their next game. We entered the stadium and a bunch of security guards let us through the hallways until we got to this room.

Inside there were a bunch of cameras and reporters in front of two long tables, the one behind was on a step than the one in front. The girls took the table behind while the guys took the table in front.

"Okay we're going live now." said a cameraman

People began snapping photos of us, some flashing their lights which really annoyed me. The news reporter began asking us questions but I didn't really pay attention until one reporter called on me.

"Madoka Chan, can you explain to us about yesterday's game. Was there any kind of rivalry between you and Sarah?" asked the reporter

I assumed Sarah was that white girl so I leaned in close to the mic.

"No it was just a game. We did what we had to, there's no rivalry." I replied

"How does it feel to be ranked number one female player in Japan?" asked another reporter

"Great but I'm aiming for being the best in the world." I replied

The reporters moved on and I just played with my fingers but then they went to Kenji.

"Kenji san, it's been reported that you are with your teammate Madoka a lot outside of school. Are you two in a relationship?" asked the reporter

"No he's not. I'm dating Madoka." Homura cut in

"Oh that's disappointing. Then are you dating Aiko? The MMA prodigy?" asked the reporter not caring about Homura

Kenji stayed silent which confused me before he picked up his mic.

"No, I'm not dating anyone. We're just friends." replied Kenji

"Are you looking forward to dating?" asked a reporter

Kenji stayed silent once again before responding.

"No... I'm not." replied Kenji

I was a bit bummed out but Emiko looked the most depressed.

"Kenji how does it feel to be in the spotlight with Madoka?" asked a reporter

"It's nice." replied Kenji

"Kenji san what are your future plans?" asked another reporter

"I don't really uhh plan that far ahead. Whatever happens... happens." hesitantly said Kenji

"Do you think you can win the state finals then go into country?" asked another reporter

"I can't determine anything." replied Kenji

"How do you feel about those who are hating on you?" asked another reporter

Kenji seemed confused as he tilted his head a bit.


"He gets a lot of those." interrupted Homura

"Let's wait for your turn Homura san but right now I asked Kenji." said the reporter

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Well uhh Homura is right I uhh get a lot of those so I got used to it." replied Kenji

But I knew he was lying cause he never checks the comments.

"Okay thank you uhh Madoka chan can you like tell us about your diet and like what exercises you do to stay in shape?" asked a reporter

I raised an eyebrow, confused to why he would ask that kind of question.

"Uhh next question." I replied

"What kind of underwear do you wear during training?" asked another reporter

I was slowly getting agitated at the reporters but then Kenji jumped in.

"Please respect her boundaries. Those questions are unnecessary." replied Kenji

"Oh sorry Kenji san." replied a reporter

My heart fluttered a bit and I hung my head to hide my smile.

"Okay Homura san, as your last year what are you planning on doing next year." asked a reporter

"I'm looking forward to being drafted by the basketball league." replied Homura

After a while they kept moving on to other people. This is my first conference ever and I already hate it so much. Especially those who asked me about my diet and what I wear.

'I want this to end already.'

Once the conference was done we all got up and left but outside the stadium was a whole crowd of fans. They all screamed when they saw us and started crowding us, especially me.

"Madoka chan please sign this!" yelled a teenage boy

"Madoka chan please go out with me!" yelled another boy

Other fans were shouting the same thing, Madoka chan please this and that, and it pisses me off. That's when I saw one guy try to touch me but then Kenji suddenly came out from behind and gently put his arm away from me.

"Kenji kun you're so handsome!" yelled a bunch of fangirls

Kenji just shrugged and we all got on the bus and went back to school.


3 hours later

Kenji's POV

My ass was killing me. Good thing the pain slightly died out, I should be good for tomorrow's game. I was making my way towards the dorm after finishing practice but waiting in front of my dorm was Aiko. Once I saw her, I started getting goosebumps and started shaking.

"Get in." said Aiko

I quickly opened my door and went in. Aiko made herself comfortable and signaled me to sit in front of her on the zaisu as she took a seat on the table. I took a seat with her in front of me, I was in between her legs and it was scaring my soul.

"I watched your conference." said Aiko

She pulled out her laptop and opened it up to show me a video of the conference. She pressed the play button and it was playing the part about the whole "who am I dating" question.

"Friends huh? We're friends is that right?" asked Aiko in a hideous tone

She put her computer away and leaned in and I leaned back and started sweating.

"We're friends?" questioned Aiko

"N-no Aiko chan I-"

She sighed and just closed the laptop.

"Do you really want another punishment? Right before your game?" asked Aiko

I desperately shook my head but Aiko looked like she had other plans as she licked her lips.

"Well too bad..." whispered Aiko

But just before she was about to hurt me there was a knock on my door. Aiko looked annoyed but signaled me to open up the door. I quickly got up and got to the door and opened it to see Madoka there.

"Hey I need help with my English homework." said Madoka

"Oh well I uhh..."

I turned to look at Aiko and she was standing there looking at me with an eyebrow raised. But before I could do anything Madoka entered and she saw Aiko and she frowned a bit.

"You interrupted my time with Kenji." said Aiko

"Is that a problem?" asked Madoka

"That is a big problem." growled Aiko

"Well that's too bad cause you're taking Kenji's time with me away." growled Madoka

I wanted to intervene and stop them but I just stood there confused and a bit scared.

"I uhh-"

Madoka and Aiko glared at me so I just stopped talking.

"Kenji just help me with my English homework." said Madoka

"No you and I need to talk before things get ugly for you." said Aiko

"Pick Kenji." said Madoka

'What the fuck is this...'