A Surprise

Wang Hao watched how Xu Xin was ravenously gobbling down everything he'd given her, and a smile surfaced in his eyes.

He was certain that this little bit of food was definitely not enough for Xu Xin.

And just as he'd expected, once Xu Xin had finished the biscuits and the one sausage he'd given her, she looked at Wang Hao again pleadingly.

This little bit of food hadn't been enough to fill her stomach, and because it had been so delicious, she felt even hungrier now.

"I'm still hungry… Do you have any more food?" asked Xu Xin tentatively.

"Of course I've got more food. I have more sausages, some canned pork, mineral water...lots of things," said Wang Hao smugly.

"Oh, please, can you give some to me. I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten for the past two days." Xu Xin stretched her hands out, supplicating him.

"I can give you more food, but you've got to give me a suitable reason. Why should I give this food to you instead of keeping it for myself?"

Wang Hao had no intention of giving all his food to her for nothing. Food was so valuable now. He couldn't possibly waste it like this.

"You…what are you trying to say? I don't understand?" Xu Xin was puzzled.

"You were the prettiest girl in our class. What do you mean you don't understand?" Wang Hao turned toward Xu Xin's long, fair, and slender legs and looked her up and down.

"You…don't tell me you…want to do that?" A look of surprise appeared on Xu Xin's face.

"You're a pretty smart girl. So? Are you willing?" asked Wang Hao.

"Well, that…"

Xu Xin looked at Wang Hao and seemed to hesitate.

Wang Hao had always been a bum who she'd despised. Now he was actually going to use food to force her to do something she didn't want to do. She found it really hard to accept.

But she was really terribly hungry. If she didn't accede to his demands, then what was she going to do?

Was she going to continue going hungry?

She couldn't continue without food anymore. She would die from starvation that way.

"I'll just agree to be your girlfriend? Okay?" Xu Xin tried a different approach after hesitating for a while.

"D*mn you…"

Wang Hao immediately became extremely displeased. "Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? You're still acting like I'm a bum. When Li Dong asked you to be his girlfriend, you jumped at the chance to sleep with him. And now, I'm actually offering you food, and you're still hesitating. What do you take me for?"

The more Wang Hao thought about it, the nastier his expression became.

He scoffed coldly and snarled, "I don't need you to be my girlfriend. If you're not willing to have sex with me, then just say so, and I'll leave right now."

Wang Hao couldn't be bothered wasting any more of his time with Xu Xin. He turned around and was about to leave the room.

He felt that Xu Xin was still trying to negotiate with him because she wasn't hungry enough yet. He was going to let her starve for another two days.

"Don't go…"

Xu Xin realized that Wang Hao was about to leave and started getting anxious. She was nearly crying as she quickly grabbed hold of Wang Hao's hand.

"What is it? You're willing to accept me now?" asked Wang Hao.

"Yes, I'm willing to." Xu Xin nodded her head miserably.

"All right then. You can have these."

Wang Hao opened his backpack and took out sausages, canned pork, and a meal-replacement drink. He placed everything on the table.

Xu Xin immediately grabbed the food and started eating.

Wang Hao had also pulled out a box of condoms and placed it on the table. Then he waited patiently.

Since Xu Xin had agreed, she couldn't go back on her word.


"Can we start now?" asked Wang Hao when he saw that Xu Xin was finished eating.

"Okay." Xu Xin blushed a little as she nodded.

Wang Hao grabbed hold of Xu Xin's clothes and pulled them off her.

Xu Xin just closed her eyes.


Half an hour later...

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

Wang Hao could see that Xu Xin had not stopped crying, and he was cursing to himself.

He thought that Xu Xin was sobbing so miserably because she really didn't want to accept his offer.

But, to his surprise, Xu Xin just wiped her tears away and said, "I don't know why it hurts so much. It didn't hurt with Li Dong. I'm even bleeding…"


Wang Hao looked down at himself, and a strange expression spread across his face. Then a really pleased and proud feeling filled his heart.

"F*cking Li Dong. He looked like he was strong and impressive, but he turned out to be small and weak. Ha ha ha!"

Wang Hao was filled with such glee that all the unhappiness he'd experienced when he had been bullied by Li Dong in the past disappeared completely.

His self-esteem used to be quite low around Li Dong, but now he was filled with nothing but self-confidence.

After this, the way Wang Hao looked at Xu Xin changed completely.

He was thinking to himself, "Li Dong, didn't you say I was a worthless piece of trash? Now I finally realize that you were the real piece of trash."

When Wang Hao thought about how Li Dong hadn't actually gotten Xu Xin, but he had, he felt really good inside.

"Li Dong, Li Dong, in what way were you better than me? In terms of capabilities, I'm more powerful than you are. In terms of women, I found one who's prettier than the one you found, and the one you found turned out to be really useless. But it all turned out great for me. Ha ha ha."

The more Wang Hao thought about all this, the happier he felt. He looked at Xu Xin again.

Xu Xin noticed Wang Hao looking at her, and she started to get a little nervous.

She asked him softly, "What do you want? Don't tell me…I'm still really hurting."

"Oh, no, no…don't worry. I'm not a sadist. I just feel so bad for Li Dong," said Wang Hao.

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Xin was puzzled.

"All right now, you can go ahead and have a good rest. This food should be enough to last you two days," said Wang Hao as he started getting dressed.

"What do you mean? Are you leaving already?" Xu Xin's eyes got wide.

"Yeah, I'm going to look for more food," said Wang Hao.

"Then…then how long will you be away?" asked Xu Xin.

"That's hard to say. I might leave for half a day or an even longer period of time. Depends on my luck," replied Wang Hao flippantly.

"Oh, okay." Xu Xin had no idea what Wang Hao experienced out there, so she just believed whatever he said.

"Then…be careful out there."

Xu Xin was worried because if something happened to Wang Hao, she was going to starve again.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Wang Hao then slung his backpack over his back and opened the door to leave.

He'd wanted to go for another round, but he knew he'd have to wait for quite a while until she was feeling better, and he didn't want to wait.

If he'd forced himself on her, he wouldn't have had to wait. But he wanted to slowly play with Xu Xin, so he didn't do that.

Besides, Li Mengyao was the school belle, and her long, slender legs and curvaceous figure made her much prettier than Xu Xin.

And since the school belle was waiting for him in another room, there was no reason why he should continue to stay here anymore.

Xu Xin waited for Wang Hao to leave before removing her pajamas.


She slowly walked toward the bathroom.

And suddenly a question popped up in Xu Xin's mind. "Why is this Wang Hao so different from Li Dong? I didn't feel anything with Li Dong, but it hurts so much with Wang Hao. How strange."