Ken Kaneki/ One eyed King

"Ahhhh!" Jasper screams at the new sensation, After 1 month of continuous torture Jasper had gotten used to the normal pain, So joker had found new ways to torture him

Joker also found out about his diet, So he would feed him the bare minimum for him to survive

Joker poured melted metal ok his arm and watched as it turned off "Hahahahahaha!" He laughed in joy seeing jasper scream in pain

Every day he would come back to watch Jasper scream in pain, and because of this Jasper barely realized what was going on anymore

It was like his consciousness turned off, and the body was reacting by itself


In Jaspers mindscape he was getting the shit beaten out of him "You're weak" Ken Kaneki said slamming him face-first into the ground

"You're nothing," He says again kicking him away and then flashing forward before he could even get his bearings and slams his foot on top of his head "You aren't worthy of my body... of my legacy"

"I don't even know who you are," Jasper said with a pained voice(Why am I not healing)

"You will..." Kaneki says and everything turns dark

"Kaneki!" Jason(Not Robin, the one from Toky Ghoul) Yells while using pliers to duo kaneki's toes and fingers off

"Ahhh!!" Jasper screams and doesn't realize what's going on "W-Who are you!?... why are you doing this!" He yells forcefully before screaming in pain again having his toe ripped off

"Ka-Ne-ki" Jason says ignoring his question"What's a thousand minus seven?"

Perhaps out of instinct Jasper answers in a pained voice "9-993" he says with teary eyes

"Good... keep repeating it hehe," Jason says leaving

It continued like this for year's, Jasper had no concept of time or reality anymore, the only reason he was still sane was because of the numbers

"Wake up" A voice sounds next to his ear and he sees a black-haired teen, Then looking around him he sees several of copies that look just like him, One of them was wearing his teeth mask and a black uniform type suit

Another had a white eye patch covering his left eye, this one looked the oldest

Then there was one who had black roots with white hair all around

Then a child, and finally there was one chained up opposite of him staring at him with one eye Ghouled out

"Jasper... who are you?" They all say at the same time as the surroundings change to his life

You don't have any memories after you were 8... why is that?... maybe you locked them away for some reason, But then who are you?" They say again starting to inch closer

"I-i'm Jasper... Jasper Eaton...." He said with a weak voice realizing that they were right, he didn't remember most of who he was, how? he had just been fine not too long ago... why was his memory suddenly fucked up, he didnt even remember who he was supposed to be, why was he born? the only reason he could come up with was for entertainment for that guy called rob, and that didn't seem like a good reason to be alive

Then his scenery changed once again and he was standing up facing the guy who looked like him that was chained down


The guy looked up at him and cracked his finger "1,000-7... is 993" He said and rushed toward Jasper punching him in his face

With this punch came memories, these memories contained a black-haired youth crying over his Mother's death, then another punch, and another

Each punch came with a new memory, some sad some happy until finally Came a heart-wrenching memory, thankgully Jasper was able to remember just as quick as he'd forgotten, losing them for a few seconds scared him a bit.

Ken Kaneki, Who Jasper had found out was the name of the boy, Looked down and saw his most lived friend dead in his arms as he walked forward to CCG, Ken also used to be Jaspers favorite anime character

Jasper didn't know how to feel, but he knew that things were starting to change inside of him

He dodged Kaneki's punch, it met a kick and another memory came

This continued for year's, or minutes, it was hard for Jasper to tell the time when being beaten to a pulp and watching years of memories


In the outside world, 20 People were discussing plans to find their king, The first Ghoul that had been created had said a prophecy

He shall come down with hair as white as snow

Eating everything in his path, with his one eye to show

The one-eyed king shall be born, from endless suffering that he was forced to Succumb

Leading all ghouls to the future, the one-eyed king shall come

This prophecy was believed to be bullshit until the oldest of them felt resonance from their supposed 'King'

So right now they were discussing how to go on with it "We're just going to believe that some random guy is supposed to be our king!?" One screamed incredulously

"I have to agree with Sarah... But after everything we've been through I would like to believe some king is going to lead us to peace with humans" James the ghoul who said that then put his head down waiting for others to speak

The room was silent as they all remembered their births, It had started with their deaths

A doctor had found something in the human body called Red child cells, or RC cells for short

This doctor tried to learn how to use them by experimenting on several people

When this didn't work he had grown enraged and used his mother who was old and frail in the experiment

She had died from shock right before he started, but much to his surprise was that she was reborn once he went through with the experiment

So after this success, he went and got 20 more dead bodies to experiment on and they were all success

Before he could inform anyone however he had died, devoured by his own mother who had been starving and is the first thing that smelled good

When she had realized what she had done she fell into a depression as the rest had all went off together and found an abandoned building to stay in

Over a week, they had figured out that they needed to eat humans to survive

They didn't like this but went through with it anyway since it was their only option

The first ghoul, the doctor's mother had been a seer before she became a ghoul, and she gave the prophecy of their King, right after this she had fallen Ill from trying to eat normal human food and died the same night

They had waited for 5 years waiting for their 'King' to arrive, and now that he had no one knew what to think

"Let's wait for a while... if he's the king he'll be able to find us... but if he doesn't come soon we will go out and find him ourselves is this acceptable?" The eldest asked to which they all agreed and went to find food for their 'Pack'...

(A/N: This was all bullshit to explain why there are more ghouls now lol, the real Tokyo ghoul lore is that Ghouls came from Cannibals who are humans frequently causing their race to change, Just a fun fact hope you enjoyed this chapter😁)