I Will Troll!

"Dead! This fella is surely dead!"

"Dead? In my opinion, that is already considered a blessing for him! He should be more worried about getting expelled!"

"How dare he put such a high bargain with Mr. Lu?! He has no respect for his teachers whatsoever!"

"Right! How dare this trash act so rampantly in our class! Has his brain somehow short-circuited?!"

While all the students were whispering their thoughts, Mr. Lu on the other hand, had finally lost it.

Jumping up and pointing at Reo, he shouted in a furious tone.

"Y-You foul beast! How dare you bargain with me!"

"It's already considered a miracle for me to let you stay in the class if you somehow answer the question but here you are taking a mile after given an inch!"

Reo was a bit taken back when he saw Mr. Lu's sudden extravagant behavior.

He had only teased him a little bit but his teacher had somehow already lost his temper.

Did he really place that much importance in the Japanese Seniority System?

Were juniors not allowed to talk back to their seniors in his opinion?

Reo couldn't help but sigh inwardly. If that was really the case, then it would be really troublesome for him.

He had originally wanted to use this opportunity to improve his standing amongst the students as well as the teachers. In addition, he hoped to obtain a few extra benefits as well.

However, looking at the situation now, there was really a slim chance for that happening right now.

Unless....He increased the stakes!

So, putting on a smile, Reo tried to quell his teacher's anger.

"Mr. Lu, I may have been a little selfish just now and for that, I sincerely apologize. I hope that Mr. Lu doesn't take my words to heart"

Mr. Lu's anger calmed down a bit when he heard that.

'At least this brat still knows how to respect his seniors!', Mr. Lu snorted inwardly.

"However....May I ask if my previous suggestion is still valid if I increase the stakes on my sides?"

"Say....If I answer 3 questions instead?"

Mr. Lu's temper immediately flared up again.

'It turns out that this brat was only being respectful just to bargain some more!', Mr. Lu raged inwardly.

At the same time, Mr. Lu was doubting if Reo's brain was actually problematic.

In his opinion, this brat was going to fail regardless of the number of questions involved so why did he want to increase the questions then?

Was he purposely trying to infuriate him to death?

However, that shouldn't be the case unless this student was mentally challenged.

'Could it be that he could really answer this question?', a random thought popped into Mr. Lu's head.

However, he quickly shook that thought out.

This student had become known as one of the worst students in the history of the school, nearly scoring straight zeros in every exam.

No matter what, trash could never turn into a diamond overnight.

Still, seeing Reo being quite persistent, Mr. Lu decided to let him have a go at it.

After all, what was the worst that could happen?

Answering all the questions? He would much rather turn in his teaching position than bet on Reo answering all of those questions.

"Since you are so confident in yourself, Reo....I would like to witness those skills of yours for myself!"

"If you are able to answer all 3 of those questions, I will allow you to not pay attention in my class for the remaining of the term but if you can't do so, you must pack up and leave whenever my class is in session"

"If you are unhappy with such a setting, you are by all means free to make a class transfer. I have no use for such conceited students who can't even uphold their words",Mr. Lu waved his hand in a dismissive manner as if he could hardly care for a student such as Reo.

Meanwhile, the class was confused and shocked at the same time.

"Huh?! Mr. Lu actually agreed to that idiot's request?!"

"It's not really such a big deal. After all he will be getting rid of Reo and increasing the class's score percentage if he is really transferred out. This is akin to striking two birds with one stone!"

"That's right! Mr. Lu sure is smart to have such insight. Looks like this will be the last time we will be seeing Reo in the same class then"

"Hmph! It's better this way! For daring to hold my Mikasa-chan's hand, this punishment is way too lenient in my opinion!"

Seeing the class rejoicing at his upcoming demise, Reo could only shake his head helplessly.

The previous Reo really did leave such a big mess for him to cleanup all by himself.

Although he didn't wish to be revered like a god, he really wished that his classmates would at least convey the basic amount of respect that a person should have.

However, looking at this sight, Reo knew that his situation was far from salvageable.

Looking at the hatred in his fellow classmates eyes, Reo felt the need to troll them even more.

Since the situation wasn't salvageable in his elementary school, he would change the perspective of his classmates in middle school then!

After all, not every student will be posted in the same middle school. It would already be considered quite lucky if even 30 students from the same elementary school being posted in the same middle school as well.

So for now, he would troll them to his heart's content.

For someone with a teenager's mind to troll elementary school kids like them, Reo almost felt sorry for them.

He could only hope that they didn't cry too much.

Then, turning his attention back to Mr. Lu, Reo gave his reply.

"I agree with the conditions that Mr. Lu has set. If there is nothing else, let us begin with the first question"

Mr. Lu only replied with a snort as he thought in his head, 'Brag! Just brag some more! When you fail in the first question, I will be the one having the last laugh'.

"Ok. Since you have agreed to the conditions set, we will start with the first question"

Following that, Mr. Lu walked over to the blackboard, picked up his chalk and began writing down an equation down onto it.

The class was mostly silent during the entire time that Mr. Lu was writing on the blackboard safe for the occasional whispers.

"Hey, do you think that he can answer the question?"

"Answer? Bah! I bet that he will give up before even writing the first equation!"

"The first equation? Don't you think that you are being a bit too optimistic about him? I bet that he won't even be writing anything at all!"

"What do you expect? It's one of the hardest questions from the Math Olympiad after all!"

"Hehehe. Who asked that little shit to be so confident in the first place? Now, he will have to reap what he sows!"

Some of the students even snickered at Reo's demise.

He was already quite hated for his numerous pranks and mischievous attitude but now that he had bragged that he was even a level above them in intelligence, it finally pushed their tolerance level over the limit.

Naturally, they were happy to see Reo landing himself in trouble. Some of them were even excited at witnessing Reo's demise.

It was only after a good minute did Mr. Lu finally stop writing on the blackboard.

Furthermore, the question he wrote stunned all the students.

"T-This....What is this?"

"Shit! Is this even Math anymore?!"

"If middle school Math is this scary, I want to get held back in elementary school forever!"

"This is a question in the Math Olympiad?! How did those geniuses even manage to complete this?"

As for the question that Mr. Lu wrote down, Reo recognized the topic instantly.

It was Binomial Expansion!

He briefly remembered studying this topic back in high school. To him, this was considered one of the more easier topics.

Looking at Reo staring at the question, Mr. Lu felt smug.

Looking at this boy's expression, he must be in a daze from even seeing this type of question. He had even predicted that Reo would either give up or even beg him to change to a different question.

Binomial Expansion was considered a relatively easy topic in high school Mathematics but to elementary school students, it was simply a horde of number demons appearing straight out of hell.

While Mr. Lu was being smug at seeing Reo's dazed look, he failed to realize one thing.

The dazed look from Reo was not because that the question was too hard but because it was too easy!

This kind of question could be considered kind of a hard question in the topic itself but that was only in the high school exam!

This was the Math Olympiad that they were talking about!

Reo had participated in quite a number of Math Olympiads before due to his outstanding intellect and had even made it once to the regional level.

The questions back then were much, much tougher than this.

Even if this was a district-level question, it was still too easy.

Reo even wondered if Mr. Lu was intentionally pitying him by giving him an easier question but one look at Mr. Lu who was close to spewing fire out of his eyes, made Reo dismiss that thought altogether.

If Mr. Lu wasn't pitying him, then what was going on here?

He had even said that this was one of the most unanswered questions in the Math Olympiad last year.

So, what exactly was going on here?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Reo's mind as he paled a little.

'Could it be that this world's knowledge was reduced by a level?'