Chapter 26: Can’t Keep This Woman Around

Wang Hao stood on the landing and secretly peeked down the stairs.

A zombie had already pounced on a woman, knocking her to the floor and biting through her neck.

"What the h*ll is going on? Why are there zombies in our bungalow?"

The other three people moved back in fright. One of the men had a gun in his hand, and he aimed it at the zombie that was sprawled on the floor tearing the woman to pieces.


With a loud bang, the head of the zombie exploded on the spot.

Wang Hao shrank back after seeing this.

This man had a gun, so if he went down there he would be in great danger.

"Forget it. I have plenty of Zombie Bombs, so I don't have to be afraid."

Wang Hao grabbed five Zombie Bombs and threw all of them downstairs.

Meanwhile, he hid inside one of the rooms and started to control one of the zombies.

The image before him changed, and he was now on the stairs.

There were four other zombies with him.

Two men and a woman were now at the bottom of the staircase, staring up at the zombies in utter shock and disbelief.

They couldn't understand why these zombies had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


When the zombies smelled humans, they immediately went into a frenzy and rushed down the stairs.

"Hurry up and hide! There are too many zombies," Biao shouted while holding onto his gun. The other two immediately ran toward the gym behind them.


After taking one shot, Biao started to quickly move backward as he fired.

But because he was in a panic, it took him several shots before he'd finally killed one zombie.

When he saw that the zombies were coming closer and closer to him, Biao had no choice but to start running toward the gym.

"Trying to run? It's too late."

Wang Hao dashed over, grabbed hold of Biao, and bit him on the neck.


Biao let out a bloodcurdling scream before collapsing onto the floor.

Wang Hao ignored him and headed for the other two survivors.

The man and the woman had nearly reached the entrance to the gym.

The man ran more quickly, and the woman lagged behind him.

"Hurry up and come in," the man said. However, when he saw that Wang Hao was right behind the woman, he slammed the door in her face.

"No…don't close the door…"

The woman was in despair and started banging on the door.

But the door remained shut fast and didn't look like it was going to open up again.


The woman heard the zombie growls behind her and immediately fell to her knees, paralyzed with fear.

Wang Hao looked at the helpless woman and didn't do anything.

After all, the other two surviving zombies had already come pouncing over.

They grabbed hold of the woman and started tearing her to pieces.

Wang Hao could hear the terrible screams of the woman as he looked at the door to the gym in front of him.

The door was shut fast, so there was no way to get in.

But Wang Hao looked at the door handle and decided to try it.


To his surprise, the door actually opened.

"Huh? What's going on?"

The man sitting on the floor of the gym with his back facing the door was in shock.

He'd heard the terrible screams of the woman outside the door and figured the woman wasn't going to push the door open anymore.

Once he'd let his guard down, he didn't try to block the door anymore.

To him, only humans knew how to use door handles. Zombies would never think of turning a door handle.

But what was happening right now made his heart nearly explode.

The man swiftly got to his feet and tried to shut the door again.

But it was too late. Wang Hao wasn't going to give him the chance to do that.


Wang Hao crashed open the door and reached a hand out to grab the man whose eyes were wide open with terror.

He knew that he couldn't win against a zombie.


Wang Hao's fingers tore through the man's neck.


The man clutched his profusely bleeding neck with his eyes wide open as he lifelessly fell to the floor.

Until the moment he died, he'd had no idea how all these zombies had managed to get into the bungalow.


Just then, Wang Hao could hear the growling of zombies coming from the room behind him.

"That's odd…why are there zombies in there?"

Wang Hao opened the door and saw the two zombies inside.

These two zombies were the men who had been singing karaoke earlier. They had actually turned into zombies now.


Wang Hao looked at the two zombies in front of him, found a rope, and tied these two zombies and the other two zombies from his Zombie Bombs together, and dragged all four zombies to the first floor.

He dragged them all the way out of the bungalow before untying them.

There were very few zombies around the bungalow, so it would be a pity to kill them off.

He'd even planned to learn how to drive and then drive a whole bunch of zombies up to the bungalow to guard and patrol the surroundings.

Very soon, the Zombie Bomb's time expired.

Wang Hao's consciousness returned to his actual body.

He went to look for Zhang Qianqian and untied her from the chair.

"Did you kill them all?" asked Zhang Qianqian in a trembling voice.

"That's right. I've killed them all," said Wang Hao.

"Then are you going to kill me?" asked Zhang Qianqian.

"That depends on how you behave. If you behave well, then I won't kill you," said Wang Hao.

"I got it."

Zhang Qianqian nodded and suppressed her fear as she started dragging Li Hu's dead body downstairs.

"This woman is quite clever."

Wang Hao nodded with a pleased look on his face, but he didn't intend to let her live at all.

After all, he had killed all of her companions, so this woman would definitely bear a grudge against him.

If he let his guard down one day, Zhang Qianqian might secretly stab him in the back.

He wasn't going to take such a gamble.

He didn't lack women in the Apocalypse.

Zhang Qianqian was really very pretty though. She had fair, long legs, and her round, large bosom kept calling out to him, triggering an excitement and impulse within his heart.

But he wasn't a man whose thoughts were controlled by the lower half of his body.

If he wanted to enjoy the many beauties of the Apocalypse, the first thing he needed to do was to make sure he stayed alive.

If he died, then everything would be meaningless.

Wang Hao went to the second floor and took Biao's gun as well.

One hour later, Zhang Qianqian had managed to drag all the dead bodies to the grass outside.

"Find a shovel and dig a hole here, then bury all of them." Wang Hao looked around the courtyard and pointed to an empty area.

"But…I'm very tired now." Zhang Qianqian looked at him with her large eyes as she put on a pitiful expression.

When Li Hu was around, he'd never made her do anything so tiring.

But now, she'd had to do all sorts of menial labor for Wang Hao and couldn't even get a smile from him. The difference in treatment was astounding.

But Zhang Qianqian believed that she would be able to use her beauty to slowly conquer Wang Hao.

"All right then, it's getting a little late. Let's go back inside and eat something first."

Wang Hao had started to feel hungry too, so he returned to the bungalow with Zhang Qianqian.

Zhang Qianqian led the way and found them food.

One could think about other desires once he was full and warm. So after Wang Hao had eaten his fill, he started to look Zhang Qianqian up and down as she ate.