There's No Way That I'll Believe In You!

In fact, when Jiang Beiran came back, he had already thought that Yu Manwen would definitely come to find him again. To prevent more troubles, Jiang Beiran decided to "retreat" directly, and let her wait for a month to exhaust her curiosity towards himself. Eventually, the incident would naturally subside.

But what Jiang Beiran never expected was that the wise Order Master, who used to be heroic and always covered for him, had actually become...

Seeing Zhang Heqing peeking at Yu Manwen's "shy" expression from time to time, Jiang Beiran was desperate.

"The pretty flower of the Sect of Returning terrifying!" After putting away his thoughts, Jiang Beiran stepped forward and said, "I, Disciple Jiang Beiran pays my respects to Law Protector Yu."

Yu Manwen nodded slightly and said, "Beiran, you hid in the Pavilion of Blue Heart when you came back. Were you hiding from me?"