Chapter 375: The God of Life and Wisdom

Three days later, Mor hurriedly packed up and left after telling Lin Xiao everything he needed to know. Before leaving, he told him that he was headed to the Totem City in the east of the Osa Empire. Their organization already had a predecessor who had secured a high position in the Totem Tower and provided a direct channel to enter the affiliated Totem Tower Academy for study, but the prerequisite was that you could afford the tuition.

After all, securing a high position did not mean owning the Totem Tower, and the required tuition fees still had to be paid.

In fact, this was already a great opportunity, better than anything else.

Mor told him that it was best to make good use of the local resources to earn the tuition within one to three years, to avoid having to scrape the fees together when the time came.