The 10-member Council 2

"Hmm, why isn't everyone else here yet?"

Not from the same era, Killing God Weifeng only glanced at Ai Cangsheng before he averted his gaze. He was too lazy to bully a child!

After he sat down, he casually started a conversation with Yan Wuse.

In any case, he had nothing better to do. To put it bluntly, he was actually itching for a fight.

However, he was still an official. If he had no good reason for starting a fight, it would be very disastrous if he was targeted by the judicial department. At that moment, he could only engage in a war of words.

The old seniors sat together, and the young people sat at another side.

In a short while, the fluctuations of Holy Power came from outside the Great Hall again.

A skinny old man, who held a fishing rod that was more than ten feet long, came in, dressed in casual clothes. He walked into the Great Hall in his straw sandals. There was mud on his sandals, and he cursed as he walked: