
Kenji's POV

I sat there all stiff as Madoka and Aiko sat next to me, Aiko to my left and Madoka to my right.

'Why am I here again?'

"What's the answer then?" asked Madoka

Even though she asked me a question, I could tell that she was eyeing Aiko.

"Why can't you answer it yourself?" asked Aiko

Same goes for Aiko.

"Why don't you try?" asked Madoka

"That's a waste of my time." replied Aiko

"I uhh well uhh since it's asking about expressions you need to reread the paragraph where the main character gets emotional which is paragraph uhhh 5." I explained, "See here, even though he doesn't say that he feels betrayed he expresses it through his words when he yells at his friend."

"Oi did you just cut me off?" growled Aiko

"No I did." snapped Madoka

"I'm actually on the verge of hurting you." growled Aiko as she got ready to get up

"Wait wait I'm sorry Aiko chan I'll-"

She grabbed my mouth, forcing me to shut up while glaring at Madoka.

"Let go of him." growled Madoka as she too slowly got up

"Don't tell me what to do." said Aiko in such a menacing tone

I tried to interfere but Aiko tightened her grip and glared at me.

"Stay still or else I'm going to hurt you even more." hissed Aiko, "Actually I have other plans."

She let go of me and pulled out her phone and I realized what she was going to do.

"Do you really want that to happen?" asked Aiko who slowly leaned into my face

"Are you threatening him right now?" growled Madoka who was also close to my face

"I am." replied Aiko

They both glared at each other and I was slightly shaking from fear.

"Can we please not fight?" I whispered

Madoka looked at me and she seemed to understand me so she sat back down in her zaisu and grumbled a bit. Aiko sat back down but she was glaring at me and I looked away in fear.

"Okay then what about this question?" asked Madoka

"Oh this question... give me a minute." I replied

I began reading the question and went back to the english passage but I could feel Madoka's and Aiko's stare on me.

"Right here, the main guy is explaining to his mom why he thinks his life is worthless." I replied

"Okay that was the last question." said Madoka, "Thanks but do you mind if I stay here for the night?"

Madoka's POV

"Huh?" questioned Kenji

"Oh so you had her sleep with you." growled Aiko

"W-wait I-"

"I didn't sleep with him." I lied, "This is the first."

Aiko glared at me then menacingly stared down at Kenji.

"Madoka I uhh-"

"Answer carefully Kenji." whispered Aiko

"Kenji don't listen to her." I replied

Kenji seemed to be thinking but as every second passed the more tense he became. He kept opening his mouth then closing it, not knowing how to answer the question.

"Actually I don't need your permission to sleep here." I sighed

I jumped into his bed and just covered myself with his blankets.

"Come Kenji." I said

Kenji seemed very hesitant but that's when Aiko just chuckled.

"You're really a fun one Madoka." she said

She grabbed her stuff but before leaving she slapped Kenji's head.

"Remember our deal. You break it, it's game over for you." said Aiko

He nodded and with that she left. Kenji sighs in relief and immediately joins me and hugs me which catches me by surprise.

"Thank goodness you came." he whispered

His body was shaking and I heard him panting next to my ear so I hugged him back and moved on top of him.

"Shh, it's okay. It's what friends do." I whispered

It felt so nice being on top of him, it made me feel so comfortable. It almost felt like we were one. I began playing with his hair and I slowly sat up and looked at his face. Our faces were about a centimeter away.

"Madoka..." whispered Kenji

I felt my heart beat faster in my chest and my mind was going crazy for some reason. So without thinking I leaned in but just as we were about to kiss there was a loud knock on Kenji's door.

"Kenji open the fucking door!" yelled Homura's voice

Our eyes widened in surprise. Kenji slowly got up and approached the door while I packed up my belongings and opened his balcony door and closed it behind me. I got ready to jump and Kenji nodded to me and he opened the door and my eyes widened when I saw Homura punch Kenji. But right behind Homura was Aiko standing outside in the hallway enjoying it.

Homura got on top of Kenji and punched him and looked around, I guess he was looking for me. So I ran up to him and pushed Homura off of Kenji. Homura fell back a bit and Aiko just seemed to be enjoying what was going on.

"Madoka. You were cheating on me." growled Homura

"I wasn't cheating on you. I was only-"

"Shut up! How long were you-"

"Shut up Homura." growled Kenji as he got up, "You're a fucking hypocrite."

"What did you call me?" snapped Homura

"You cheated on Ayaka with Madoka." said Kenji, "You've been known to do that. How many girlfriends have you had throughout your year in college? Probably like 10."

Homura stayed silent, almost like we caught him red handed. Aiko was behind in the hallway and she seemed to be enjoying this.

"Homura, I did not cheat on you. I was only asking Kenji for help on my homework." I said

Homura grumbled and sighed before walking out of Kenji's room and going back into his dorm. Aiko just smiled and walked off and I was so pissed off that I nearly lashed at Aiko but then Kenji hugged me.

"Stop that's enough." said Kenji

I sighed and nodded.

"I think it'll be better if you leave." said Kenji

"Yea I think so too." I said

I grabbed my bag and nodded to Kenji who waved as I left his room. I walked out of the boys' dormitory building and headed over to my dorm.


I turned and saw Aiko leaning against the wall.

"I don't want to see you." I said

"Oh is that so. Then I guess you don't want to know what might happen to Kenji." said Aiko

I stopped walking and looked at her. She then signaled me to follow her so I hesitantly began to follow her and we got to her dorm room. We entered and her room was basic, almost identical to mine.

"What are you going to do to Kenji?" I asked

She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through it until she showed me a picture. My eyes widened when I saw Kenji sitting on a toilet in high school uniform, blindfolded and jerking off.

"You bother the two of us again, I'll send this out into the public." said Aiko

"Why you little..."

I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her up. I was so angry my blood was boiling hot. But then I realized that what I was doing might put Kenji in danger.

"Why aren't you doing anything?" asked Aiko

She grabbed my wrist and did some kind of move and flipped me around and put my arm behind my back and pushed me onto her bed. I grunted in pain as she painfully twisted my arm from behind.

"Too scared to do anything?" asked Aiko

"Fuck you." I growled

I felt her press her body onto my back.

"You know how to read the situation pretty well Madoka." Aiko whispered into my ear

I winced in pain as she did something to my arm and I felt like my shoulder was going to pop out of my socket.

"This is just a warning. Bullying you isn't as fun as bullying Kenji. So stay out of this. Kenji's mine." she whispered

"I'm not going to leave Kenji." I growled

"I'm not telling you to leave Kenji. I'm telling you to stay away from him when I'm there." whispered Aiko

"Do you really think that'll happen?" I asked

"Yes, cause you care about Kenji a lot. So you'll do what's right for Kenji, won't you?" asked Aiko

I grit my teeth in anger and tried to push back but Aiko kept pressing down on my arm really hard.

"There's no point in struggling Madoka." said Aiko

"Leave Kenji alone you bitch." I growled

"I can't do that." said Aiko, "So stay out of this, or you may never see Kenji again."

Kenji's POV

I stared at the ceiling as I laid on blankets. I was about to go to sleep but then there was a knock on my door. I groaned and got up to open the door and when I did I regret opening the door.

"Don't make a single noise." said Aiko

She came in and laid on my bed and signaled me to come lay down next to her. I hesitantly laid next to her and once I laid down, Aiko smiled and leaned in.

"I showed Madoka the picture." she said

My eyes widened and I was about to get up but Aiko slammed me back down.

"Lay the fuck down." growled Aiko

"Why would you do that? I-"

She slapped my cheek and she looked pissed off.

"You didn't let me finish explaining." growled Aiko

I stayed silent.

"I told her that if she ever bothers the two of us having fun I'm going to send it out into public." said Aiko

My eyes widened and she laughed her evil laugh. It was the high pitched but innocent look of laughter where she slightly covers her mouth.

"So now, no one is going to fucking help you." hissed Aiko as her expression darkened


The next day

Madoka's POV

The boys' team ran out of the hallway and onto the court except for Kenji who casually walked out onto the court. His white jersey with the red number 7 on his back. He wore a white shirt on the inside with a white wristband. I noticed that he was wearing the new James Harden volume 4 power red shoes I got for him on Christmas. They began warming up and I watched Kenji practice his leaps. He's been able to touch the rim again but it wasn't high enough to dunk just yet.

"Kenji is getting his hops back." said Yuziki

I just nodded but then I heard loud chattering and screaming to my left. I turned to look and I groaned when I saw Aiko walking down the stairs. She and I made contact and she smirked before taking a seat somewhere.

"Is Aiko chan dating Kenji?" I heard voices behind me

"Kenji said he wasn't during the conference." said another voice

I sighed and just watched as Kenji began shooting threes, getting his shots up. After a while the game was about to start, the boys' did their handshake except Kenji and the tip off was about to start.

"OVERRATED!" yelled a bunch of haters on the other side of the stadium

"Who are they calling overrated?" asked Emiko

"We'll see." I replied

Dai jumped up as high as he could and tipped the ball towards Homura who passed it to Kenji.

"OVERRATED!" yelled the haters

"Kenji." I sighed

Kenji began to dribble down the court. He took it easy, testing out the team just like how you would test the water before jumping in. Kenji passed the ball to Dai who posted out the opponent's center and did a fade away making it in.

Our team went into their defensive position and their point guard began dribbling down the court but suddenly the point guard threw the ball right across the paint and into their power forward's hand.

"Whoa... I barely saw the ball." said Ayaka

The power forward dunked on Dai and everyone cheered. Akito passed the ball to Kenji and he began dribbling down court but he was dribbling in between his legs casually. Kenji got to the point guard and he stopped and drained a three.

"OVERRATED! OVERRATED!" continued to yell the haters

"This is why I hate away games." I grumbled

'They're so fucking loud.'

The opponent point guard dribbled down the ball and began to showcase his moves on Kenji but Kenji didn't even seem to move a bit. Kenji seemed to focus only on the ball but the point guard drove in to the right side of the court and Kenji responded by following him but then the point guard passed the ball behind his back to the shooting guard and he drained a three.

"The point guard is really good at passing." I said

"Yea it'll be hard to anticipate it." said Haruka