I'll Give It to You 1

In a dilapidated Great Hall in the Ancient City's Construction Zone.

Ye Xiaotian walked out of the Great Hall with a dejected look on his face. A relieved smile appeared on his face as he looked at the light in the outside world that had been missing for some time.

"A maze?"

"What kind of joke is this? Do you really think my Space Attributes are just for show? The maze can trap me?"


Ye Xiaotian still felt a lingering fear at the thought of meeting the super Giant Void Attendant every time he turned a corner while he was trapped in the maze.

On the Lone Cliff, after obtaining Aje, according to the original plan, he should have ended his trip to the YunLun Mountain Range and returned to the Tiansang Spirit Palace to cooperate with Qiao Qianzhi and carry out his experiments.

However, plans could never keep up with changes.