Seeing Xu Xin Again

Wang Hao walked into the male dormitory with his katana.


Zombies were wandering everywhere throughout all the corridors.

Wang Hao pushed the zombies aside and went upstairs.

With so many zombies around, even if Xu Xin wanted to escape, she wouldn't have a chance.

If she had the guts to jump down from a balcony like Li Dong had, then perhaps she could escape.

But Wang Hao was very sure that Xu Xin didn't have that sort of guts.

He arrived on the second floor and started slashing away at the zombies with his katana.

He needed to create some sort of commotion so that Xu Xin could hear it.

There were a lot less zombies on the second floor than on the first floor, only a few dozen of them.

It took Wang Hao quite a while, but he finally cleared the place of zombies.

After that, he opened the doors of a few rooms, dragged tables out of the rooms, and blocked off the entrance of the staircase.

That way, the zombies would be stuck outside without being able to enter the second floor corridor.


The zombies just continued growling away, but didn't push aside the tables. They seldom became violent or crazy when they didn't detect the smell of humans.


Wang Hao exhaled deeply. He had used a lot of energy to kill the zombies, and he was very tired now.

His human body was still too weak, and he was only really strong when he transformed into a zombie.

But Wang Hao also felt that he seemed just a little bit stronger than he had been some days ago.

As he thought about this, Wang Hao decided to have a look at his own attributes.

Name: Wang Hao

Form: Human Form (Can transform to Zombie Form)

Level: Level 2 (8,650/10,000)

Defense: 50

Attack: 50

Speed: 60

(The average human has 100 points per attribute.)

Talent: Bloody Massacre, Kill Humans, or Zombie Evolution. Each increase in level will unlock a new talent.

Zombie Bomb. A controllable Zombie will appear after use. Effect lasts for ten minutes. Increase in level can increase the duration of the effect.

"Not bad. My human attributes have gone up."

Wang Hao was rather satisfied. The increase wasn't much, but at least it meant that his workouts had started to be effective.

If he continued working out, he would eventually reach the same standard as an average human.

But Wang Hao was a little disappointed that the human attributes didn't increase or change as his zombie levels went up. He had to rely on his own efforts in working out.

But this didn't affect him very much.

No matter what dangers he ran into, he just needed to transform himself into a zombie to settle them.

With that in mind, Wang Hao headed toward the room where Xu Xin was staying.


Inside the room...

Xu Xin stood behind the door with a haggard face as she looked out into the corridor through the small glass panel.

She had initially been lying on the bed, but when she heard the sound of someone hacking at the zombies, she'd forced herself to get out of bed.

Ever since the zombies had taken over the male dormitory, she hadn't dared to walk out of this room at all.

Zombies were everywhere out there, so leaving the room was as good as sending herself to her death.

There wasn't a lot of food in the room to begin with. She'd only had enough for half a day, and then she'd run out.

She had gone hungry for two whole days already.

Xu Xin finally saw someone walk down the corridor toward her room.

"Wang Hao? Why is it him?"

Xu Xin was in shock. She'd thought that the one who was hacking the zombies to death would be Li Dong or some other strong, handsome guy.

But she was wrong. The person who'd done this had actually turned out to be Wang Hao.

"Wasn't he chased out of the male dormitory that day, and shouldn't he have been eaten by zombies by now? How did he make it back alive?" Xu Xin had many questions.

She'd had a big part to play in the reason why Wang Hao had been kicked out of the male dormitory. If she begged him to save her now, would he agree to it?

"Forget it…I'm going to die from hunger soon, so I'm sure he won't just leave me in the lurch. We were classmates after all."

With this thought in mind, Xu Xin opened her door.



Wang Hao was about to start shouting for her when he saw a girl wearing black pajamas standing in front of him after she'd opened her door.

There was a tinge of awkwardness in the girl's eyes. She looked shocked.

She called out to him, "Wang Hao, why are you back? There are zombies everywhere outside, so hurry up and come in!"

"It's all right, I've already killed off all the zombies."

Wang Hao was shocked at how haggard Xu Xin looked and realized that the last two days must have been tough for her. There was a strange feeling of satisfaction in his heart.

"Oh?" Xu Xin looked out and realized that all the zombies on the second floor were indeed gone.

There were plenty of dead zombies all over the floor.

"You…you've killed so many zombies?" A look of utter disbelief appeared on Xu Xin's face.

She'd never imagined that Wang Hao was capable of doing this, She immediately started regretting her attitude toward Wang Hao before this.

"It's no big deal." Wang Hao wasn't bothered at all.

After that, he pretended to be very puzzled and asked her, "What's happened here over the past few days? Why are there zombies all over the corridor now? I even spotted Li Dong's corpse just now."

"What? Li Dong is dead?"

Xu Xin got a shock when she heard this and couldn't help but feel some disappointment. She shook her head and replied, "I don't know either. A lot of zombies suddenly rushed in the other day, but luckily I had kept my room door closed, otherwise I wouldn't still be alive now."

Without anyone strong enough to rely on, Xu Xin's voice didn't sound as arrogant as it used to.

"Is that so? I'll be honest with you. I actually came back to take revenge. But it's a pity that Li Dong and the other guys are already dead, so I can't take revenge anymore," said Wang Hao.

"What? You're here to take revenge?"

Xu Xin's face instantly turned as white as a sheet, and her eyes were filled with a look of horror.

She asked with some uneasiness, "Then are you here to kill me too?"

"Relax, you're a girl, and I don't kill women. Besides, we were classmates once, and you're the only one left now. Why would I kill you?" said Wang Hao with a smile.

Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard these words and squeezed out a smile.

"You're right. After the Apocalypse happened, I suppose almost everyone out there is already dead. Since you've dared to take the risk of coming back here by yourself, I'm sure you haven't found a partner yet, right? Let's stay together from now on."

With that, she reached out for Wang Hao's arm and pulled him into her room.

Perhaps she was still afraid of the zombies outside. She quickly shut her door again.

Xu Xin still felt awkward around Wang Hao, and, after she'd shut the door, she didn't know what else to say.

In the end, Wang Hao broke the silence.

"You don't look too good. Have you been hungry for a long time?"

"Uh-huh. I've already gone hungry for two days, and I haven't had a single drop of water. I'm going to faint soon," said Xu Xin, as she started to cry a little sadly.

"Oh, dear…"

Wang Hao felt like all this was rather weird. Xu Xin was a completely different person from the one she had been just a few days ago. She now spoke very gently and was no longer that bratty girl she used to be. Instead, she looked rather lovable now.

But Wang Hao wasn't going to be fooled by what she looked like now.

He wasn't going to forget how she had falsely accused him of peeping at her in the toilet and made Li Dong chase him out of the dormitory.

If his Zombie King Evolution System had not been activated after that, he would have become zombie food long ago and wouldn't have been able to appear here now.

"Xu Xin, no matter how cute and lovable you look now, I'm not going to let you off the hook. I'm going to play with you until I'm tired of you, and, once I'm done teasing and mocking you, I'm going to kill you."

Those were Wang Hao's thoughts, but he put a sympathetic look on his face as he put his backpack down.

He said to her, "You must be so hungry. I happen to have some food here, so help yourself."

"Thank you, Wang Hao."

Xu Xin was so moved by this. She reached out to take the food that Wang Hao passed to her, ripped the packaging without caring about what she looked like, and gobbled it all down.