Chapter 374: New World

It took Lin Xiao nearly four days to make his way out of the mountain forest. On the third day, he discovered a small thatched hut in the woods, which seemed to be a resting place for hunters. Following the traces downhill, and after much winding about, he finally found a path that people had trodden.

Fortunately, he had prepared a set of leather armor; if he had chosen thick plate armor, even with his current constitution, it would have been stifling.

As he passed through a thicket, there was a wasteland overgrown with weeds about waist-high before him. Looking off into the distance, he could vaguely see the shadow of thatched huts and wisps of pale smoke.

"There's a village!"

He tidied himself up a bit and waded through the waist-high weeds towards that direction.

It was truly a desolate plain—filled with insects and poisonous snakes, and along the way, he must have stepped on no fewer than ten poisonous snakes.