Zombies from Nowhere


The woman met Wang Hao's eyes, and her gaze shifted a bit.

After hesitating for some time, she finally admitted, "Li Hu and Biao both have guns."

When Wang Hao heard this, he started to think more carefully about what to do next.

If only one person had had a gun, he would be able to figure out a way to deal with him. But if two people had guns, then things could get a little tricky.

"Besides the two of them with guns, what about the rest?" asked Wang Hao.

"I can guarantee you that besides Li Hu and Biao, the rest don't have guns," replied the woman firmly.

"I hope that what you say is true. Otherwise, you'll be the first one to die."

With that, he took the woman downstairs.

They entered the karaoke room on the second floor.


The woman saw the two men lying dead inside the room, and her face turned as white as a sheet.

Even though the Apocalypse had been going on for so long, she had been hiding in the bungalow all this time and had never left the house before.

She had never seen the terrifying zombies of the Apocalypse and had never seen dead bodies before either.

She was horrified when she saw the dead bodies of two of the guys she had interacted with every day lying on the floor.

"Help me with hiding these two men's bodies," said Wang Hao.

"I…I don't dare to…," stammered the woman in a trembling voice.

"Would you rather die?" Wang Hao took his pistol out and pulled the safety catch off.

"A gun? You actually have a gun too?"

A look of shock appeared in the woman's eyes.

"Stop wasting time. Hurry up and do as I say," said Wang Hao.

"Okay, okay…I got it…I'll do it right now!"

The woman was very frightened, but she was even more afraid to die.

In no time, with the help of the woman, the two bodies had been dragged into a more secluded room.

Then they cleaned up the bloodstains. And, afterwards, Wang Hao took the woman down to the first floor and out to the garage.

When she saw the two corpses in the garage, the woman wasn't as frightened as she had been before.

But she was still astonished by Wang Hao's terrifying prowess.

Even though he had not used his gun, he had singlehandedly killed off four men who all had been excellent fighters themselves. This was simply too terrifying.

"Do you have the keys to the garage?" asked Wang Hao.

"No, I don't," answered the woman.

"In that case, we'll have to hide these two bodies as well," said Wang Hao.


The woman nodded and helped to drag the bodies to a hidden corner of the garage.

By the time they had hidden away all the dead bodies, half an hour had already passed.

Wang Hao took note of the time, and then took the woman back into the bungalow.

They went up to the third floor, back into the room in which he had found her.

"When this goes down, you must listen to everything I say. As long as everything goes well, I won't kill you," said Wang Hao.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely listen to you," said the woman fearfully.

Wang Hao found a rope and tied her to a chair, then used a black cloth to blindfold her.

The woman had a lot of questions, but she didn't dare to ask him anything.

After a while, Wang Hao heard some noise coming from outside.

He ran to the window and looked out.

He saw a modified Hummer parked outside the main gates of the bungalow.

The Hummer was honking constantly, but nobody was coming to open the gates.

"Bloody h*ll! Where have they all disappeared to?"

The people in the car didn't want to wait anymore, so they had no choice but to get out of the car and deal with the zombies outside the gates themselves and then open the gates.

In no time, the two Hummers were parked side by side inside the courtyard of the bungalow.

"Brother Hu, where do you think Yu and the rest have run off to? They're not even watching the gates," remarked the woman next to Li Hu.

"Tsk, tsk."

Li Hu didn't say anything, but he had a nasty expression on his face.

Nobody else dared to say anything, and they just followed Li Hu into the bungalow.

They didn't run into anybody on the first or the second floors.

But when they reached the third floor, they could hear some moaning sounds coming out of Zhang Qianqian's room that were enough to make one's face turn red and one's heart start racing.

"D*mn it, the four of them actually went looking for Zhang Qianqian, and they're having a five-person party inside." Li Hu instantly flew into a rage.

"What the h*ll? We're risking our lives searching for food, while they're up here enjoying themselves." Biao caught up with Li Hu.

They all had equally nasty expressions on their faces, and they all felt that these men had gone overboard in neglecting their duties and having fun.

"None of you are to stop me. If I don't teach Yu and the rest a good lesson today, then they will stop respecting me as their boss in the future."

With that, Li Hu started marching toward Zhang Qianqian's room.

Just as the rest were about to follow him, they heard the sound of something breaking downstairs.

"Come along now, let's go downstairs to see what that noise was. Boss knows how to handle those guys in the room. We don't have to worry."

Biao quickly made his way downstairs with the rest.



The sounds of a zombie could be heard from one of the rooms on the second floor.

"What's going on? Why is there a zombie here?"

Biao's expression turned grim as he slowly walked toward the room where he'd heard a zombie.

Back on the third floor, Li Hu kicked open Zhang Qianqian's door.

But all he saw was Zhang Qianqian tied to a chair with a black cloth covering her eyes.

"What the h*ll is going on?"

Li Hu was rather confused, because he'd thought he was going to see five people tumbling about on the bed. He definitely hadn't expected to find Zhang Qianqian tied to a chair instead.


Just then, a zombie that had been hiding in the room pounced over and bit Li Hu on the shoulder.


Li Hu howled in pain and immediately reached for his gun.

But this zombie attacked too quickly, and its second bite landed on his neck.

Li Hu had just pulled his gun out. He took a shot at the zombie's head.


A gunshot rang out, and the zombie collapsed onto the floor.

Li Hu clutched his neck and struggled for a while, but he couldn't stop himself from eventually collapsing onto the floor also.

Zhang Qianqian's eyes were blindfolded, so she couldn't see anything. But she was sure that someone had definitely died.

She really hoped that the one who had died was the intruder.

But reality was very cruel.

The door of Zhang Qianqian's room opened again.

Wang Hao walked in with a smile and stood next to Li Hu.

"You guys weren't simple. You actually had a pistol. If I hadn't known about this earlier, I really might not have been able to kill you."

Wang Hao picked up the pistol from the floor and put it away with a pleased look on his face.

After that, he removed Zhang Qianqian's blindfold.

The first thing that Zhang Qianqian saw when she opened her eyes was Li Hu lying dead on the floor. Her heart immediately despaired.

The only hope she had had was extinguished.

"You'd better not start screaming and shouting, otherwise you're going to end up just like him," warned Wang Hao in a cold voice.

"I won't scream and shout."

Zhang Qianqian nodded with tears in her eyes.


Wang Hao reached out to pinch Zhang Qianqian's smooth, supple face, then turned and started to walk out of the room.

But just as he reached the door, Wang Hao heard the sound of people coming up the stairs.

Without any hesitation, Wang Hao pulled out a Zombie Bomb and flung it down the stairs.


The minute the Zombie Bomb turned into an actual zombie, he heard the screams of a woman.

Wang Hao didn't intend to hide. He carried his gun and walked out to the landing of the staircase.