The 10-member Council 3

"That would be great. I'm afraid the judicial department will only give us face if Lord Nine Sacrifices is involved."

Dao Qiongcang smiled and put the matter aside for the moment. He returned to the main topic. "Everyone, eight of the Ten-member Council are here. I'm sure you all know why."

"Holy Emperor's Golden Edict?"

One of the three Emperors, Demi-Saint Yan Wuse, had a hint of killing intent in his eyes. He said, "It's that Bazhun'an again. If we need to make a move this time, I can cooperate."

"Are you sure it's not for personal revenge?" Wei Feng, God of Killing sneered.

He knew that Yan Wuse had a disciple with a Light Attribute. He seemed to have died at the hands of the Bazhun'an during a mission.

"I've delayed for too long. That junior has become very arrogant. I need to exercise my muscles and bones." Yan Wuse, God of Killing turned around.