Date (R-18)

Jasper and Raven stood there making out in the middle of the sidewalk, Not caring about anything else as Raven brought her hands around his neck

"Let's go somewhere?" She asked uncertainly, she was ready to give herself to him, But that didn't mean he was going to agree

"Yah" Jasper says and they kiss again and go find someplace to stay for the night


Getting into their hotel room(A/N: let's just assume that a hotel room is possible For 13-year-olds...)

Raven immediately heads to the shower with a red face, Jasper smiles and gets comfortable on the bed waiting for Raven (Am I about to lose my virginity...) He thinks to himself as his heart is beating fast

Checking the clock he sighs knowing that Raven takes a long time in the shower l, So he turns and goes to take a quick nap


Raven walks out of the bathroom and sees Jasper sleeping (Dumbass!) She thought to herself

She had gotten in this sexy outfit so he could be turned on, and now he was sleeping

Taking a deep breath to control her anger Raven goes over to the bed and straddles Jasper, Seeing he is still asleep Raven goes down and kisses him softly

Then she goes deeper prying open his mouth as she starts to feel his heart speed up, A sign that he was now awake

Raven started rubbing her body against his cock as they went into an intense make-out session with Jasper fondling her as she moaned and grinded her bottom against his cock

"Jasper~" She whispers into his ear as he kisses her neckline, Then as he slides his hands under her nightgown She softly moans and lets him do what he wants with her body

"Raven" Jasper said quietly tugging at the string that holds her bra together

Raven understanding what ye wants turns away with a red face But nodding (This is so embarrassing!) She thought to herself as Jasper untied the string

Jasper uses his other hand to tilt her head back towards him and plants another kiss on her lips to make her feel more comfortable

Raven's hands start wandering Jaspers body at the same time he starts fondling her causing her to moan again softly

Then jasper's hand reaches her panties and slowly tugs them off

*Knock* *Knock*

They jump away from each other when they hear the knocks and Jasper quickly puts on his clothes and goes to the door

(I'll kill whoever is at that door!) Raven thought to herself hiding her body under the covers

Opening the door Jasper widens his eyes seeing the Joker with a gun pointed at his head

*Insert Gun shooting noises*

Jasper falls down with a gun wound in his head as Raven jumps up and looks toward the door

Seeing Jasper on the ground bleeding she widens her eyes and freezes in shock "Haha I didn't know that you would be here also... I just wanted to take the whole bat family" Joker says while Raven is still in shock

Then shooting her also, Albeit in the stomach he grabs Jaspers body to display it on the side of the building, a sign for Batman to watch his kids


As Joker is going out if the building, shooting anyone who sees him dragging Jaspers body he starts to feel Jasper move on his own

"Oh? That didn't kill you?" Joker smiles widely and hops into his car going to an undisclosed location


Jasper opens his eyes and gasps for air, the last thing he remembered was taking Raven to some hotel (Shit! where am I)

Perhaps due to the shock, he didn't notice the green-haired villain in the side of the room "You're finally awake huh?" Joker said and walked forward "I'm going to test that crazy regeneration that you have hahaha," He says with a crazy look in his eye as he goes to Jaspers's hand

"Where's Rachel!" Jasper yells struggling to break the steel chains that are holding him to the chair


"Ahhhh!!" He screams as Joker cuts his hand off with a sadistic smile

"Amazing... it's already regenerating haha" Then joker went to his feet and did the same chopping him up and set a timer to see how long he takes to heal


Raven wakes up on a soft bed feeling drowsy "Jasper?" She says and looks around noticing she's in the bat cave

Then everything comes back to her "Jasper!!" she yells and jumps up starting to float off

"Wait!" Tim comes and holds her down on the bed while Selina and Bruce appear after hearing her outburst

"Rachel where's Jasper!" Selina yells and grabs her shoulders pushing Tim away and looking deep into her eyes

Raven freezes remembering the last time she saw him "H-He's dead!" She yells and sobs into Selina's shoulder, While the others in the room freeze with shocked faces


(Damn it) Jasper can feel that he's getting weak, He hadn't eaten in a while and the loss of blood and limbs made him feel extremely weak

"C'mon do it again!" Joker says cutting off Jaspers hand for the 20th time and watching it grow back faster each time

Then seeing Jaspers face looking out of it he slaps him waking him out of his daze "You can't go to sleep yet, we still have so many games to play Hahahahaha!"

Jasper just looks up at Joker with hatred as Joker gets back to his arms and legs slowly going up higher each time he cuts them


Somewhere in the underground of Gotham, we're several people with Black eyes and red pupils in the middle "What's this?"

"We are all connected... so why do we feel the pain of someone else" A few people muttered

"It's him" The oldest of them said standing up and releasing his kagune "It's our king..."

(A/N: Man still a virgin *Sigh* They just can't catch a break🙄)