
For this, they even set up a trap in advance.

This was what "greed" meant!

Greedy the little white cat was only a joke!


The space outside the Herb Garden of Divine Farmer shattered, and a large foot stepped out.

Then, the Void Attendant appeared, his red eyes staring in the direction where Hong Dang, who ran for his life with the Holy Miracle Fruit, had fled to.

Boom, boom, boom!

He took big steps.

Another scenario which featured the chase between the giant and the ant had begun!

"As expected."

Lei Xi 'er looked at the Void Attendant walking away and thought to herself that this Giant's only target was the Holy Medicine and the Medicine thief. He didn't care about the others.

She then looked in the direction of the Herb Garden of Divine Farmer.

Until now, there was still no news of the third person inside.