You Guys Are Ignorant

At the same time, outside of Luoxia Town, three wandering heroes dressed in short shirts were drinking in a private room of an inn.

One of them with a blue kerchief at a fried peanut and said, "Da Leng, have you scattered the net on that side?"

The wandering hero who was being called Da Leng, burped as he poured himself another jug of wine and said, "Of course! I will definitely obey the orders given by the leader. I've already scattered them all out."

"That's good. I think Third Brother is very interested in this matter, and so we should put in more effort."

"Don't worry, I know what I have to do." Da Leng took the jug back in the middle, rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "Hey, have you two found out why is that person get arrested? Why so much movement?"

After hearing that, the wandering hero, who hadn't spoken for a while, moved the jug of the wine forward and smiled.